2023 World Series of Poker

Event #7: $1,500 Limit Hold'em
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Dana B. Davidson Leads The Remaining 169 Players With Multiple Big Names Still in the Hunt

Nick Shulman
Nick Shulman

There will be 169 players returning for Day 2 of Event #7: $1,500 Limit Hold 'Em, all of whom will have the same goals in mind; build a stack and make the money.

The top 80 finishers will make the money, guaranteeing themselves $2,400. The player leading the charge when play resumes will be Dana B. Davidson who will unbag 208,500 to start the day. Hot on his heels is bracelet winner Mike Leah, starting the day with 200,000, who will undoubtedly be looking to add to his bracelet count.

The field is full of notables still remaining from the starting field of 527 who can challenge the two top stacks, with three-time bracelet winner Nick Schulman (180,5000), five-time bracelet winner Adam Friedman (156,500), and two-time bracelet winner Jim Collopy (85,000) all still in the hunt to add to their trophy shelf. The 2015 WSOP Main Event champion, Joe McKeehen (149,000), will also return for Day 2 action.

1Dana Davidson 208,500 
2Mike Leah200,000
3Nicholas Goedert186,500
4Mack Khan184,500
5Phil Goatz182,500
6Nick Schulman180,500
7Joe Nalbandyan178,500
8Jason Duong175,500
9Aaron Barham170,000
10Omar Mehmood169,500

The schedule calls for play to resume at 1:00 p.m. at Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas with ten 60-minute levels to be played on Day 2 at starting blinds of 2,000-4,000 and 4,000-8,000 limits. Players will get a 60-minute dinner break at the conclusion of level 21, approximately 7:30 local time.

Stay tuned to PokerNews all day as the last 169 players will look bag Day 2, giving themselves a clear shot at the coveted WSOP bracelet.

Tags: Aaron BarhamAdam FriedmanDana DavidsonJason DuongJim CollopyJoe McKeehenJoe NalbandyanMack KhanMike LeahNicholas GoedertNick SchulmanOmar MehmoodParis Las Vegas

Bishow Stays Alive With Double Up Through Zhu

Level 17 : Limits 5,000/10,000, 0 ante
Yueqi Zhu
Yueqi Zhu

Short-stacked to start Day 1, Paul Bishow was looking for an opportunity to double up. He found it from the small blind, and raised $4,000 of his dwindling stack. The double up would be difficult, though, as the big blind was Yueqi Zhu, winner of one WSOP bracelet, 160 WSOP cashes for $3,238,023, and third place in last year's event.

Zhu called, and they took a flop of AQ8. Bishow check raised and Zhu called. When the turn came Q, Bishow bet all in, and Zhu matched the bet.

Bishow 43
Zhu 59

To complete the underdog double up Bishow would need to dodge another club, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he spiked the 2 on the river.

Player Chips Progress
Yueqi Zhu cn
Yueqi Zhu
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Paul Bishow us
Paul Bishow

Tags: Paul BishowYueqi Zhu

Ahmed Mohamed Eliminated in 24th Place ($4,163)

Level 24 : Limits 25,000/50,000, 0 ante
Ahmed Mohamed
Ahmed Mohamed

On a board of A7K7, Ahmed Mohamed got his last remaining chips into the middle against Scott Eskenazi with one card to come.

Ahmed Mohamed: A3
Scott Eskenazi: A7

Mohamed needed an ace to chop the pot but the J river offered no improvement and he was sent to the rail in 24th place for $4,163.

Player Chips Progress
Scott Eskenazi us
Scott Eskenazi
Ahmed Mohamed us
Ahmed Mohamed

Tags: Ahmed MohamedScott Eskenazi

Bill Klein Eliminated in 23rd Place ($4,843)

Level 24 : Limits 25,000/50,000, 0 ante
Bill Klein
Bill Klein

Bill Klein found himself in the unenviable position of being short-stacked in the small blind, with a raise from Alex Torry on the button. Klein fought back, though, putting in the three bet. Torrey fired right back with a fourth stack of chips, Klein moved all in and was called.

Klein AK
Torrey KK

Klein received no assistance from the board, as it ran out J9696. His quest for a first WSOP bracelet came to an end, but he added a 23rd-place finish to his illustrious career. He had some parting words for his tablemates.

"I hope you all get an incurable disease." he said through a broad grin, "And die a slow miserable death."

Player Chips Progress
Alex Torry us
Alex Torry
Bill Klein us
Bill Klein

Tags: Alex TorryBill Klein

Christopher Kostoulas Eliminated in 22nd Place ($4,843)

Level 24 : Limits 25,000/50,000, 0 ante
Christopher Kostoulas
Christopher Kostoulas

Christopher Kostoulas put his last remaining chips in and got called by John Armbrust before turning up their cards and heading to a run out.

Christopher Kostoulas: 22
John Armbrust: QQ

The board ran out 5QK310, eliminating Kostoulas in 22nd place for $4,843.

Player Chips Progress
John Armbrust us
John Armbrust
Christopher Kostoulas us
Christopher Kostoulas

Tags: Christopher KostoulasJohn Armbrust

Mitchell Davis Eliminated in 21st Place ($4,843)

Level 25 : Limits 30,000/60,000, 0 ante
Mitchell Davis
Mitchell Davis

Facing a button raise, Mitchell Davis reraised from the big blind, leaving only one bet behind. Donald Auger called and the table was set for an all-in, which came on a 6J10 flop.

Davis 33
Auger 1010

"I need runner runner," Davis said. But the turn and river provided neither, rolling off 26, and Davis' event had come to an end in 21st place.

