2023 World Series of Poker

Event #51: $1,000 Tag Team
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Team Kropmanns Eliminates Team Jo

Level 20 : Blinds 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante

In a hand relayed to PokerNews by A.C.R Team Pro, Jeffrey Sluzinski, Ramon Kropmanns raised to 35,000 from middle position and Jeffrey Sluzinski moved all in for 174,000 from the button, with Kropmanns making the call.

Jeffrey Sluzinski: KxQx
Ramon Kropmanns: KxJx

Sluzinski was in great shape heading into the 10x9x2x flop and would remain there, as both players blocked each other's straight outs, but the poker gods didn't see it that way as the Qx on the turn moved Kropmanns way ahead in the hand with a king-high straight and the 3x on the river solidified the win and sent Team Jo to the payout desk in 35th place.

Player Chips Progress
Ramon Kropmanns - Jessica Serial br
Ramon Kropmanns - Jessica Serial
Hana Jo - Jeffrey Sluzinski
Hana Jo - Jeffrey Sluzinski

Tags: Jeffrey SluzinskiRamon Kropmanns

Team Moscati Versus Team Lyu

Level 20 : Blinds 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante

Xingbiao Zhu of Team Lyu raised to 25,000 in the hijack position and Tanner Bibat of Team Moscati three-bet all in for about 155,000. Zhu called.

Tanner Bibat: KJ
Xingbiao Zhu: JQ

The board came out 87342 and the king high for the two time bracelet winner Bibat was good.

Player Chips Progress
Junqiang Lyu - Xingbiao Zhu cn
Junqiang Lyu - Xingbiao Zhu
Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat us
Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat

Tags: Tanner BibatXingbiao Zhu

Team Perelman Wins A Big One

Level 20 : Blinds 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante

A member of Team Silva opened in early position and Robert Perelman of Team Perelman called on the next seat as well as Jean-Paul Pasqualini of Team Palvini in middle position.

On the flop 28Q, Pasqualini took the lead with a 81,000 bet. The open raiser called and Perelman raised to 300,000 with only a few chips behind.

Pasqualini folded and the opene raiser went deep in the tank before calling.

On the turn 3, the rest of the chips went in the middle and hands were revealed.

Robert Perelman: KK
Opponent: QJ

The river came 2 and Team Perelman took a nice pot.

Player Chips Progress
Robert Perelman - Joseph Cheong us
Robert Perelman - Joseph Cheong
Jeremy Palvini - Jean-Paul Pasqualini fr
Jeremy Palvini - Jean-Paul Pasqualini
Miguel Silva - Raphael Poss pt
Miguel Silva - Raphael Poss

Tags: Jean-Paul PasqualiniRobert Perelman

Last Break Of The Day

Level 20 : Blinds 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante

The last 34 teams are now on a 15-minute break as the staff is chip racing the 1,000 chips.

Players will return for the last two levels of the day, starting by Level 21, with blinds 10,000/20,000 and an 20,000 big blind ante.

Level: 21

Blinds: 10,000/20,000

Ante: 20,000

Team Sharma Joins The Rail

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Amit Sharma
Amit Sharma

Amit Sharma of Team Sharma was at risk for his last 360,000 chips and got a call by Michael Savakinas of Team Savanikas.

Amit Sharma: Q10
Michael Savakinas: AQ

The board ran 5Q78J and Team Sharma was eliminated in 34th place for $2,667 for each player.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Savakinas - Satoshi Tanaka us
Michael Savakinas - Satoshi Tanaka
Amit Sharma - Jugal Daterao us
Amit Sharma - Jugal Daterao

Tags: Amit SharmaJean-Paul PasqualiniMichael Savakinas

Team Visbisky Versus Team Palvini

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante

Daniel Wagner from Team Visbisky raised to 40,000 in the hijack and Jean-Paul Pasqualini from Team Palvini three-bet all in for about 200,000 in the big blind and Wagner called.

Jean-Paul Pasqualini: AK
Daniel Wagner: AQ

The board ran out with 87342 and Pasqualini's king kicker played to double his stack.

Player Chips Progress
Alex Visbisky - Daniel Wagner us
Alex Visbisky - Daniel Wagner
Jeremy Palvini - Jean-Paul Pasqualini fr
Jeremy Palvini - Jean-Paul Pasqualini

Tags: Daniel WagnerJean-Paul Pasqualini

Team Moscati Versus Team Labranche

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante

Tanner Bibat from Team Moscati moved all of his chips in the middle for about 280,000 in the cutoff and Jonah Labranche for Team Labranche called in the big blind.

Tanner Bibat: A4
Jonah Labranche: AK

The board came out shining with 37887 and Bibat's flush earned him double the stack.

Player Chips Progress
Jonah LaBranche - Dustin Wills us
Jonah LaBranche - Dustin Wills
Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat us
Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat

Tags: Jonah LabrancheTanner Bibat

Team Palvini Eliminates Team Silva

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante

The cards were on their backs in an all-in hand between a player from Team Silva in middle position and Jean-Paul Pasqualini of Team Palvini in late position.

Team Silva: JJ
Jean-Paul Pasqualini: A6

Pasqualini flopped two pair against the jacks of Team Silva and would hold on a final board of A65KQ, sending Team Silva to the payout desk.

Player Chips Progress
Jeremy Palvini - Jean-Paul Pasqualini fr
Jeremy Palvini - Jean-Paul Pasqualini
Miguel Silva - Raphael Poss pt
Miguel Silva - Raphael Poss

Tags: Jean-Paul PasqualiniTeam Silva