2023 World Series of Poker

Event #51: $1,000 Tag Team
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Team Moolhuizen Is Out

Level 12 : Blinds 1,000/2,500, 2,500 ante
Dehlia De Jong
Dehlia De Jong

Dehlia de Jong of Team Moolhuizen just left the tournament area.

With twenty-five big blinds in front of her, she moved all-in from the blig blind after an open in middle position. Her opponent called.

Delhia de Jong: QxQx
Opponent: KxKx

The Dutch woman didn't find any help on the board and exited the tournament before the money.

Player Chips Progress
Mateusz Moolhuizen - Dehlia de Jong
Mateusz Moolhuizen - Dehlia de Jong

Tags: Dehlia de Jong

Level: 13

Blinds: 1,500/3,000

Ante: 3,000

Ferro With Thin Value

Level 13 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante

Jessica Teusl of Team Teusl raised from the hijack position to 7,000 and Jacob Ferro of Team Ferro reraised on the button to 15,000. Teusl called.

The flop came out 383, Teusl checked, and Ferro bet 10,000. Teusl called.

The turn was the 10 and both players checked.

The river brought the K and Teusl checked, Ferro bet 10,000, and Teusl called.

Teusl mucked when Ferro turned over 87 for a pair of eights to go with the pair of treys on the board.

Teusl commented, "you reraised with that?"

Player Chips Progress
Jacob Ferro - Fred Sageer
Jacob Ferro - Fred Sageer
Jessica Teusl - Stefan Lehner at
Jessica Teusl - Stefan Lehner

Tags: Jacob FerroJessica Teusl

Two In A Row For Team Fryda

Level 13 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante

Victor Fryda of Team Fryda opened to 6,000 on the button and the big blind called.

On the flop 5K5, Fryda continuation-bet to 4,000 and his opponent quickly folded.

On the next hand, a player opened to 8,000 in middle position and Victor Fryda called in the cuttoff.

Both players checked on the flop 875 and on the turn 3. On the river 7, Fryda took the lead and his opponent quickly folded.

Player Chips Progress
Jeremy Palvini - Jean-Paul Pasqualini fr
Jeremy Palvini - Jean-Paul Pasqualini
Victor Fryda - Paul Emsellem
Victor Fryda - Paul Emsellem
Dylan Cechowski - Julien Martini fr
Dylan Cechowski - Julien Martini

Tags: Victor Fryda

Already Bubble Time

Level 13 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante

With 199 teams left, the play will slow down as we are getting close to the money bubble.

Only 193 teams will earn a part of the prize pool with a min-cash worth $801 by person.

Team Stein Knocks One out

Level 13 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante

With the bubble fast approaching Marcus Stein of Team Stein raised in early position to 7,500 and Peter Mavro of Team Sorscher in middle position three-bet all in for about 71,000. Stein thought for a moment and called.

Peter Mavro: AK
Marcus Stein: 910

The board did not save Mavro with 108Q710 and Stein won with the trip tens.

Player Chips Progress
Marcus Stein - Amber Donatelli us
Marcus Stein - Amber Donatelli
Jonathan Sorscher - Peter Mavro
Jonathan Sorscher - Peter Mavro

Tags: Marcus SteinPeter Mavro

Team Da Silva Chips-Up off Team Williams in Three-Bet Pot

Level 13 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante
David Williams
David Williams

Fabio Da Silva of Team Da Silva raised to 6,000 from early position and was three-bet by the player on his immediate left, David Willams, of Team Williams.

Da Silva made the call and the two players took a flop of 3102, with Da Silva check-calling a bet of 15,000 from Williams.

The Q turn would be an action card for both players and Da Silva again check-called a bet from Williams, this time for 35,000.

Da Silva checked the 8 river once more and after some deliberation, Williams decided to check back.

Da Silva quickly turned over QQ for top set of queens, and Williams mucked, but not before playfully adding the Q from his hand to the queens of Da Silva.

Player Chips Progress
David Williams - Theo Tran us
David Williams - Theo Tran
Fabio Da Silva - Atsushi Umeda us
Fabio Da Silva - Atsushi Umeda

Tags: David WillamsFabio Da Silva

Team Yanagida Scores Quads

Level 13 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante

Right before the bubble:
Goh Yanagida of team Yanagida raised in the hijack to 6,000 and the button called and the small blind Carsten Stolz from Team Jager three-bet to 18,500 and Yanagida called.

The flop came out 95A and Stolz bet 20,000 and Yanagida called.

The turn was the A and both players checked.

The river was the 9 and Stolz checked and Yanagida pushed all of his chips in for about 71,000.

The clock was called on Stolz who eventually made the call.

Goh Yanagida: 99 for quads
Carsten Stolz: AJ for top pair

Team Jager was left with 500 in chips

Player Chips Progress
Goh Yanagida - Riki Kobayashi us
Goh Yanagida - Riki Kobayashi
Nicholas Jager - Carsten Stolz us
Nicholas Jager - Carsten Stolz

Tags: Carsten StoltzGoh Yanagida