2023 World Series of Poker

Event #58: $3,000 Limit Hold'em (6-Handed)
Day: 3
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Jason Daly Steamrolls Final Table to Win First WSOP Bracelet in Event #58: $3,000 Limit Hold'em (6-Handed)

Level 26 : Limits 80,000/160,000, 0 ante
Jason Daly
Jason Daly

The final day of Event #58: $3,000 Limit Hold'em (6-Handed) has concluded at the 2023 World Series of Poker at Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas. Jason Daly has emerged victorious after a dominant final table performance to take home $165,250 and his first gold bracelet.

The event attracted 263 total entrants, up from last year's attendance of 213, to generate a total prize pool of $702,210. Only 17 of those initial entrants found a bag for Day 3 to battle it out for the top prize.

Final Table Results

1stJason DalyUnited States$165,250
2ndBrent MutterUnited States$102,132
3rdNick PupilloUnited States$72,681
4thFreddy SageerUnited States$52,056
5thDaniel YoungUnited States$37,526
6thMavrick YooUnited States$27,228

Winner's Reaction

Jason Daly
Jason Daly

"It means a lot," Daly said when asked what this win meant to him. "On the grind, I moved out to Vegas when I was 21, and that didn't work out. I'm 41 now, so I've come full circle. It's the first limit hold'em tournament I've ever played, so it's pretty cool. It's a bucket list item, and I'm just kind of speechless right now."

Daly, who started playing poker online in college during the Moneymaker era, mentioned that he's never experienced a final table run quite as dominant as he was today.

"This is my third World Series final table. I had a huge chip lead like this last year and blew it, so I was focused, and I was doing everything I could not to screw this one up".

Daly, who has several WSOP cashes across different mixed games such as Triple Draw and H.O.R.S.E., credited his success to his ability to adapt to other opponents' strategies and use them to his advantage.

"I think with the mixed games, I learn quickly, and I kind of use people's strategies against them. Coming from Texas, you don't get to play a lot of mix, so when I'm out here, it's the only time I get to play them. I just kind of watch good players, see what they're doing, try to emulate it, and use it against them a little bit. But I've fared pretty well in mixed games".

Final Day Recap

The final day started with 17 players, and that number was quickly reduced to the unofficial final table of seven. Early exits to start the day included Joe McKeehen, Daniel Idema, Matt Szymaszek, Dan Shak, Alex Torry, Daniel Maczuga, Michael Senter, Robert Como, Tom Koral and David Bach.

Jeffrey Lo was next to be eliminated when he got his last chips in preflop with a short-stack holding ace-five and failed to catch up to Mavrick Yoo's ace-king. Lo's elimination marked the start of the official final table.

Six-handed play lasted for about 30 minutes before Yoo became the first official final table casualty. He was left short-stacked after folding a big pot to Freddy Sageer and got the last of his chips in against Daniel Young, who turned a pair of jacks against Yoo's flopped pair eights to knock him out of the tournament.

Five-handed play went on for nearly two hours, and it was during this time that Daly started to separate himself from the rest of the pack, particularly after winning a colossal pot against Nick Pupillo with the nut-flush versus Pupillo's king-high flush.

Eventually Daniel Young, who started the final table with a slight chip lead over Daly, found himself short-stacked during five-handed play after losing a few pivotal hands against Sageer and Daly. He bowed out in fifth after getting the last of his chips in against Sageer, who had flopped a pair of queens to secure the knockout.

Four-handed play saw Daly extend his lead over the rest of the field significantly, holding more than eighty percent of the chips in play for nearly the entire time. Freddy Sageer was the next to fall to Daly from this point, getting the last of his chips in against Daly preflop and failing to catch up when Daly flopped a pair of tens.

Nick Pupillo
Nick Pupillo

Three-handed play was a brief affair, with Daly beginning with just under ten million chips while his two opponents had less than one million each. Nick Pupillo got his final few chips in good against Daly preflop, holding a queen versus Daly's low unsuited connectors. Daly would spike a pair of fives on the turn to pull ahead and eliminate Pupillo in third, setting up heads-up play.

