2023 World Series of Poker

Event #59: $3,000 No-Limit Hold'em Freezeout
Day: 3
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
500,000 / 1,000,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Frederic Normand Eliminated in 11th Place ($44,823)

Level 31 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Frederic Normand
Frederic Normand

Julien Sitbon raised under the gun to 500,000. Frederic Normand on the button three-bet jammed for 3,800,000 and Sitbon went into the tank.

Sitbon thought for nearly three minutes on the decision, apologising to Normand that his decision might feel like a slow roll. Sitbon called.

Frederic Normand: A2
Julien SItbon: AQ

The board ran out 789KA. Sitbon took down this pot and Normand's deep run came to an end.

Player Chips Progress
Julien Sitbon fr
Julien Sitbon
WSOP 1X Winner
Frederic Normand ca
Frederic Normand

Tags: Frederic NormandJulien Sitbon

Phachara Wongwichit Eliminated in 12th Place ($35,681)

Level 31 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Phachara Wongwichit
Phachara Wongwichit

Phachara Wongwichit declared all in preflop and was called by Barak Wisbrod, who covered.

Phachara Wongwichit: QQ
Barak Wisbrod: AQ

Wongwichit was the favorite when the chips went in but a cruel flop of A5A left him drawing dead. The board ran out 5Q and he was sent to the payout desk.

It was the biggest pot of the tournament so far, catapulting Wisbrod into the chip lead.

Player Chips Progress
Barak Wisbrod il
Barak Wisbrod
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Phachara Wongwichit th
Phachara Wongwichit

Tags: Barak WisbrodPhachara Wongwichit

Brock Wilson Eliminated in 13th Place ($35,681)

Level 30 : 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Brock Wilson
Brock Wilson

James Mendoza raised to 450,000 in late position, Brock Wilson committed his stack of around one million from the blinds and Mendoza quickly called.

Brock Wilson: A3
James Mendoza: 1010

The board ran out AJ643 for Mendoza to hit a pair and send Wilson to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
James Mendoza ph
James Mendoza
Brock Wilson us
Brock Wilson
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Brock WilsonJames Mendoza

Xuming Qi Eliminated in 14th Place ($28,739)

Level 29 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Xuming Qi
Xuming Qi

Xuming Qi went all in preflop from under the gun and was called by Robert Burlacu on the button, who covered.

Xuming Qi: QJ
Robert Burlacu: 88

The board ran out 64453 and Burlacu's eights held, sending Qi to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Robert Burlacu ro
Robert Burlacu
Xuming Qi cn
Xuming Qi

Tags: Robert BurlacuXuming Qi

Kenny Smith Eliminated in 15th Place ($28,739)

Level 29 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Kenny Smith
Kenny Smith

Kenny Smith raised under the gun to 325,000 and Robert Schulz in the small blind three-bet to 1,040,000. Smith responded with a four-bet jam and Schulz snap-called.

Kenny Smith: A9
Robert Schulz: AA

The board ran out 3J752 and Smith was eliminated in 15th place.

Player Chips Progress
Robert Schulz de
Robert Schulz
WSOP 1X Winner
Kenny Smith us
Kenny Smith

Tags: Kenny SmithRobert Schulz

Nicholas Verderamo Eliminated in 16th Place ($28,739)

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Nicholas Verderamo
Nicholas Verderamo

Nicholas Verderamo got all in on the flop and was called by Barak Wisbrod.

Nicholas Verderamo: K6
Barak Wisbrod: K10

The board ran out 577310 and Wisbrod improved to a pair of tens to take the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Barak Wisbrod il
Barak Wisbrod
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Nicholas Verderamo us
Nicholas Verderamo

Tags: Barak WisbrodNicholas Verderamo

Viliyan Petleshkov Eliminated in 17th Place ($28,739)

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Viliyan Petleshkov
Viliyan Petleshkov

Viliyan Petleshkov went all in preflop and was called by Barak Wisbrod, who covered.

Viliyan Petleshkov: AJ
Barak Wisbrod: KK

The board fell 89697 and Petleshkov headed to the payout desk.

