2023 World Series of Poker

Event #51: $1,000 Tag Team
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Team Jager With a Chip and a Chair

Level 14 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

Nicholas Jager from Team Jager was all in with one 500 chip on the big blind and was against Joseph Bold of Team Quelch in the small blind.

Nicholas Jager: AA
Joseph Bold: Q7

The board came out Q96106 and the aces of Jager held and left them with 10,000 in chips prior to the bubble.

Player Chips Progress
Nigel Quelch - Joseph Bold gb
Nigel Quelch - Joseph Bold
Nicholas Jager - Carsten Stolz us
Nicholas Jager - Carsten Stolz

Tags: Joseph BoldNicholas Jager

Team Foster Doubles Up On Team Riess

Level 13 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante

On the first hand in the hand for hand, action was on the river in a 120,000 pot.

Douglas Zaleski of Team Foster went all in for 100,000 on a 24J106 board.

Ryan Riess of Team Riess thought for a while before calling.

Douglas Zaleski: 66
Ryan Riess: QQ

Team Foster doubled up at the bubble to build a nice 320,000 stack.

Player Chips Progress
Adam Foster - Douglas Zaleski us
Adam Foster - Douglas Zaleski
Ryan Riess - Paul Mattioda
Ryan Riess - Paul Mattioda

Tags: Douglas ZaleskiRyan Riess

Level: 14

Blinds: 2,000/4,000

Ante: 4,000

Team Lyu for the Knockout

Level 14 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

Right on the bubble Erkut Yilmaz of Team Secilmis went all in for 64,000. Xingbaio Zhu of Team Lyu called from the small blind.

Erkut Yilmaz: QQ
Xingbaio Zhu: AA

The board came out 58K72 and the aces held for Zhu.

Player Chips Progress
Junqiang Lyu - Xingbiao Zhu cn
Junqiang Lyu - Xingbiao Zhu
Erkut Yilmaz - Ugur Secilmis us
Erkut Yilmaz - Ugur Secilmis

Tags: Erkut YilmazXIngbaoi Zhu

Yagura Gets One Through on the Bubble Against Williams

Level 14 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
David Williams
David Williams

Takashi Yagura of Team Yagura raised to 10,000 from early position and was three-bet by David Williams of Team Williams to 27,500 from late position, with Yagura making the call.

Yagura check-called a 20,000 chip continuation-bet from Williams on the A57 flop and both players checked the J turn.

Yagura then moved all in on the 7 river and Williams snap-folded, showing the A.

Player Chips Progress
David Williams - Theo Tran us
David Williams - Theo Tran
Takashi Yagura - Masato Horiuchi jp
Takashi Yagura - Masato Horiuchi

Tags: David WilliamsTakashi Yagura

Team Jager Bubbles The Tag Team Event

Level 14 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Tag Team Tournament
Tag Team Tournament

Carsten Stolz of Team Jager had lost almost their whole stack when they ran into quads to be left with a mere 500 chips.

"Come play this last hand!" he had shouted to Nicholas Jager.

Jager took his seat and managed to then decuple his stack to 5,000 when he was all-in from the late position with AxAx after a raise from Joseph Bold of Team Quelch in the middle position who held suited Qx7x. Quelch flopped a queen and backdoor flush and straight draws. He also turned a gutshot to a straight but bricked the river for Jager to stay alive.

Then Jager was forced to be all-in in the big blind after paying his big blind of 4,000 and putting the remaining 1,000 in the middle for his ante. Dylan Cechowski raised to 8,000 from the middle position and Goh Yanagida called from the hijack while the rest folded.

The flop came 7QK and both Cechowski and Yanagida checked. They did the same on the 7 on the turn and the 4 on the river.

All three players needed to wait until all the action was completed on the other tables before revealing their cards. While this was happening, Bold and Jager discussed the latter's pocket aces.

"Should you play the aces in that situation?PokerNews should poll that." they both commented.

While they were wondering, the action was all done on the other tables, the players could continue play. They decided to make it exciting. Cechowski first revealed the A10 for Yanagida to show the 55 for two pair. Jager flipped over the A first to not help him and then tabled the 9, which didn't change things.

The rest of the field, teammates, and other spectators on the rail cheered and applauded as they were officially in the money while Jager made his way out of the tournament after a fist bump from Bold.

Player Chips Progress
Goh Yanagida - Riki Kobayashi us
Goh Yanagida - Riki Kobayashi
Nigel Quelch - Joseph Bold gb
Nigel Quelch - Joseph Bold
Dylan Cechowski - Julien Martini fr
Dylan Cechowski - Julien Martini
Nicholas Jager - Carsten Stolz us
Nicholas Jager - Carsten Stolz

Tags: Carsten StolzDylan CechowskiGoh YanagidaJoseph BoldNicholas Jager

Team Pazol Knocks out Team Cervetti

Level 14 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

Giovanni Petroni of Team Cervetti put all of his chips in for 35,000 on the button and Naomi Pazol of Team Pazol called on the small blind.

Giovanni Petroni: K10
Naomi Pazol: AJ

The board came out 29556 and Pazol's ace high won the knockout.

Player Chips Progress
Naomi Pazol - Sarah Howell
Naomi Pazol - Sarah Howell
Germano Cervetti - Giovanni Petroni it
Germano Cervetti - Giovanni Petroni

Tags: Giovanni PetroniNaomi Pazol

Two Hands with Team Hallaert

Level 14 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

A player opened from the button to 8,500 and Sylvain Loosli of Team Hallaert called from the big blind.

On the flop KK5, Loosli check folded on a 5,500 bet.

The next hand, in a blind versus blind situation, Loosli check called a 6,500 bet on a 3J10 flop.

On the turn 3, both players checked and on the river 10, Loosli took the lead betting 26,000. His opponent folded and he grabbed a nice pot.

Player Chips Progress
Kenny Hallaert - Sylvain Loosli fr
Kenny Hallaert - Sylvain Loosli

Tags: Sylvain Loosli

Team Payne Eliminated by Team Evangalista

Level 14 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

The players were all-in and the cards were on their backs on a board reading 6J2.

Team Payne: 1010
Team Evangalista: 22

Mark Evangelista flopped a set of deuces against the pocket tens of Dylan Payne and would hold through the 4 turn and the 6 river.

Team Evangelista continues to maintain one of the big stacks of the day.

Player Chips Progress
Mark Evangelista - Mario Evangelista us
Mark Evangelista - Mario Evangelista
Day 1 Chip Leader
Dylan Payne - Bradley Maniccia ca
Dylan Payne - Bradley Maniccia

Tags: Dylan PayneMark Evangelista

In The Money And Out

Level 14 : Blinds 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Player Chips Progress
Lu Huang - Dong Wang
Lu Huang - Dong Wang
Justin Grady - George Grady ca
Justin Grady - George Grady
Nicholas Wehrle - Alexander Burns us
Nicholas Wehrle - Alexander Burns
Troy Parkins - Jonathan Russell us
Troy Parkins - Jonathan Russell
Neil Rodvold - Robert McCarron us
Neil Rodvold - Robert McCarron
Isabella Arango Patino - Leo Lombardozzi ca
Isabella Arango Patino - Leo Lombardozzi
Zhun Wang - Zhaoyue Luo
Zhun Wang - Zhaoyue Luo
Jaroslaw Jaskiewicz - Chris Back ca
Jaroslaw Jaskiewicz - Chris Back
Christopher Cortez - Samuel Willson us
Christopher Cortez - Samuel Willson