2023 World Series of Poker

Event #51: $1,000 Tag Team
Day: 1
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Level: 2

Blinds: 100/200

Ante: 200

Team Frenzel Gets a Knockout

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

An early position player raised to 300 and a middle position player called and Brian Frenzel three-bet to 1,700. The early position player called and the middle position player folded.

The flop came down 448 and the early position player checked and Frenzel bet 1,000 and was called.

The turn brought the J and Frenzel bet 3,000 once checked to and received a call again.

The river was the 9 and the early position player found some aggression and bet 6,000 and Frenzel reraised all in for about 6,000 more. The early position player called.

Early position: J10 for top pair.
Brian Frenzel: AQ for the nut flush.

Player Chips Progress
Brian Frenzel - Rachel Kay Miller us
Brian Frenzel - Rachel Kay Miller

Tags: Brian Frenzel

Double-Up for Team Agent Ong

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Shaun Colquhoun
Shaun Colquhoun

Shaun Colquhoun relayed to PokerNews a hand that resulted in a full double-up.

Colquhoun raised to 300 from early position and was three-bet by a player in the small blind to 1100, with the player in the big blind cold-calling and Colquhoun calling, as well.

The player in the small blind would bet out 2200 on the J86 flop and was by both the player in the big blind and Colquhoun.

The player in the small blind would move all-in on the 10x turn, with the player in the big blind getting out of the way. Colquhoun making the call.

Shaun Colquhoun: Jx10x
Small Blind Player: AxJx

Colquhoun pulled ahead when the ten on the turn gave him two pair, and the 2x on the river sealed it up, giving him the full double.

Player Chips Progress
Carl Ong - Shaun Colquhoun
Carl Ong - Shaun Colquhoun

Tags: Shaun CalquounTeam Agent Ong

Shylko Among the Notables

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Aliaksandr Shylko
Aliaksandr Shylko

PSPC 2023 winner Aliaksandr Shylko is having a good time at this table as he just played a five-way pot.

On the flop of 637, Shylko of Team Tamasauskas in the cutoff took the lead for 500 and was called by all four opponents. On the turn 10 and on the river K, all players checked and the button revealed a diamond to take the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Vladas Tamasauskas - Aliaksandr Shylko
Vladas Tamasauskas - Aliaksandr Shylko

Tags: Aliaksandr Shylko

Team Merlin Doubled Up

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

It was a hard first level for Gregory Fournier of Team Merlin as he was down to 8,000 earlier.

A player opened in early position and Fournier three-bet from the next seat. The open-raiser decided to four-bet and Fournier called.

On the flop J24, the early position player continued to 3,500, Fournier went all in for 7,000 and got a call.

Gregory Fournier: QQ
Opponent: AK

The turn 4 and the river 3 gave Team Merlin a full double up.

Player Chips Progress
Dylan Cechowski - Julien Martini fr
Dylan Cechowski - Julien Martini
Pierre Merlin - Gregory Fournier
Pierre Merlin - Gregory Fournier

Tags: Gregory Fournier

Team Fauth Scores a Knockout

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Three players limped preflop, middle position, cutoff and the button and then the small blind, Lucas Fauth raised to 1,200 and the big blind three-bet to 5,000. The middle position player placed the four-bet of 20,000 and the two blinds called.

The flop came out A76 and Fauth checked and the big blind went all in for about 5,000, the middle position player folded and Fauth had an easy call.

Big blind: QQ
Lucas Fauth: AA

The 3 and 4 on the turn and river were irrelevant and Fauth won a big pot.

Player Chips Progress
Lucas Fauth - Ana Laura Vieira Cintra
Lucas Fauth - Ana Laura Vieira Cintra

Tags: Lucas Fauth

Familiar Faces Among 2023 Poker Hall of Fame Nominations

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
poker hall of fame
poker hall of fame

Following a fan vote, the 10 finalists have been disclosed for the 2023 Poker Hall of Fame, and the list of nominees is mostly similar to last year.

Matt Savage, Brian Rast, Mike Matusow, and Kathy Liebert were among the returnees. But only one individual, whether it be a player or industry personnel, will get in this year. The full list of nominees, with a case made for each candidate, is as follows:

Read the Full Story Here

Tags: Mike MatusowMatt SavageKathy LiebertBrian Rast

Much Needed Double-Up for Team Gromenkova

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Svetlana Gromenkova was all in against a late position player on a flop of JQ7 and the cards were on their backs.

Svetlana Gromenkova: KK
Late Position Player: Q8

Gromenkova was ahead with kings, but would need to fade some outs to avoid elimination. She would do so, as the turn K gave her a set and the river J made her a full house, extending her tournament life.

Player Chips Progress
Svetlana Gromenkova - Arturas Astrauskas
Svetlana Gromenkova - Arturas Astrauskas

Tags: Svetlana GromenkovaTeam Gromenkova

Two Profitable Levels For Team Owen

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Adam Owen
Adam Owen

British pro Adam Owen is teaming up with Colin Lovelock and Captain Owen is off to a good start after two levels.

A player opened in middle position to 500 and Adam Owen called in the small blind.

On the flop 726, both players checked.

On the turn 9, the open raiser bet 900 and Owen let it go as he kept 45,000 chips in front of him.

Player Chips Progress
Adam Owen - Colin Lovelock
Adam Owen - Colin Lovelock
Vincent Mascheroni - Nicolas Dumont
Vincent Mascheroni - Nicolas Dumont

Tags: Adam OwenColin Lovelock