2023 World Series of Poker

Event #7: $1,500 Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Jason Duong Leads with 17 Remaining; David "ODB" Baker Close Behind

Jason Duong
Jason Duong

The third and final day of Event #7: $1,500 Limit Hold 'Em at the 2023 World Series of Poker is set to begin play at 1 p.m. here at Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas.

A prize pool of $703,535 was created by the 527 total players who entered, of whom 17 will return for Day 3. While everyone remaining has already locked up a payout of $4,843, only 16 other players stand between each of them, the bracelet and the first place prize of $146,835.

Jason Duong will start with the biggest stack of 1,615,000, but won't have an easy run at his attempt to come out on top as many notables still remain including two-time bracelet winner David "ODB" Baker (1,260,000), Matthew Dames (1,175,000), and John Armbrust (735,000).

Top Ten Chip Counts

RankPlayerCountryChip CountBig Bets
1Jason DuongCanada1,615,20020
2David "ODB" BakerUnited States1,260,00016
3John MullaneyUnited States1,225,00015
4Kerry WelshUnited States1,185,00015
5Matthew DamesUnited States1,175,00015
6Rostyslav SabishchenkoUkraine1,075,00013
7Raul CelayaUnited States900,00011
8Scott EskenaziUnited States785,00010
9Paul DockalUnited States775,00010
10John ArmbrustUnited States735,0009

Play will resume in Level 26 with 60-minute levels and blinds of 20,000-40,000 with betting limits of 40,000-80,000. Play is set continue until a champion is crowned.

Stay tuned to PokerNews for up-to-date information on this tournament and all other bracelet events throughout the 2023 World Series of Poker!

Tags: David "ODB" BakerJason DuongJohn ArmbrustMatthew Dames

Jesse Knight Eliminated in 17th Place ($4,843)

Level 26 : Limits 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Jesse Knight
Jesse Knight

Action folded to Raul Celaya in the cutoff who raised and Jesse Knight on the button called for the remainder of his chips creating our first all in of the day.

Jesse Knight: Qx10x
Raul Celaya: Qx9x

The board ran out Qx9x6xKx5x giving Celaya two pair and sending Knight to the rail in 17th place for $4,843.

Player Chips Progress
Raul Celaya us
Raul Celaya
Jesse Knight us
Jesse Knight

Tags: Jason DuongJesse Knight

Donald Auger Eliminated in 16th Place ($4,843)

Level 26 : Limits 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Donald Auger
Donald Auger

John Auger raised in late position as a short stack and was called by Rostyslav Sabishchenko in the big blind.

The flop brought 7A3, which saw Sabishchenko check and Auger bet. Sabishchenko called.

Both players checked the 10 on the turn, but K on the river provided action as Auger moved all in with his remaining stack. Sabishchenko quickly called.

Auger tabled QJ for a straight, but Sabishchenko showed J6 for a flush, which sent Auger to the rail for $4,843.

Player Chips Progress
Rostyslav Sabishchenko ua
Rostyslav Sabishchenko
Donald Auger us
Donald Auger

Tags: Donald AugerRostyslav Sabishchenko

Jason Gola Elminated in 15th place ($5,742)

Level 26 : Limits 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Jason Gola
Jason Gola

Jason Gola was eliminated as a short stack in the big blind against Scott Eskenazi, who was on the button.

Jason Gola: 94
Scott Eskenazi: AJ

The chips went in before the flop, and the dealer ran out 728Q3.

Gola was eliminated in 15th place for $5,742.

Player Chips Progress
Scott Eskenazi us
Scott Eskenazi
Jason Gola us
Jason Gola
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Jason GolaScott Eskenazi

Omar Mehmood Eliminated in 14th Place ($5,752)

Level 27 : Limits 50,000/100,000, 0 ante
Omar Mehmood
Omar Mehmood

Omar Mehmood, who was on the button, and Lonnie Price, who was in the big blind, clashed before the flop and the chips went in.

Omar Mehmood: 55
Lonnie Price: 99

In a battle of pocket pairs, the dealer ran out J2JJ5. Both players had full houses, but Price's proved the winner.

Mehmood was sent to rail in 14th place for $5,752.