Player Chips Progress
Barak Wisbrod il
Barak Wisbrod
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Viliyan Petleshkov bg
Viliyan Petleshkov

Tags: Barak WisbrodViliyan Petleshkov

Gianluca Speranza Eliminated in 18th Place ($23,423)

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Gianluca Speranza
Gianluca Speranza

Gianluca Speranza raised from the button and Robert Schulz in the big blind defended.

On a flop of J25, Schulz check-raised a continuation bet of 200,000 from Speranza to 550,000. Speranza called.

The turn came the 8 and Schulz shoved all in. Speranza called.

Gianluca Speranza: J10
Robert Schulz: QJ

The river came the 4. No help for Speranza and he was sent to the rail.

The players are now undergoing a two table redraw.

Player Chips Progress
Robert Schulz de
Robert Schulz
WSOP 1X Winner
Gianluca Speranza it
Gianluca Speranza

Tags: Gianluca SperanzaRobert Schulz

Ilija Savevski Eliminated in 19th Place ($23,423)

Level 28 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Ilija Savevski
Ilija Savevski

Ilija Savevski completed from the small blind. Brock Wilson in the big blind, raised to 420,000. Savevski announced all in and Wilson called instantly.

Ilija Savevski: AQ
Brock Wilson; JJ

The Board ran out K10229 giving the hand to Wilson. The stacks were very closely matched but after a careful count, Wilson just covered Savevski, busting him out of the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Brock Wilson us
Brock Wilson
$25K Fantasy
Ilija Savevski mk
Ilija Savevski
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Brock WilsonIlija Savevski

Day 3 of Event #59: $3,000 No-Limit Hold'em Freezeout Begins at Noon

Dario Sammartino
Dario Sammartino

Event #59: $3,000 No-Limit Hold'em Freezeout at the Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas 2023 World Series of Poker will play to its conclusion today as we crown a winner.

After a field size of 1,598 amassed on Day 1, this number was whittled down to just 240 players for the start of play on Day 2. Through an additional ten levels of play, only 19 players remain in the running for the bracelet.

As the final stage commences on Day 3, the remaining competitors will battle it out until just one remains to take home the top prize of $675,275.

Of those, Barak Wisbrod solidified his place as chip leader bagging 6,400,000 for the restart today, nearly 1,000,000 more than his closest competitor Ilija Savevski with 5,435,000. After finishing third in the $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Secret Bounty event, Wisbrod has his eyes on his second WSOP final table of this year's series.

Start of Day 3 Top Ten Chip Counts

RankPlayerCountryChip CountBig Blinds
1Barak WisbrodIsrael6,400,00053
2Ilija SavevskiMacedonia5,435,00045
3Kenny SmithUnited States5,170,00043
4Robert BurlacuUnited Kingdom5,140,00043
5Frederic NormandCanada5,060,00042
6Jesse LonisUnited States4,450,00037
7Robert SchulzAustria4,080,00034
8Shon AroetiIsrael3,465,00029
9Xuming QiChina3,245,00027
10Julien SitbonFrance3,215,00027

In addition, both Wisbrod and Savevski are in search of a second WSOP bracelet to add to their resumes. For all 17 other remaining competitors, this would be the first world series win of their careers.

Dario Sammartino finished second in the 2019 $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em WSOP Main Event falling just short of bracelet glory. Will he be able to turn his 2,575,000 chips into a win by the end of play today?

Day 3 will take place on the Wednesday, June 28th at 12 p.m. local time in the Horseshoe event center Gold section as we play down to a winner through 60-minute levels. Alongside breaks of 15 minutes every two levels, today's structure will also include a dinner break of which the time and length is to be determined.

Stay locked in to PokerNews for all the updates on this event and everything else that happens at the 2023 World Series of Poker.

Tags: Barak WisbrodDario SammartinoFrederic NormandIlija SavevskiJesse LonisJulien SitbonKenny SmithRobert BurlacuRobert SchulzShon AroetiXuming Qi