2023 World Series of Poker

Event #46: $500 No-Limit Hold'em Freezeout
Day: 1
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,000,000 / 2,000,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Imejjan Making The Money; Lockett Up, They're In

Level 17 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

During hand for hand play, the bubble burst quickly and in dramatic fashion as destinies were chosen.

In the black section of Paris, first action to play out all in, was a call off from a shorter stack after clock was call clocked on them on a board reading, 9Q8. The player in early position was at risk.

Early Position: KK
Badr Imejjane: J10

Imejjane had flopped the nut straight, leaving the at risk player a long way from catching up and the A on the turn and 6 on the river sealed the deal.

Over at another table, Jay Lockett called off against a shorter stack for a total of 77,000 preflop after being sandwiched in a raising war.

Opponent: AJ
Jay Lockett: 44

The flop gave his opponent some additional outs when it came 10K2, but the 3 and 6 bricked, leaving Lockett with a healthy stack moving into end phases of the day.

Player Chips Progress
Badr Imejjane us
Badr Imejjane
Jay Lockett
Jay Lockett
WSOP 1X Winner

Hinkle Eliminated as the Bubble Bursts

Level 17 : 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Grant Hinkle
Grant Hinkle

Radoslav Stoyanov moved all in from late position and Grant Hinkle called from the button, with his life on the line, as the tournament was being played in hand-for-hand until the bubble could be reached.

Grant Hinkle: AK
Radoslav Stoyanov: J5

The flop gave Stoyanov some outs for the upset, 1048. The turn looked like it might save Hinkle from elimination, but a gut-wrenching 6 hit the river, and after the other hands around the room were completed it was announced that the bubble had burst.

A player at Stoyanov's table said, partly with relief at making the money, partly in fear, "If you're going to have that kind of luck, I don't want to be at this table."

Player Chips Progress
Radoslav Stoyanov bg
Radoslav Stoyanov
Grant Hinkle us
Grant Hinkle
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Grant HinkleRadoslav Stoyanov

Bubble Burst After Two Hands; 796 Left

Level 17 : Blinds 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Once the dealers completed the hand they were on, three players had busted. Hand for hand started with three players still to eliminate. On the first hand, there were five all-ins called with two eliminations.

On the second hand, they were several all-ins and calls with seven eliminations.

One situation was Table 179.
Player at risk: K9
Opponent: 1010

The board ran out 6798J and we lost a contestant.

Another player busted in a huge pot with pocket kings against aces. So seven players are spliting the last payouts.

Level: 18

Blinds: 5,000/10,000

Ante: 10,000

First WSOP Cash For Surat

Level 18 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

"It's my first time in Las Vegas" said Frenchman Julien Surat as the hand for hand play ended. "I used to play for fun with my friends and this year we decided to come to Las Vegas! That's my first WSOP tournament and i'm so excited to cash, even if i don't speak English at all and it's difficult to understand everything!"

Meanwhile Surat is surviving with seven big blinds, Erwann Pecheux got eliminated just after the bubble as he lost a three way all in with AxKx against JxJx and AxJx.

Player Chips Progress
Julien Surat
Julien Surat
Erwann Pecheux fr
Erwann Pecheux

Tags: Erwann PecheuxJulien Surat

Murray Gets a Bustout as the Field Count Plummets

Level 18 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

With the players who hung on for the bubble to burst pushing their chips in the middle, and a cacophony of dealers yelling, "Payout!", Brett Murray was faced with an early position player's all in.

"Ah, heck. Let's gamble," he said.

Early Position: A9
Brett Murray: QK

There was nothing for Murray in the J35 flop, but a Q turn, and no ace on the river sent his opponent to the cashier's cage.

Player Chips Progress
Brett Murray us
Brett Murray

Tags: Brett Murray

Boski Boinks It

Level 18 : Blinds 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

From early position Jeff "Boski" Sluzinski, raised to an even 100,000, leaving himself two yellow chips behind as his card protector. It folded around to the small blind and that player went all in, just barely covering Sluzinski. Boski quickly made the call when it folded back to him.

Jeff Sluzinski: AJ
Small Blind: KK

The flop pulled Sluzinski ahead on A510. The player in the small blind was already on their feet before the 5 and 7 fell, ready to leave before the table let him know he'd be left with a few chips. Obviously deflated, he took his seat again and left Sluzinski to stack his chips.

Player Chips Progress
Jeff Sluzinski us
Jeff Sluzinski

Tags: Jeff Sluzinski

So Many Payouts It's a Sellard's Market

Level 18 : 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante

A middle-position player moved all in and David Sellards called from late position.

Middle Position: AQ
David Sellards: JJ

Sellards dodged the middle position's outs on a 966 flop, a K turn, and a 2 river.

As the post-bubble eliminations mount, the remaining players are climbing up the payout ladder.

Player Chips Progress
David Sellards
David Sellards

Tags: David Sellards

Level: 19

Blinds: 6,000/12,000

Ante: 12,000

Kerstetter Completely Confident

Level 19 : Blinds 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante

Jamie Kerstetter called a shove of 87,000, as did a player left to act behind her. According to her tablemates, she used some choice words when expressing her confidence in winning the hand.

Jamie Kerstetter: KK
Initial Aggressor: 55
Late Position: KJ

Kerstetter didn't stutter in her statement and when the board ran out, 721010A, she did indeed leave her opponents in the dust as her stack skyrocketed.

Player Chips Progress
Jamie Kerstetter us
Jamie Kerstetter

Tags: Jamie Kerstetter