2023 World Series of Poker

Event #51: $1,000 Tag Team
Day: 3
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Double Up For Team Stein

Level 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Marcus Stein - Amber Donatelli
Marcus Stein - Amber Donatelli

David Williams of Team Williams opened in early position to 240,000 and Marcus Stein of Team Stein called from the big blind with a shortstack.

On the flop 8KK, Williams put his opponent all in and Stein called for his last 640,000.

Marcus Stein: K10
David Williams: 77

The turn 4 and the river Q allowed Team Stein to double up.

Player Chips Progress
David Williams - Theo Tran us
David Williams - Theo Tran
Marcus Stein - Amber Donatelli us
Marcus Stein - Amber Donatelli

Tags: David WilliamsMarcus Stein

Team Williams Eliminated in 7th Place ($26,000)

Level 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
David Williams - Theo Tran
David Williams - Theo Tran

Action folded to David Williams of Team Williams in the small blind and he would just call the 120,000 big blind, which was occupied by Jonah LaBranche of Team LaBranche. LaBranche then announced all-in and Williams snap-called.

David Williams: A10
Jonah LaBranche: A7

Williams was in great shape for the double-up through one of the chip leaders, but the air was sucked out of the room on the 375 flop, with Williams needing a ten to pull back ahead, or running straight cards to chop.

However, the A on the turn and the 2 on the river sealed the deal for Team LaBranche and the elimination, sending Team Williams home in seventh.

Player Chips Progress
Jonah LaBranche - Dustin Wills us
Jonah LaBranche - Dustin Wills
David Williams - Theo Tran us
David Williams - Theo Tran

Tags: David WilliamsJonah LaBranche

Level: 30

Blinds: 80,000/160,000

Ante: 160,000

Negreanu Proposes Changes to the Poker Hall of Fame Induction Process

Level 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Daniel Negreanu, Phil Ivey
Daniel Negreanu, Phil Ivey

With its ever-growing backlog of deserving players and industry professionals waiting for their time to be inducted into the Poker Hall of Fame, some players are calling for changes to the nomination and induction process.

One of those players is Daniel Negreanu, poker's biggest ambassador and himself a member of the Poker Hall of Fame who was inducted in 2014. Negreanu has long called for overhauls to the Poker Hall of Fame nomination process and renewed his calls this week on his daily vlog during the 2023 World Series of Poker (WSOP).

"How I would fix the Hall of Fame is this: every single year, two players get in — players, not contributors," Negreanu told his vlog viewers. "Every single year, two players get in. Every third year ... we add an additional third person who is a contributor to the game. That would be the Isai Scheinbergs and the Matt Savages of the world. Every three years, one of them would get in. That way, we don't have to constantly compare apples to oranges."

Read About Negreanu's Proposed HOF Changes

Tags: Daniel Negreanu

Team Stein Doubles Up Again

Level 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

In a blind versus blind situation, Marcus Stein of Team Stein went all in for 610,000 and Vincent Moscati of Team Moscati called in the big blind.

Marcus Stein: Q3
Vincent Moscati: J2

The board ran out 107736 and Team Stein doubled up again.

Player Chips Progress
Jonah LaBranche - Dustin Wills us
Jonah LaBranche - Dustin Wills
Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat us
Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat
Marcus Stein - Amber Donatelli us
Marcus Stein - Amber Donatelli

Tags: Marcus SteinVincent Moscati

Team Moscati Doubles Through Team LaBranche

Level 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat
Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat

Vincent Moscati of Team Moscati open shoved 2,500,000 million chips from early position and was called by Jonah LaBranche of Team LaBranche in middle position.

Vincent Moscati: AK
Jonah LaBranche: JJ

Classic coinflip going into the flop, but Moscati would pull ahead after the dealer rolled out the 46K board and LaBranche couldn't catch back up on the 7 turn and the K river, giving Team Moscati the full double.

Player Chips Progress
Jonah LaBranche - Dustin Wills us
Jonah LaBranche - Dustin Wills
Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat us
Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat

Tags: Jonah LaBrancheVincent Moscati

Team Moscati and Team LaBranche Clash In Another Big One

Level 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat
Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat

It's been a climb back from the short stack for Vincent Moscati of Team Moscati, and in this hand, he called the 160,000 big blind from the small blind, and the big blind's occupier, Jonah LaBranche, of Team LaBranche, put in a raise to 500,000, which Moscati called.

The dealer rolled out a 710K flop and Moscati check-called a bet for 350,000.

LaBranche would bet out again after being checked to by Moscati on the 4 turn, this time for a hefty 950,000, which Moscati also called.

The 7 river would go check-check and Moscati showed down AJ to take a nice chunk out of one of the chip leaders stack.

Player Chips Progress
Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat us
Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat

Tags: Jonah LaBrancheVincent Moscati

Another Double Up For Team Savakinas

Level 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

Roberto Valdez of Team Evans opened to 320,000 on the button, Satoshi Tanaka of Team Savakinas three-bet all in on the cutoff for 1,880,000 and John Ventre of Team Ventre called on the button. Valdez folded.

Satoshi Tanaka: 99
Roberto Valdez: AQ

The board came 58K26 and Team Savakinas doubled up again.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Savakinas - Satoshi Tanaka us
Michael Savakinas - Satoshi Tanaka
John Ventre - Kenneth Gallo us
John Ventre - Kenneth Gallo

Tags: John VentreRoberto ValdezSatoshi Tanaka

The Chad & Jesse Poker Show Episode #8: Joey Ingram on the Future of Poker

Level 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

On the latest episode of The Chad & Jesse Poker Show, Chad Holloway and Jesse Fullen come to you straight from the 2023 World Series of Poker (WSOP).

They are joined by Joey Ingram, AKA Papi, a lover of four-card poker. A prolific poker podcaster, Ingram is known for his marathon emergency investigations into such controversial matters as the Mike Postle and Robbi Jade Lew cheating allegations. Ingram, who was in L.A. for the Hustler Casino Live $1,000,000 Cash Game, recently returned to Las Vegas and was at the 2023 WSOP for the first time when he sat down with the guys.

Hear what Ingram thinks the future holds for poker, which just might surprise you.

Chad and Jesse also break down all ten nominees for the Poker Hall of Fame Class of 2023. Only one will get in, and it’ll undoubtedly be a close affair with so many deserving individuals.

Click here to watch the latest episode now!

Updated Final Table Chip Counts

Level 30 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
SeatTeamChip Count
1Marcus Stein - Amber Donatelli1,800,000
2Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat7,700,000
3Jonah LaBranche - Dustin Wills8,000,000
4Rickey Evans - Roberto Valdez850,000
5Michael Savakinas - Satoshi Tanaka4,500,000
6John Ventre - Kenneth Gallo2,400,000
Player Chips Progress
Jonah LaBranche - Dustin Wills us
Jonah LaBranche - Dustin Wills
Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat us
Vincent Moscati - Tanner Bibat
Michael Savakinas - Satoshi Tanaka us
Michael Savakinas - Satoshi Tanaka
John Ventre - Kenneth Gallo us
John Ventre - Kenneth Gallo
Marcus Stein - Amber Donatelli us
Marcus Stein - Amber Donatelli
Rickey Evans - Roberto Valdez us
Rickey Evans - Roberto Valdez