2023 World Series of Poker

Event #51: $1,000 Tag Team
Day: 1
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Two Doubles for Team The Victory Bell

Level 6 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Paul Oren
Paul Oren

In a hand relayed to PokerNews by Paul Oren, Oren moved all-in for his last 4,000 from early position and was called by a player in the small blind.

Paul Oren: 64
Small Blind: K5

It was Yhatzee on the flop for Oren after the dealer rolled out 857, giving Oren an eight-high straight. The player in the small blind had some chop and backdoor flush outs, but the 2 turn and the 9 river closed the door and gave Oren the first of his two double-ups.

In the second hand, action was folded to Oren on the button and again he moved all-in, this time for 7,400, and was called by both blinds.

Paul Oren: Q5
Small Blind: KxQx
Big Blind: 10x10x

With only one heart on the flop of J27, Oren was in dire need of some running cards in order to stay alive and quietly stated, "heart," under his breath.

He would get what he asked for in the form of the K on the turn, now repeating a little louder, "Heart."

The poker gods would answer again on the 3 river, with Oren exclaiming, "HEART!" Giving him the second double-up.

Player Chips Progress
Scott Bohlman - Paul Oren
Scott Bohlman - Paul Oren

Tags: Paul Oren

Team Peters Joins The Field

Level 6 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

A player opened to 1,500 under the gun and was called by a middle position player and David Peters who just arrived in the big blind.

On the flop 7109, the middle position player took the lead with a 4,000 bet and both his opponents folded.

Player Chips Progress
Evan Avery - Matt Gryga
Evan Avery - Matt Gryga
David Peters - Hayley Hanna
David Peters - Hayley Hanna

Tags: David Peters

Level: 7

Blinds: 400/800

Ante: 800

McKuin Gets a Double up

Level 7 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

As told by the players: A late position player raised to 1,400 and Steven McKuin was in the small blind and shoved in his stack for the three-bet of 14,300 and was called.

Steven McKuin: AQ
Late Position player: AxJx

The board came out 8753Q and McKuin's pair of queens gave him a much required chip boost.

Player Chips Progress
Steven McKuin - Dustin Dirksen
Steven McKuin - Dustin Dirksen

Tags: Steven McKuin

Team Turchi Loses One

Level 7 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante
Julien Sitbon
Julien Sitbon

On a K8A34 biard, Julien Sitbon of Team Turchi faced a 3,800 bet.

Sitbon thought for a while before calling and mucking when his opponent revealed A7.

French player Julien Sitbon is having a great summer. He finished fifth for $123,992 in the $3,000 6-handed last week.

Player Chips Progress
Virgile Turchi - Julien Sitbon
Virgile Turchi - Julien Sitbon

Tags: Julien Sitbon

Kings Not Good For Team Kenney

Level 7 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante
Ebony Kenney
Ebony Kenney

Teaming up with Justin Kelly, Ebony Kenney was off to a good start in this Tag Team event.

She opened under the gun to 1,800 and the player on the button three-bet to 4,000.
Kenney decided to put her opponent at risk and the button quickly called.

Player at risk: AA
Ebony Kenney: KK

The board ran out 2578J and Kenney lost some chips to drop to 55,000.

Player Chips Progress
Ebony Kenney - Justin Kelly us
Ebony Kenney - Justin Kelly

Tags: Ebony KenneyJustin Kelly

Level: 8

Blinds: 500/1,000

Ante: 1,000