2023 World Series of Poker

Event #53: $1,500 Millionaire Maker
Day: 1b
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,000,000 / 2,000,000
Players Info - Day 1b
Players Left

Easy Pot for Kisliuk

Level 1 : Blinds 100/100, 100 ante

A player opened to 300 in early position and it was called by another player before Bo Kisliuk three-bet to 1,100 in the cutoff. Both his opponents called.

The flop revealed 6610 and it checked to Kisliuk who continued for 1,500. It was enough to win the pot without more resistance.

Player Chips Progress
Bo Kisliuk us
Bo Kisliuk

Tags: Bo Kisliuk

"I Have To Believe You Again"

Level 1 : Blinds 100/100, 100 ante

A player on the button opened to 300 and was called by Barry Greenstein in the small blind and Nathanael Kogel in the big blind.

On the Q87 flop, Greenstein bet 500. The button called before his turn but added chips in the pot anyway, paying Kogel's raise to 2,000. Greenstein folded at this point.

The 9 came on the turn and the button bet 2,000. In response, Kogel check-raised all in for 26,500.

"I have to believe you again," said his opponent, who folded his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Nathanael Kogel us
Nathanael Kogel
Barry Greenstein us
Barry Greenstein
WSOP 3X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Barry GreensteinNathanael Kogel

Mall Shows No Fear to Take the Pot

Level 1 : Blinds 100/100, 100 ante

Goonjan Mall bet for 300 and the player directly behind raised to 800. Three players called as they headed to a flop.

The flop came 557 and the first two players quickly checked. The early position player led out for 800 and was three bet to 3,000 by Mall. One player called to the turn.

As the 10 peeled off on the turn, the small blind made a quick check to Mall. He fired for 7,500 to take down the pot and gain an early advantage.

Player Chips Progress
Goonjan Mall in
Goonjan Mall

Tags: Goonjan Mall

Ovind Cracks Aces to Double Up

Level 1 : Blinds 100/100, 100 ante

The cards were already tabled, Blake Ovind being at risk for his remaining stack worth around 9,000, and holding J9, while his opponent held AA.

Ovind was in terrible shape to win the hand, but the board of 10J396 gave him two pair and the much-needed double up.

Player Chips Progress
Blake Ovind us
Blake Ovind

Tags: Blake Ovind

Nakagawa Three Barrels

Level 1 : Blinds 100/100, 100 ante

A player opened to 300 and Elisa Nakagawa three-bet to 900 in the hijack. The button and the initial player called to see a flop 10JQ. It checked to Nakagawa who continued for 1,300 and this time only the button called.

On the 3 turn, Nakagawa bet 1,000 and her opponent quickly called. The 8 hit the river and Nakagawa sent a last bet for 2,000. After a minute, her opponent eventually folded.

Player Chips Progress
Elisa Nakagawa us
Elisa Nakagawa

Tags: Elisa Nakagawa

Level: 2

Blinds: 100/200

Ante: 200

Nguyen Bombs the Turn to Take it Down

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Action was caught after the turn of K9A4, as William Nguyen checked from the middle position. His opponent bet for 1,400 from the cutoff, and Nguyen raised to 3,500. His opponent made the call.

The river came the 4 and Nguyen fired for 9,500. His opponent made the fold as he scooped the pot.

Player Chips Progress
William Nguyen us
William Nguyen

Tags: William Nguyen

Cardoso Takes it on the Turn

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

In a three-way raised pot, the flop showed 2J4 when the small blind checked and the big blind bet 1,600. Ramiro Cardoso raised it to 3,400 and only the big blind called.

The turn fell the 8 and this time the big blind check-folded after Cardoso bet 6,000.

Player Chips Progress
Ramiro Cardoso br
Ramiro Cardoso

Tags: Ramiro Cardoso

Last Breath For Tsunamy Before Drowning

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Javier Tsunamy
Javier Tsunamy

At the beginning of Level 2, Javier Tsunamy was already down to 3,800 chips. "I didn't reach any dinner break since I've been here," he said, even though he was in the money in the $800 No-Limit Hold'em Deepstack WSOP event.

With his small stack, he opened to 600 from middle position and was called by the button and the big blind.

On 810K, the first two players to act checked, allowing the button to bet 600. The big blind folded, but Tsunamy raised all in. His opponent folded, giving the pot to Tsunamy.

However, the chips he collected were not enough to keep Tsunamy in the tournament, as he was seen leaving the area a few minutes later to reentry.

Player Chips Progress
Javier Tsunamy es
Javier Tsunamy

Tags: Javier Tsunamy