Brent Mutter had done an excellent job throughout the day, picking his spots and laddering up. His time in the tournament finally ran out when he flopped a set of twos against Daly's combo draw. Daly would end up rivering a straight flush to end Mutter's tournament run and take home his first gold bracelet in spectacular fashion.

This concludes the PokerNews coverage for this event, but there is still plenty more action to come at the 2023 World Series of Poker at Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas, so be sure to stay tuned for all the live updates from each and every bracelet event.

Tags: Alex TorryBrent MutterDan ShakDaniel IdemaDaniel MaczugaDaniel YoungDavid BachFreddy SageerJason DalyJeffrey LoJoe McKeehenMatt SzymaszekMavrick YooMichael SenterNick PupilloRobert ComoTom Koral

Brent Mutter Eliminated in 2nd Place ($102,132)

Level 26 : Limits 80,000/160,000, 0 ante
Brent Mutter
Brent Mutter

Brent Mutter raised it up on the button and Jason Daly defended from the big blind. The flop came 742 and Daly started with a check. Mutter continued with a bet and Daly check-raised. Mutter three-bet and Daly four-bet, which led to Mutter putting his last 280,000 chips in the middle.

Brent Mutter: 22
Jason Daly: 53

Both players had their hands on their heads after looking at the flop. Mutter flopped a set of deuces but Daly was drawing live with a straight flush draw. The 9 on the turn changed nothing but it was the 6 on the river that gave Daly a straight flush. Mutter was eliminated in second place after a dominating performance from Daly.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Daly us
Jason Daly
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Brent Mutter us
Brent Mutter

Tags: Jason DalyBrent Mutter

Nick Pupillo Eliminated in 3rd Place ($72,681)

Level 26 : Limits 80,000/160,000, 0 ante
Nick Pupillo
Nick Pupillo

Nick Pupillo got the last of his chips in preflop against Jason Daly.

Nick Pupillo: Q3
Jason Daly: 65

Pupillo was ahead with his queen but Daly had two live cards. He hit one of them when the board ran out 29954 to send Pupillo to the rail and start heads-up play.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Daly us
Jason Daly
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Brent Mutter us
Brent Mutter
Nick Pupillo us
Nick Pupillo
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Jason DalyNick Pupillo

Freddy Sageer Eliminated in 4th Place ($52,056)

Level 26 : Limits 80,000/160,000, 0 ante
Freddy Sageer
Freddy Sageer

Jason Daly raised it up on the button and Freddy Sageer reraised from the big blind. Daly stuck in a four-bet and Sageer called off his stack of 280,000.

Freddy Sageer: 74
Jason Daly: 104

Daly was in a dominating position and the flop of Q108 put him even further ahead with a pair of tens. The Q on the turn sealed the deal as Sageer was left drawing dead to the 2 on the river.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Daly us
Jason Daly
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Freddy Sageer us
Freddy Sageer

Tags: Jason DalyFreddy Sageer

Daniel Young Eliminated in 5th Place ($37,526)

Level 26 : Limits 80,000/160,000, 0 ante
Daniel Young
Daniel Young

Freddy Sageer bet from the small blind and Daniel Young defended his big blind.

The flop came 26Q. Sageer bet, Young raised all in for slightly more and Sageer made the call.

Daniel Young: J9
Freddy Sageer: Q9

Young was in bad shape, needing to hit running cards to survive. The 3 turn left him drawing dead to the 10 river and he was sent to the rail as Sageer collected his chips.

Player Chips Progress
Freddy Sageer us
Freddy Sageer
Daniel Young
Daniel Young

Tags: Daniel YoungFreddy Sageer

Mavrick Yoo Eliminated in 6th Place ($27,228)

Level 24 : Limits 50,000/100,000, 0 ante
Mavrick Yoo
Mavrick Yoo

Mavrick Yoo raised it up from the cutoff and Freddy Sageer defended from the big blind. The flop came 854 and Sageer check-called a bet from Yoo.

