2023 World Series of Poker

Event #55: $1,500 Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo 8 or Better
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
300,000 / 600,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Level: 22

Ante - 3,000
Bring in - 5,000
Limits - 15,000-30,000

Chance Chips up

Level 22 : Limits 15,000/30,000, 3,000 ante

Kevin Chance: XxXx/5A3
Scott Numoto: XxXx/4J - folded on fourth street
Kenneth Keating: XxXx/289 - folded on fifth street

Kenneth Keating was the bring-in and action folded around to Kevin Chance, who completed. Scott Numoto called and Keating called as well.

Chance continued for a bet on fourth street and only Keating called. Fifth street gave Chance three cards to a wheel and he bet again, which got a fold from Keating.

Player Chips Progress
Scott Numoto us
Scott Numoto
Kevin Chance us
Kevin Chance
Kenneth Keating us
Kenneth Keating

Tags: Kenneth KeatingKevin ChanceScott Numoto

George Stays Alive with Trips on Seventh Street

Level 22 : Limits 15,000/30,000, 3,000 ante

Chris George: A6/K67J/6
Joseph Weinberger: 43/79Q3/Q

Chris George completed from a short stack and Joseph Weinberger raised it to two bets. George raised all in for just a little more and Weinberger made the call.

By sixth street neither player had a low and George was ahead with a higher pair. Weinberger peeled first and got a Queen on seventh to pull ahead with two pair.

George needed an ace, king or six to avoid elimination. He got exactly what he needed with the 6 on seventh to secure a much needed double up with trip sixes.

Player Chips Progress
Joseph Weinberger us
Joseph Weinberger
Chris George (NY) us
Chris George (NY)

Tags: Chris GeorgeJoseph Weinberger

Poker Hall of Famer Billy Baxter Eyes Up First Bracelet in 21 Years

Level 22 : Limits 15,000/30,000, 3,000 ante
Billy Baxter
Billy Baxter

Poker Hall of Famer and seven-time bracelet winner Billy Baxter is on the verge of closing in on his first WSOP bracelet in 21 years after making it to the final table of the $1,000 Seniors Event at the 2023 World Series of Poker.

Baxter, who sits in third place going into the final day, has had a career that has spanned six decades and has seen him earn $2,739,628 in live tournaments alone. And he's already locked up another $122,130 for making it to the final seven. If he manages to make it to at least fourth place, he will secure his biggest-ever tournament cash. Just another remarkable achievement for one of the legends of the game.

Read the full article

Hicks Doubles Through Rodawig

Level 22 : Limits 15,000/30,000, 3,000 ante

Eric Rodawig: A5/25J3/K
Kai Hicks: 26/A6102/9
Michael Estes: XxXx/3Q - folded on fourth street

Eric Rodawig completed and Kai Hicks raised. Michael Estes called and Rodawig called as well.

Hicks bet on fourth street and only Rodawig called.

On fifth street, Hicks bet again and Rodawig raised to put Hicks all in. Hicks called to put himself at risk.

Hicks board left him best with two pair and he doubled through Estes.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Estes us
Michael Estes
Eric Rodawig us
Eric Rodawig
Day 1 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Kai Hicks us
Kai Hicks

Tags: Eric RodawigKai HicksMichael Estes

Cheung Doubles Through Weinberger

Level 22 : Limits 15,000/30,000, 3,000 ante

James Cheung: 83/3728/8
Joseph Weinberger: AQ/82Q2/J

Joseph Weinberger completed with an eight and James Cheung called from the bring in.

Cheung bet fourth street and was called by his opponent.

On fifth street Weinberger bet, Cheung raised all in for slightly more and Weinberger made the call.

Cheung was drawing thin on seventh with an inferior two pair, but he got exactly what he needed when hit an eight for a full house to scoop the pot against Weinberger's two pair, queens and twos.

Player Chips Progress
Joseph Weinberger us
Joseph Weinberger
James Cheung gb
James Cheung
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Joseph WeinbergerQibang Cheung

Yannuzzi Scoops; Busts Dirksen

Level 22 : Limits 15,000/30,000, 3,000 ante

Dustin Dirksen: 553/2104Q
Frederic Moss: XxXx/AQ87/Xx
Patricia Yannuzzi: 992/9105A

Patricia Yannuzzi bet on fourth and both Dustin Dirksen and Frederic Moss called.

Yannuzzi bet again on fifth and Dirksen raised. Moss called cold and Yannuzzi called as well.

On sixth street, Yannuzzi bet once more and Dirksen called all in. Moss also called.

Action checked down on seventh and Yannuzzi showed she held 992 for a rolled-up set of nines. It was best, and Dirksen was eliminated late in the evening.

Player Chips Progress
Patricia Yannuzzi us
Patricia Yannuzzi
Frederic Moss ca
Frederic Moss
Dustin Dirksen us
Dustin Dirksen
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Dustin DirksenFrederic MossPatricia Yannuzzi

Level: 23

Ante - 5,000
Bring in - 5,000
Limits - 20,000-40,000