Player Chips Progress
Lonnie Price us
Lonnie Price
Omar Mehmood us
Omar Mehmood

Tags: Lonnie PriceOmar Mehmood

2023 WSOP Featured Females: Maria Konnikova & Kristen Foxen Make Runs On Week 1

Level 27 : Limits 50,000/100,000, 0 ante
Kristen Foxen Maria Konnikova
Kristen Foxen Maria Konnikova

The 2023 World Series of Poker (WSOP) is in full swing at Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas with several bracelet events underway and plenty of players looking to pick up a bracelet. With these events underway, it's time to look some of the featured female players in the field this week.

High-stakes pro Kristen Foxen finished seventh in Event #6: $5,000 Mixed No-Limit Hold'em/Pot-Limit Omaha for $69,683, while famed writer Maria Konnikova is looking for her first bracelet and the chance to be a millionaire after bagging a big stack in Day 1b of Event #3: $1,000 Mystery Millions.

Read More About This Week's Featured Females!

John Mullaney Eliminated in 13th Place ($6,968)

Level 28 : Limits 60,000/120,000, 0 ante
John Mullaney
John Mullaney

Action folded to David "ODB" Baker in the cutoff who raised before John Mullaney three-bet from the button to put himself all in. Baker called and the two players turned their cards up and headed to a run out.

John Mullaney: KQ
David "ODB" Baker: A3

The flop of 2Q3 looked good for Mullaney but when the turn and river ran out 28, Mullaney was sent to the rail in 13th place for $6,968.

Player Chips Progress
David "ODB" Baker us
David "ODB" Baker
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
John Mullaney us
John Mullaney

Tags: David "ODB" BakerJohn Mullaney

Paul Dockal Eliminated in 12th Place ($6,968)

Level 28 : Limits 60,000/120,000, 0 ante
Paul Dockal
Paul Dockal

David "ODB" Baker raised from the under-the-gun position and action folded around to Paul Dockal who three-bet for the remainder of his chips. Kerry Welsh and Baker called to put Dockal at risk and see a flop of 662.

Baker led out and Welsh tossed in the call, prompting the dealer to put out the 9 on the turn.

Welsh check-called a bet from Baker once again to see the A fall on the river. Welsh and Baker checked through and Kerry turned over the AQ, having rivered top pair.

Baker showed 1010 while Dockal turned over the A7 which wasn't good enough to beat Walsh and with that, Dockal was sent to the rail in 12th place for $6,968.

Player Chips Progress
Kerry Welsh us
Kerry Welsh
David "ODB" Baker us
David "ODB" Baker
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Paul Dockal us
Paul Dockal

Lonnie Price Eliminated in 11th Place ($8,609)

Level 28 : Limits 60,000/120,000, 0 ante
Lonnie Price
Lonnie Price

Lonnie Price’s tournament run came to an end in Level 28.

After action folded to the blinds, Price raised in the small blind against Jason Duong in the big blind, and Duong called.

The flop saw 939 on the board, and Price led out with a bet. Duong raised, and Price called.

The turn produced Q and Price moved all in for his remaining chips. Duong took at least a minute studying the board before making the call.

Price: 88
Duong: AK

Price was momentarily ahead until he saw K on the river, which prompted him to slam his right fist on the table as he was sent to the rail in 11th place ($8,609)

Player Chips Progress
Jason Duong us
Jason Duong
Day 2 Chip Leader
Lonnie Price us
Lonnie Price

Tags: Jason DuongLonnie Price

Baker Doubles Twice in Short Order

Level 29 : Limits 80,000/160,000, 0 ante
David "ODB" Baker
David "ODB" Baker

After the massive four-bet pot against Kerry Welsh, David "ODB" Baker has more than doubled up twice in quick succession.

In one pot, Baker put his chips in before the flop and doubled with the A5 when ran down Broadway on a run out of 6K10JQ versus the KQ of Matthew Dames.

A hand or two later holding 88, he found a triple up on a board of 103598 versus the Matthew Dames and Rostyslav Sabishchenko.

Player Chips Progress
Rostyslav Sabishchenko ua
Rostyslav Sabishchenko
Matthew Dames us
Matthew Dames
David "ODB" Baker us
David "ODB" Baker
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: David "ODB" BakerKerry WelshMatthew DamesRostyslav Sabishchenko