2023 World Series of Poker

Event #34: $1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha
Day: 1
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

The Blind Leading The Blind

Level 7 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante
Jared Jaffee
Jared Jaffee

Just before break, Jared Jaffee was seen joking (sort of) with his table. When he opened in middle position blind to 1,200, his tablemates were incredulous, but he explained he'd look at his hand if someone raised him or when the flop came. He was called in two spots and on the flop of A103 he bet 4,500 after looking at his hand when checked to. Both players folded and Jaffee said, "Alright, you guys are playing great."

Only half of the players at the table knew who Jaffee was, so they remained in disbelief when Jaffee said, "I'll do it again." He did just that when it folded to him and raised to 1,200. Both the blinds called and they saw a flop of, A58. Again, Jaffee waited it for to be his action before looking at his hand. This time he bet to the tune of 3,500 and both players folded. When the big blind folded he showed KKK for one too many kings in his hand, mentioning what a fun time that was; In response Jaffee said, "No, this is fun." and he showed AA and mucked the rest of his hand.

Jaffee then declared that he'd be doing the same until someone beat him in a hand, so he obliged with an early position open to 1,200 and was three bet by Claudius Ferris in middle position to 3,800. It folded back to Jaffee and he made the call after looking at his hand. This time the flop was 59Q and when Jaffee bet 2,200, he was promptly raised to 7,800. Jaffee made the call. The 7 fell on the river, Jaffee bet the pot for 24,300 and garnered a fold from Ferris. Jaffee repeated what he said before, "Alrighty guys, you're playing great..."

The next hand Jaffee was under the gun and he raised to 1,200 before the first card was dealt and he was again three bet by Ferris to 3,600. He made the call and saw a flop fan out, 5K4. Jaffee checked and called when his opponent bet 2,200. The turn was the K and Jaffee said, "That's not me." before checking. He then called a bet of 5,000 to see the 3 on the river. This time both players checked and when the player in middle position showed a king, Jaffee mucked his hand and said, "No more, I surrender; now you have to do it." His opponent laughed and declined.

Player Chips Progress
Jared Jaffee us
Jared Jaffee
WSOP 1X Winner
Claudius Ferris us
Claudius Ferris

Livingston Bricks Out

Level 6 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Alex Livingston
Alex Livingston

Alex Livingston raised to 2,000 in the hijack before Tommy Le three-bet to 7,000 on the button. The blinds got out of the way and Livingston made the call.

The dealer fanned a flop of 853 and Livingston checked to Le, who continued for 10,000. Livingston quickly pushed his stack of about 16,000 across the line and Le wasted no time making the call, while rolling his hand face up.

Alex Livingston: K786
Tommy Le: AAJ9

"Big flop," Said Livingston as he rolled over his hand, pointing out his wrap and flush draw.

The 3 turn and K river were not the outs he was looking for as Le finished saying, "Shouldn't have said anything," and exited the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Tommy Le us
Tommy Le
WSOP 2X Winner
Alex Livingston ca
Alex Livingston
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Alex LivingstonTommy Le

McNeil's Straight Not Good Enough

Level 6 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Calen McNeil
Calen McNeil

The hijack raised to 1,500 before Calen McNeil shoved his last 2,500 into the middle from the small blind. Fontaine Ferreira was in the big blind and flatted before the hijack reraised to 10,000. Ferreira responded by putting a small stack of reds across the line to cover his opponent's remaining 24,300. After a few moments, the hijack pitched his cards into the muck and both hands were tabled.

Calen McNeil: J1098
Fontaine Ferreira: AKK6

The board ran out AA768, giving McNeil a straight, however, that wasn't enough as Ferreira made a full house.

Player Chips Progress
Fontaine Ferreira fr
Fontaine Ferreira
Calen McNeil ca
Calen McNeil
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Calen McNeil

Early Notables

Level 1 : Blinds 100/100, 100 ante
Esther Taylor
Esther Taylor

Michael Dobbs got runner up in the $600 NLH/PLO mix in 2022 for $98,026 and despite being able to best that this year, he hopped straight into this with the hopes of making a run.

Esther Taylor already cashed the $600 and $1,000 PLO here in the 2023 series, but is looking for that deep run. She has had an illustrious career and I'm sure we'll be seeing plenty of her this summer.

Maison Hinkle, better known as "Uncle Ron" is known for his quirky fashion sense and silly attitude. He has cashes dating back to 2016.

Giorgiy Skhuluhiya made waves on Twitter for having several winners photos released in the matter of the same month, always with the same stoic look. He won three tournaments in the matter of five days, hopping between the Venetian and the Wynn.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Dobbs us
Michael Dobbs
Esther Taylor us
Esther Taylor
Mason Hinkle us
Mason Hinkle
Giorgiy Skhuluhiya ge
Giorgiy Skhuluhiya

Event #34: $1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha Begins at 10 AM

Phil Hui
Phil Hui

Welcome to Day 1 of the 2023 WSOP at Horseshoe and Paris Las Vegas Event #34: $1,500 Pot-Limit Omaha. The $1,500 buy-in has a 10 a.m. local time start and each player gets 25,000 starting chips They will need to play 17 levels of 40 minutes to make it through to Day 2. Days 2 and 3 will consist of 60-minute levels. Level 1 will begin with blinds of 100/100 with a 100 big blind ante.

This event at the 2022 WSOP attracted 1,438 entries and created a prize pool of $1,918,385, with a first-place prize of $311,782. Phil Hui of the United States took home the first-place spoils and his third World Series of Poker gold bracelet by defeating Daniel Tordjman of France heads up, who had to settle for $192,674.

2022 WSOP Final Table Results

1stPhil HuiUnited States$311,782
2ndDaniel TordjmanFrance$192,674
3rdDavid ProciakUnited States$140,783
4thCharles CoultasUnited States$103,979
5thShane NardielloUnited States$77,635
6thDavid WilliamsUnited States$58,606
7thPaul FehligUnited States$44,735
8thDylan WeismanUnited States$34,532

This tournament will allow players up to two re-entries while late registration is open, with late registration closing after nine levels and a break (about 5:00 p.m.). Players will get a 20-minute break after every three levels of play and a 75-minute dinner break after the 12th level (about 7:00 p.m.).

Day 2 restart will be on Thursday, June 15th, at 10 a.m. and play ten 60-minute levels. Day 3 start time is to-be-determined and will play until a winner is crowned.

The PokerNews live reporting team will be on the floor giving you all the updates and coverage of this event and all the bracelet events running at the 2023 WSOP!

Tags: Charles CoultasDaniel TordjmanDavid ProciakDavid WilliamsDylan WeismanPhil HuiShane Nardiello