The turn brought the 9 and Sageer checked again. Yoo tossed in a bet and Sageer check-raised this time. Yoo called and the Q completed the board. Sageer led out with a bet and Yoo folded, leaving himself with just 225,000 chips.

A couple of hands later, Daniel Young raised on the button and Yoo stuck in the last of his 75,000 chips from the big blind.

Mavrick Yoo: 87
Daniel Young: AJ

The flop fell 762 and Yoo picked up a pair of sevens to take the lead. However, the J on the turn reversed the roles as Young picked up top pair. The Q hit the river and Yoo was unable to improve, bowing out in sixth place.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Young
Daniel Young
Freddy Sageer us
Freddy Sageer
Mavrick Yoo us
Mavrick Yoo

Tags: Mavrick YooFreddy SageerDaniel Young

Pupillo Doubles Through Sageer

Level 24 : Limits 50,000/100,000, 0 ante
Nick Pupillo
Nick Pupillo

Jason Daly raised from the hijack and was called by Freddy Sageer on the button and Nick Pupillo in the big blind. The flop came 988 and Daly continued with a bet. Sageer called and Pupillo check-raised which both Daly and Sageer called.

The turn was the Q and Pupillo led out with a bet. Daly folded but Sageer opted to raise. Pupillo three-bet and Sageer raised one more time, allowing Pupillo to flick in his last 25,000 chips.

Nick Pupillo: 98
Freddy Sageer: J10

Pupillo flopped a full house which left Sageer's straight drawing slim. He did have a single out to the straight flush but the 5 on the river was not going to cut it.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Daly us
Jason Daly
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Freddy Sageer us
Freddy Sageer
Nick Pupillo us
Nick Pupillo
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Freddy SageerJason DalyNick Pupillo

Jeffrey Lo Eliminated in 7th Place ($19,886)

Level 23 : Limits 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Jeffrey Lo
Jeffrey Lo

Despite getting a double-up in the first hand at the final table, Jeffrey Lo was still the short stack with just a few big bets. Lo raised it up on the button and Mavrick Yoo three-bet from the small blind. Lo four-bet and Yoo five-bet to get all of the chips in the middle.

Jeffrey Lo: Ax5x
Mavrick Yoo: AK

Yoo was in a dominating position and the flop of 964 left it that way. The 7 on the turn gave Lo a straight draw but the J on the river did not connect, sending him home in seventh place.

Player Chips Progress
Mavrick Yoo us
Mavrick Yoo
Jeffrey Lo hk
Jeffrey Lo

Tags: Jeffrey LoMavrick Yoo

David Bach Eliminated in 8th Place ($14,619)

Level 23 : Limits 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
David Bach
David Bach

David Bach bet and Mavrick Yoo raised it to two bets, receiving calls from Daniel Young and Bach.

The flop came K107. Young checked, Bach checked and Yoo bet. Bach raised it to two bets and Yoo made it three, putting Bach all in. Bach made the call and was at risk.

David Bach: J9
Mavrick Yoo: A9

Bach was in rough shape against Yoo who had a better nine and the nut flush draw. Bach failed to improve on the 4Q runout and was eliminated from the tournament, setting the stage for the unofficial seven-person final table.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Young
Daniel Young
Mavrick Yoo us
Mavrick Yoo
David Bach us
David Bach
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: David BachDaniel YoungMavrick Yoo

Tom Koral Eliminated in 9th Place ($14,619)

Level 23 : Limits 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Tom Koral
Tom Koral

Freddy Sageer bet from the button and was called by Tom Koral in the small blind.

The flop came 59Q. Koral bet and was called by Sageer.

On the Q turn Koral fired another bet and Sageer raised it to two bets, enough to put Koral all in. Koral made the call and was at risk.

Tom Koral: A10
Freddy Sageer: Q5

Koral was drawing dead on the turn with ace-high versus Sageer's full house. The river improved neither player and Koral was sent to the rail just shy of the final table.

Player Chips Progress
Freddy Sageer us
Freddy Sageer
Tom Koral us
Tom Koral
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Freddy SageerTom Koral