Player Chips Progress
Donald Auger us
Donald Auger
Mitchell Davis us
Mitchell Davis

Tags: Donald AugerMitchell Davis

Anthony Le Chuga Eliminated in 20th Place ($4,843)

Level 25 : Limits 30,000/60,000, 0 ante
Anthony Le Chuga
Anthony Le Chuga

Action folded to Matthew Dames in the small blind who raised before Anthony Le Chuga put in a three-bet from the big blind. Dames called to see a flop of 96A.

Dames checked from the small blind before facing a bet from Le Chuga. Dames then raised for the rest of Le Chuga's chips. Le Chuga called, putting his tournament life at risk.

Anthony Le Chuga: AJ
Matthew Dames: AQ

Dames needed help from the turn or river but neither the 6 or the 5 provided any, sending him to the rail in 20th place for $4,843.

Player Chips Progress
Matthew Dames us
Matthew Dames
Anthony Le Chuga us
Anthony Le Chuga

Tags: Anthony Le ChugaMatthew Dames

Alex Torry Eliminated in 19th Place ($4,843)

Level 25 : Limits 30,000/60,000, 0 ante
Alex Torry
Alex Torry

Alex Torry put his tournament life on the line when he went all-in against Matthew Dames.

Torry K9
Dames JJ

The board ran clean for Dames 44Q810 and Torry saw his run end in 19th place.

Player Chips Progress
Matthew Dames us
Matthew Dames
Alex Torry us
Alex Torry

Tags: Alex TorryMatthew Dames

Adam Friedman Eliminated in 18th Place ($4,843)

Level 25 : Limits 30,000/60,000, 0 ante
Adam Friedman
Adam Friedman

Five-time WSOP bracelet winner Adam Friedman raised in early position as a short stack at his table, but Vadim Shlez reraised enough from the button to put Friedman all in.

Friedman called and the players tabled their hands.

Friedman: A6
Shlez: JJ

The runout did not provide Friedman any help to overtake Shlez’s pocket pair. Friedman was sent to the rail in 18th place for $4,483.

Player Chips Progress
Vadim Shlez ua
Vadim Shlez
WSOP 1X Winner
Adam Friedman us
Adam Friedman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: Adam FriedmanVadim Shlez

Jason Duong and David "ODB" Baker All Smiles as Day 2 of the $1,500 Limit Event Concludes

Level 25 : Limits 30,000/60,000, 0 ante
David "ODB" Baker
David "ODB" Baker

Big-name players fell to the wayside on Day 2 of Event #7: $1,500 Limit Hold'em at the 2023 World Series of Poker. However, David "ODB" Baker, winner of two WSOP bracelets including the 2019 World Series of Poker $1,500 Limit Hold'em bracelet, and relative unknown Jason Duong, slowly but inexorably built chip stacks to put them in great shape to make the final table when play resumes on Day 3.

Baker flew under the radar for much of Day 2, but seemed to tip the poker table toward him, causing all his opponents' chips to slide into his stack. One memorable hand of the day involved Baker in a huge pot where he rivered trip fours, besting Lonnie Price's flopped aces.

Day 2 began at 2:00 p.m. local time with 169 returning players. They were playing for a piece of the $703,545 prize pool, paid to the top 80 finishers.

Fellow WSOP bracelet winner, Jason Gola, will join Baker on Day 3, while Day 1 chip leader Raul Celaya maintained a top ten stack. Another compelling story on the day was when Rostyslav Sabishchenko, who recently finished third in the WSOP online Limit Hold'em Championship, embodied the classic poker saying "a chip and a chair," turning one big blind into 27 (1,075,000).

Also moving on to Day 3 is Kerry Welsh, who has cashed in this event three out of four years, Matthew Dames, who has five WSOP limit cashes, and WSOP veterans Scott Eskenazi, John Armbrust, Chairud Vangchailued, and WSOP.com online pro Omar Mehmood.

The field proved extremely competitive with many well-known names cashing, including 2015 WSOP Main Event winner Joe McKeehen and WSOP bracelet winners Nick Schulman, Patrick Leonard, Justin Pechie, Japanese mixed-game specialist Ruiko Mamiya, and Yueqi Zhu, who finished third in this event last year.

Jason Duong
Jason Duong

Day 2 Top Ten Chip Counts

RankPlayerCountryChip CountBig Bets
1Jason DuongCanada1,615,20020
2David "ODB" BakerUnited States1,260,00016
3John MullaneyUnited States1,225,00015
4Kerry WelshUnited States1,185,00015
5Matthew DamesUnited States1,175,00015
6Rostyslav SabishchenkoUkraine1,075,00013
7Raul CelayaUnited States900,00011
8Scott EskenaziUnited States785,00010
9Paul DockalUnited States775,00010
10John ArmbrustUnited States735,0009

The remaining 17 players have locked up at least $4,843, but all eyes will be on the $146,835 top prize and the coveted WSOP bracelet when play resumes. Players will return at 1 p.m. PDT for the finale and play down to the final table, which will be streamed on PokerGO's YouTube channel starting at 5pm.

Stay tuned to PokerNews for all the updates from Day 3 of the $1,500 Limit Hold'em event, when a new WSOP champion will be crowned at the Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas.

Tags: Chairud VangchailuedDonald AugerJason DuongJason GolaJesse KnightJoe McKeehenJohn ArmbrustJohn MullaneyJustin PechieKerry WelshLonnie PriceLonnie Price'sMatthew DamesNick SchulmanOmar MehmoodPatrick LeonardPaul DockalRaul CelayaRostyslav SabishchenkoRuiko MamiyaScott EskenaziVadim ShlezYueqi Zhu