2023 World Series of Poker

Event #61: $1,000 Super Seniors
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
300,000 / 600,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Harding's Aces Hold

Level 11 : Blinds 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante

After an early position open and a few calls, Raymond Harding moved all in for his last 18,500 from the small blind. The action folded around to Erich Gmur on the button, who made the call.

Raymond Harding: AA
Erich Gmur: KJ

Harding was in great shape and maintained his lead after the 5106 flop. The Q turn brough Gmur a straight draw, but Harding dodged it on the 6 river to earn an early double.

Player Chips Progress
Erich Gmur ch
Erich Gmur
Raymond Harding us
Raymond Harding

Tags: Erich GmurRaymond Harding

Daniels Gets the Double

Level 11 : Blinds 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante

The action was heads up after a flop showing QQ2 and Kevin Daniels facing a bet of 10,000.

Daniels moved all-in for 92,000, sending his opponent deep into the tank. The clock was eventually called and the player in middle position made a reluctant call.

Middle Position: KQ
Kevin Daniels: AQ

Daniels had his opponent dominated, dodging the 9 turn and 6 river to earn the knockout after covering his opponent by just a single 500 chip.

Player Chips Progress
Kevin Daniels us
Kevin Daniels

Tags: Kevin Daniels

Cribelli Doubles Through Malboubi

Level 11 : Blinds 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante

After a limp from early position, Rassoul Malboubi in the hijack bet 15,000 and was met with an all in by Anthony Cribelli in the small blind for 30,500. Everyone else got out of the way apart from Malboubi who made the call.

Anthony Cribelli: 88
Rassoul Malboubi: KJ

A fair flip which was won by Cribelli as the double paired board of Q722Q did not connect with Malboubi, giving Cribelli a much needed double up as the field is racing to the bubble.

Player Chips Progress
Rassoul Malboubi us
Rassoul Malboubi
Day 3 Chip Leader
Anthony Cribelli us
Anthony Cribelli

Tags: Anthony CribelliRassoul Malboubi

Level: 12

Blinds: 1,000/2,500

Ante: 2,500

Jenkins Chops with Locascio's Aces

Level 12 : Blinds 1,000/2,500, 2,500 ante

June Jenkins raised to 7,000 from early position before Stuart Locascio three-bet to 20,000. The action folded back around to Jenkins, who four-bet enough to put Locascio all in. The call was made instantly and the hands were tabled.

Stuart Locascio: AA
June Jenkins: AK

Locascio's pocket aces were in front before the Q10K flop delivered Jenkins some additional outs. The 5 turn was a brick, but the J river gave both players a straight to chop the pot.

Player Chips Progress
June Jenkins ca
June Jenkins
Stuart Locascio us
Stuart Locascio

Tags: June JenkinsStuart Locascio

It's Official - Steve Zolotow is "Older Than Dirt;" Mullinax Grabs a Pot

Level 12 : Blinds 1,000/2,500, 2,500 ante
Steve Zolotow
Steve Zolotow

There were four limps: early position, middle position, Robert Mullinax in the hijack, and the small blind. The big blind checked their option.

The flop came Q73.

At this point Steve Zolotow, who was not involved in the hand, said while pointing to his back, "I have the perfect shirt for the Super Seniors!" Emblazoned on the back of his shirt were the immortal words "Older than Dirt."

Back to the action, Mullinax bet 8,000 and was only called by the big blind. The 9 came on the turn and Mullinax bet 12,000, which was called by the big blind.

The A completed the board and Mullinax bet 12,000 again. The big blind went into the tank and eventually found the call. Mullinax turned over QJ for the backdoor flush, which frustrated the big blind as they revealed A9 for a missed flush draw but made two pair.

Player Chips Progress
Robert Mullinax us
Robert Mullinax
Steve Zolotow us
Steve Zolotow
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Robert MullinaxSteve Zolotow

Westfield Takes Out One

Level 12 : Blinds 1,000/2,500, 2,500 ante

John Westfield's opponent was already standing and ready to hit the rail as the board was being dealt and the chips in the middle.

Middle Position: 1010
John Westfield: AA

Westfield's pocket aces were never in danger on the 32692 runout, adding his opponent's chips to his stack.

Player Chips Progress
John Westfield us
John Westfield

Tags: John Westfield

Baxter Bets into Quads

Level 12 : Blinds 1,000/2,500, 2,500 ante
Billy Baxter
Billy Baxter

Billy Baxter opened from middle position and was called by Curtis Sibert to see the 8AA flop.

Sibert called Baxter's continuation bet to the 9 turn, where both players checked.

The 10 river saw Baxter slide his remaining stack into the middle, producing an instant call from Sibert.

Billy Baxter: K10
Curtis Sibert: AA

Baxter's two pair were no match for Sibert's quad aces, ending Baxter's Super Seniors run midway through Level 12.

Player Chips Progress
Curtis Sibert us
Curtis Sibert
Billy Baxter us
Billy Baxter
WSOP 7X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Billy BaxterCurtis Sibert

Shadley's Set Over Set Takes Huge Pot

Level 12 : Blinds 1,000/2,500, 2,500 ante

The middle position player moved all in for 52,500. Action folded to Jake Shadley in the small blind who went deep into the tank.

Shadley started to interrogate his opponent on the strength of their hand, but they stayed perfectly still under the questioning. Shadley eventually made the call.

Middle position: 1010
Jake Shadley: JJ

Shadley dominated his opponent, but the flop of 1083 gave middle position the lead with a set. The Q gave Shadley additional gutshot outs, but the J on the river gave Shadley a better set and a massive pot. The middle position player exited just shy of the money.

Player Chips Progress
Jake Shadley us
Jake Shadley

Tags: Jake Shadley