2023 World Series of Poker

Event #46: $500 No-Limit Hold'em Freezeout
Day: 1
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,000,000 / 2,000,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Ho In A Row

Level 13 : Blinds 1,500/3,000, 3,000 ante
Maria Ho
Maria Ho

After a limp in early position, the button raised to 6,000 and Maria Ho called in the small blind as well as the big blind.

On the flop 556, all players checked to the button who bet 5,000. Ho and the big blind player called.
On the turn A, all players checked and on the river 8, the big blind took the lead with a 16,000 bet. The button called and Ho folded. Big blind showed 79 and scooped the pot.

On the next hand, middle position player limped and Maria Ho squeezed to 9,000 from the button. She got a call.

On the flop Q6K, Ho insisted to 6,000 and was called. Both players checked on the turn A and on the river 8 and Maria Ho won the pot with A7.

Player Chips Progress
Maria Ho us
Maria Ho
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Maria Ho

Level: 14

Blinds: 2,000/4,000

Ante: 4,000

Level: 15

Blinds: 2,500/5,000

Ante: 5,000

Lin Strong Enough to Get a Knockout, Too Strong to Double Up

Level 15 : Blinds 2,500/5,000, 5,000 ante

With an early position player all in for his last remaining chip, Daewoong Song, who finished 19th in yesterday's $800 deep stack event, raised. Thida Lin quickly placed her 110,000 chips in a phalanx in front of her, trying to lure Song into a call, but he folded.

Early Position: Q4
Thida Lin: AA

The 652 flop provided a little bit of a sweat, but the 10 turn and 2 river dashed the early position player's chip-and-a-chair dreams.

"I tried to look strong, so you would think I was weak," Lin explained to Song, "But you didn't bite."

Player Chips Progress
Daewoong Song kr
Daewoong Song
Thida Lin us
Thida Lin

Tags: Daewoong SongThida Lin

An Hero Call Before Dinner

Level 15 : Blinds 2,500/5,000, 5,000 ante

A player opened in middle position to 10,000 and the cutoff called as well as Maureen Bloechlinger in the small blind and the big blind.

On the flop 4810, the open raiser bet 25,000 and only the cutoff called.
On the turn 4, he made it to 44,000 and his opponent called after a while.
On the river 5, it was a third barrel all in for 98,500. Cutoff had a decision and ended up to call with 77.
Enough to knockout his opponent who held AJ.

Player Chips Progress
Maureen Bloechlinger ch
Maureen Bloechlinger
Katie Swift gb
Katie Swift
Anthony Askey us
Anthony Askey

Payouts and Prize Pool Announced

Level 15 : Blinds 2,500/5,000, 5,000 ante

A record-breaking field of 5,342 has generated a prize pool of $2,243,640, with a first-place prize of $262,526. Eight hundred and two of the remaining 1,050 players will receive at least $800.

Stay tuned for a complete prize pool breakdown.

Martin Kabrhel Causes a Stir in 2023 WSOP $250,000 Super High Roller

Level 15 : Blinds 2,500/5,000, 5,000 ante
The Chad & Jesse Poker Show
The Chad & Jesse Poker Show

Chad Holloway and Jesse Fullen kick off Episode 7 of The Chad & Jesse Poker Show by chatting about the biggest topic on Twitter today!

Last night, Martin Kabrhel was accused by players in the 2023 World Series of Poker (WSOP) $250K High Roller of behaving inappropriately, with some even suggesting he could be cheating.

Chad and Jesse pull up some clips and hear from players on the ground during the event. What are your thoughts on the situation?