2023 World Series of Poker

Event #46: $500 No-Limit Hold'em Freezeout
Day: 1
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,000,000 / 2,000,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Level: 9

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 1,200

No One Wants to Play with Hartley

Level 9 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

After the 5QK flop was checked around, the big blind led out 4,200 on the 3 turn, a late position player and Diane Hartley called.

When the 4 river was checked to her, Hartley went all in for 17,200. The big blind riffled his chips, and then flipped several of them in his hand while he thought, and then folded.

The late position player folded also, telling the big blind, "I hoped you were going to call her. I want to know what she had."

"Nice bluff," the big blind told Hartley, but the late position player disagreed. "She calls your 4,200 after I call in front of her? No, she had something. I just don't know if she flopped it, or got there."

Player Chips Progress
Diane Hartley us
Diane Hartley

Tags: Diane Hartley

Level: 10

Blinds: 800/1,600

Ante: 1,600

Jacquez Drives Her Opponent to Madness

Level 10 : Blinds 800/1,600, 1,600 ante

Teresa Jacquez raised 5,000 from early position and a late position player called. Jacquez continued for 12,000 on a AK5, and that's when her opponent locked himself in a torture tank.

For over three minutes he put his hand to his forehead, pinched the bridge of his nose, and smacked his forehead until he finally let his cards out of his hand as reluctantly as if they were the last two cards he would ever be dealt.

"Please don't tell me you had jacks," he said.

Jacquez chuckled, started to turn her hand over, and instead twisted the knife one more rotation as she set them in the pile by the dealer.

Player Chips Progress
Teresa Jacquez us
Teresa Jacquez

Tags: Teresa Jacquez

Players With Plenty To Say; Yang Gets Outdrawn

Level 10 : Blinds 800/1,600, 1,600 ante
Jerry Yang
Jerry Yang

Alex Lavoie was seen doubling up with queens, happily sharing his thought process while his opponent across the table laughed the situations off, paying heed to all the attention the table was getting.

Shortly after Lavoie went all in on a flop of 2K5 and when his opponent folded, he couldn't help but show the AK, explaining he had to and how he hated to play ace-king. An opponent across the table chirped in that he would gladly play it every hand if he could.

Just one hand later Jerry Yang, Alex Lavoie, and Bentola Akpata saw a flop of 7Q10. Yang led with a bet of 6,000 and Lavoie was at a decision. Akpata, not realizing that the action was on Lavoie, went all in out of turn for 11,100. Lavoie laughed, folding, and mentioned Akpata only made his decision easier. Yang was then at a decision but was well priced in against the short stack.

Bentola Akpata: KJ
Jerry Yang: QJ

The turn brought the A, making Broadway for Akpata and when the Q fell, it made no difference to Yang, forced to more than double up his opponent.

Lavoie went on to say he folded a queen as well and Yang seemed to be the only one without much to say.

Player Chips Progress
Alex Lavoie
Alex Lavoie
Jerry Yang us
Jerry Yang
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Bentola Akpata us
Bentola Akpata

Tags: Alex LavoieJerry YangBentola Akpata

He Lay in Wait

Level 10 : 800/1,600, 1,600 ante

David Lay called from the big blind after the cutoff bet 3,000 on a KJ7 flop.

Both players checked the 8 turn, then Lay pushed 7,000 in front of him when the 8 hit the river. The cutoff folded, and Lay added to his growing stack.

Player Chips Progress
David Lay us
David Lay

Tags: David Lay

Cintra Knockouts One

Level 10 : Blinds 800/1,600, 1,600 ante
Ana Laura Vieira Cintra
Ana Laura Vieira Cintra

Brazilian Ana Laura Vieira Cintra opened to 3,200 on middle position, got a call on the next seat and a player in small blind went all in for 13,400.

Cintra reshoved and the other player folded.

Player at risk: A3
Ana Laura Vieira Cintra: QQ

The board ran 46KK5 and Cintra eliminated one opponent.

Player Chips Progress
Ana Laura Vieira Cintra br
Ana Laura Vieira Cintra

Tags: Ana Laura Vieira Cintra