2023 World Series of Poker

Event #7: $1,500 Limit Hold'em
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Anderson’s Trip Aces Grabs Pot

Level 20 : Limits 10,000/20,000, 0 ante

Stephanie Anderson and Kevin Rand found themselves tangled in a hand.

Rand raised in late position, while Anderson, who was in the small blind, called. The big blind folded to bring the flop, where the dealer placed 6A10 on the board.

Anderson checked, leading Rand to bet. Anderson quickly check-called the bet, and the action went to the turn, which produced 2. Anderson checked her option, and Rand once again bet only to see Anderson check-call for a second time.

The river brought A, slowing down the action as both players checked.

“I have an Ace,” said Anderson, who tabled A3 to give her trip Aces.

Rand promptly mucked his hand, prompoting the dealer to push the pot to Anderson.

Player Chips Progress
Stephanie Anderson us
Stephanie Anderson

Tags: Kevin RandStephanie Anderson

Level: 21

Blinds: 6,000-12,000
Limits: 12,000-24,000

Klein Cuts His Losses, Folds Early

Level 21 : Limits 12,000/24,000, 0 ante

In a pot that saw Jesse Sylvia raise in middle position and Bill Klein call from the big blind, the flop came J8K.

Klein, with the first action, opted to fold rather than check or bet. Sylvia asked, "How do I win the pot now?" before jokingly tossing out a bet.

As the table laughed, the dealer told Klein that he can't fold when there is no betting action to him to which Klein, with a wry smile on his face, jokingly said, "Penalize me. I'll lose less chips while I'm gone."

The whole table got a good laugh out of it as Sylvia dragged the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Bill Klein us
Bill Klein
Jesse Sylvia us
Jesse Sylvia

Tags: Bill KleinJesse Sylvia

Rolfe Takes Down McKeehen

Level 21 : Limits 12,000/24,000, 0 ante

Three-time WSOP bracelet winner Joe McKeehen was fighting an uphill battle after the break.

He had the smallest chip stack at his table when the big blind came to him midway through Level 21, and he faced a raise from Byron Rolfe, who was on the button. After the small blind folded, McKeehen called the raise, leading to a flop of 245.

McKeehen immediately made an all-in bet, and Rolfe called.

McKeehen: A2
Rolfe: K5

Rolfe was ahead, and McKeehen needed help to the turn, which produced Q. The dealer then placed a third diamond on the board, giving Rolfe the flush and ending McKeehen’s tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Byron Rolfe ca
Byron Rolfe
Joe McKeehen us
Joe McKeehen
Main Event Champion
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Byron RolfeJoe McKeehen

Min's Kicker Gives Him the Pot

Level 21 : Limits 12,000/24,000, 0 ante

The middle position player raised and saw calls come from the cutoff and then Jason Min in the small blind. The big blind came along as well before a flop of K65 was spread out by the dealer.

Min led with a bet, prompting two folds and then a call from the cutoff before a turn of 9 hit the table. Min bet again and once again received a call from the cutoff leading to the 2 river.

Min decided to check-call a bet from the cutoff player and turned over the KJ to beat the K10 of his opponent and take down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Min us
Jason Min

Tags: Jason Min

Mullaney's Set Takes Out Sylvia

Level 21 : Limits 12,000/24,000, 0 ante

John Mullaney and Jesse Sylvia, two of the shorter stacks at their table, were involved in a swollen pot before the flop just before the dinner break.

The flop brought 510J, opening the door for more chips to enter the fray with betting. The turn produced 6, and Mullaney bet into Sylvia, who took at least two minutes to ponder the situation. Sylvia eventually counted out the rest of his chips, restacked them, and then announced an all-in bet.

Mullaney immediately called and tabled 55, while Sylvia showed AxKx, needing help against Mullaney’s bottom set.

But with 7 on the river, Mullaney secured the hand and sent Sylvia to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
John Mullaney us
John Mullaney
Jesse Sylvia us
Jesse Sylvia

Tags: Jesse SylviaJohn Mullaney

Five Tournaments Fans Don't Want to Miss at the 2023 World Series of Poker

Level 21 : Limits 12,000/24,000, 0 ante
2023 WSOP
2023 WSOP

There are 95 bracelet events — the most in history — on the 2023 World Series of Poker (WSOP) schedule, all of which are important and worth your attention as a fan of the game.

But if you can't catch them all on PokerGO or follow along with all the live reporting updates, there are five tournaments you absolutely cannot miss.

Find out what they are here