2023 World Series of Poker

Event #46: $500 No-Limit Hold'em Freezeout
Day: 1
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,000,000 / 2,000,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Yeruva Battling from the Blinds

Level 5 : Blinds 300/500, 500 ante

After calling an early position player's preflop raise from the big blind, Akshay Yeruva called the continuation bet on a flop of 4810.

On a 5 turn the early position player slowed down and both players rapped the table.

Yeruva took the lead on the 6 river, betting out 2,500. When the early position player called, Yeruva showed 109 for the win with a pair of tens.

On the next hand the cutoff raised 1,200, Yeruva popped it to 3,000, and the cutoff folded.

Player Chips Progress
Akshay Yeruva us
Akshay Yeruva

Tags: Akshay Yeruva

Level: 6

Blinds: 300/600

Ante: 600

Meng Applies Pressure

Level 6 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Justin Meng, best known for running his jacks right into the cowboys of a PokerNews reporter deep in the $250 WSOP Daily Deepstack, has gotten off to a good start in this event.

A player opened to 1,200 from middle position and was called by the button as well as Meng out of the small blind.

Meng checked following the 356 flop and the preflop aggressor continued for 1,900. That was enough to force the button out of the hand but not Meng, who just called.

Action checked through the 9 turn to the J river at which point Meng took over the betting lead, pushing a hefty 4,800 into the middle. That got a fold from his opponent to keep Meng chipping up.

Player Chips Progress
Justin Meng
Justin Meng

Tags: Justin Meng

More Than Last Year

Level 6 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

With 4,790 players already registered, the field has surpassed the 4,786 mark from last year. Late registration will run through the break after Level 11 (approximately 4:30 p.m. local time).

Vasilescu Wins the Race

Level 6 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

An early position player moved all in for 18,900. Alex Vasilescu looked at his hand and said, "Oh sh*t!" He then asked for a count, but then stopped the dealer. "It doesn't matter," he said and called.

Early Position: JJ
Alex Vasilescu: AK

Vasilescu immediately took the lead on a AQ6 flop, and added a third ace on the A for good measure. Neither of the jacks hit the river, and Vasilescu got the bustout.

Player Chips Progress
Alex Vasilescu us
Alex Vasilescu

Tags: Alex Vasilescu

Persinger Tuned In

Level 6 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
LoriAnn Persinger
LoriAnn Persinger

LoriAnn Persinger raised in late position, nodding evenly to the music in her ears; she was called by the player on the button, as well as the big blind.

When the flop rolled 644, the player in the blind took the initiative and bet 1,600. Persinger raised to the tune of 4,600 and both her opponents quickly folded. She continued to nod her head without missing a beat, as she scooped the pot.

Player Chips Progress
LoriAnn Persinger us
LoriAnn Persinger

Tags: LoriAnn Persinger

Schmelzel Crashes Pardy

Level 6 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

After a flop of 8J2 Jon Pardy bet from early position, cutoff Alan Schmelzel raised, Pardy went all in, and Schmelzel called for all his chips.

Pardy showed 107 for the straight draw, but Schmelzel had AK for the nut flush draw.

Neither would come into play as the turn and river came Q2 and Schmelzel won unimproved, doubling up.

Player Chips Progress
Alan Schmelzel us
Alan Schmelzel
Jon Pardy ca
Jon Pardy

Tags: Alan SchmelzelJon Pardy