2023 World Series of Poker

Event #49: $1,500 Super Turbo Bounty
Day: 1
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
800,000 / 1,600,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Rodrigues Finds a Double on Lococo

Level 22 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Michael Rodrigues
Michael Rodrigues

Michael Rodrigues open-shoved for his last 160,000 and Alejandro Lococo raised to 500,000 in the cutoff, making the rest of the table fold.

Michael Rodrigues: KJ
Alejandro Lococo: 33

It was a typical flip situation and the pot was sent to Rodrigues after he found two pair on the KA7QJ board.

Player Chips Progress
Alejandro Lococo ar
Alejandro Lococo
Michael Rodrigues pt
Michael Rodrigues
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Alejandro LococoMichael Rodrigues

Double Up for Muallem

Level 22 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante

A player opened to 55,000 and it folded to Noam Muallem who decided to call in the big blind.

All the chips went in the middle on the flop 943. Muallem shoved for 125,000 with J3 and his opponent quickly called with AQ.

Muallem's pair of threes held on the 10 turn and 8 river and he took down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Noam Muallem il
Noam Muallem

Tags: Noam Muallem

Caputo Kaput

Level 22 : 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante

Straight after the restart, a player in middle position moved all in for 360,000 chips. Then, in the small blind, Brandon Caputo re-raised all in with a bigger stack. The big blind folded.

Brandon Caputo: A9
Opponent: A10

Caputo was behind preflop, and he stayed behind until the river, as his opponent hit two pairs on 410AJJ.

Down to 205,000 chips, Caputo was involved in an all in and call situation just a few hands later.

Brandon Caputo: QQ
Opponent: AQ

Ahead this time, Caputo wasn't that happy when he saw the flop 657, which gave a flush draw to his opponent. Nothing changed with the 4 turn. But the 3 on the river completed the flush, leading to Caputo's elimination.

Player Chips Progress
Brandon Caputo us
Brandon Caputo

Tags: Brandon Caputo

Brazil Wins the Flip

Level 22 : Blinds 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante

Michael Brazil pushed his stack worth 215,000 in the middle in early position and the hijack reshoved with a biggest stack. The rest of the players folded and they tabled their cards:

Michael Brazil: A9
Hijack: 88

Brazil managed to find a board 9QQAQ, giving him the winning hand and the needed double up.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Brazil
Michael Brazil

Tags: Michael Brazil

Level: 23

Blinds: 15,000/30,000

Ante: 30,000

Another Victim For Lococo

Level 23 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

Alejandro Lococo opened from the hijack and was raised all in by the small blind for 245,000 chips. Lococo took a few seconds and called.

Small blind: 76
Alejandro Lococo: KJ

With a king-high, Lococo was still in the lead on 9109, even if his opponent had a gutshot. However, the turn 3 and the river 2 didn't change anything. Lococo is now back over 1,000,000 chips.

Player Chips Progress
Alejandro Lococo ar
Alejandro Lococo

Tags: Alejandro Lococo

Gargano Climbs to the Top Stacks

Level 23 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

The cutoff shoved and Tony Gargano called before the big blind also went all in with the smaller stack for a three-way showdown:

Tony Gargano: AK
Cutoff: 99
Big Blind: JJ

The flop AKQ immediately improved Gargano's hand into two pair and he took down the large pot and a bounty after the rest of the board fell the 7 and the 4.

Player Chips Progress
Tony Gargano us
Tony Gargano

Tags: Tony Gargano

Big Double Up for Salas

Level 23 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Damian Salas
Damian Salas

The hijack opened to 60,000 and picked up calls from the button and the small blind before Damian Salas jammed in the big blind for 375,000. After some thinking, only the button made the call after the clock was called:

Damian Salas: KJ
Button: 99

Salas won the flip thanks to a board 2Q2107 and is now approaching a stack worth a million.

Player Chips Progress
Damian Salas ar
Damian Salas
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Damien Salas

Level: 24

Blinds: 20,000/40,000

Ante: 40,000

Massive Chiplead For Lagodich

Level 24 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Frank Lagodich
Frank Lagodich

A player in middle position went all in for approximately 425,000 chips. Then he wass raised by the player in the cutoff, who also moved all in for over 700,000 chips. In the small blind, Frank Lagodich called, and all three players flipped their cards.

Middle position player: Ax7
Cutoff: QQ
Frank Lagodich: JJ

Lagodich had a very good run today, and it was confirmed here as he hit a set on the flop and a full house on the river on 96J106.

Lagodich collected two bounties with this hand and is now in the lead with 3,800,000 chips.

Player Chips Progress
Frank Lagodich us
Frank Lagodich

Tags: Frank Lagodich