2022 World Series of Poker

Event #70: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event World Championship
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Players Info - Day 1d
Players Left

Klein Off to a Nice Early Start

Level 1 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Bill Klein
Bill Klein

With about 1,500 in the pot on a {5-Spades}{j-Spades}{7-Diamonds} flop, the button continued for 600. Bill Klein, from the big blind, raised to 2,100. The button called.

On the {6-Diamonds} turn, Klein fired once more for 1,500. The button called.

The action stopped on the {10-Diamonds} river, with both players tapping the table.

Klein announced two pair and flipped over {j-Clubs}{5-Clubs} for the win.

Player Chips Progress
Bill Klein us
Bill Klein

Wasch's Third Barrel Takes it Down

Level 1 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

After a raise to 500 from the hijack, Sarah Wasch put in a reraise to 1,800 from the cutoff. Action folded back around to the hijack, who put in the call after a moment of thought.

On the {k-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{7-Hearts} flop, Wasch continued for 1,500, earning another call.

The {3-Hearts} hit the felt on the turn, and Wasch took a moment before firing for 5,000, earning a relatively quick fold from her opponent, giving her the pot.

"Too many draws out there," she explained as she raked in her winnings.

Player Chips Progress
Sarah Wasch us
Sarah Wasch
Jaka Coaching

Tags: Sarah Wasch

Early Notables From Bally's Blue

Level 1 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Player Chips Progress
Phil Ivey us
Phil Ivey
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 11X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Ken Aldridge us
Ken Aldridge
WSOP 1X Winner
Allen Kessler us
Allen Kessler
$25K Fantasy
Brad Owen
Brad Owen
Brent Hanks us
Brent Hanks
WSOP 1X Winner
Jason Wheeler us
Jason Wheeler
WSOP 1X Winner
Stoyan Madanzhiev bg
Stoyan Madanzhiev
Jonathan Pastore fr
Jonathan Pastore
WSOP 1X Winner
Jampa Dothar us
Jampa Dothar
Ivan Deyra fr
Ivan Deyra
Chris Moorman gb
Chris Moorman
Antoine Saout fr
Antoine Saout
Stefan Schillhabel de
Stefan Schillhabel
Georgios Sotiropoulos gr
Georgios Sotiropoulos
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Yuliyan Kolev bg
Yuliyan Kolev
WSOP 1X Winner
Anthony Zinno us
Anthony Zinno
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
Manig Loeser de
Manig Loeser
WSOP 2X Winner
Dragana Mackelprang us
Dragana Mackelprang

Tags: Allen KesslerAnthony ZinnoAntoine SaoutBrad OwenBrent HanksChris MoormanIvan DeyraJampa DotharJason WheelerJonathan PastoreKen AldridgeManig LoeserPhil IveyStefan SchillhabelStoyan MadanzhievYuliyan Kolev

Early Pot Is Cool For Katz

Level 1 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

The cutoff bet 500 and was called by Itay Katz on the button. Brian Malik in the big blind raised to 1.200, and the other two players called.

All three players checked the flop of {a-Hearts}{q-Spades}{2-Clubs}. The {4-Clubs} turn allowed Malik to make a delayed continuation bet of 1,400 which got a fold from the cutoff, but Katz made the call.

The {9-Diamonds} fell on the river and Malik fired 4,200, Katz made the call and Malik said "Your ace is good sir!" revealing {10-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}. Katz indeed turned over an ace showing {a-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} to take the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Itay Katz il
Itay Katz
Brian Malik us
Brian Malik

Tags: Brian MalikItay Katz

Sluzinski Tested Early

Level 1 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Jeff Sluzinski
Jeff Sluzinski

Action picked up on the flop in a heads-up pot between Jeff Sluzinski and Jose Castillo. The flop showed {2-Clubs}{7-Spades}{j-Spades}.

Castillo bet 1,100 from the hijack and Sluzinski made the call from the cutoff.

The turn was the {6-Diamonds} and Castillo slowed down with a check. Sluzinski put out a bet of 1,800. Castillo didn't check to give up, though, he check-raised to 5,600. Sluzinski made the call.

The river fell the {10-Hearts} and Castillo bet 12,300. Sluzinski thought for a bit before tossing his cards into the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Jose Castillo es
Jose Castillo
Jeff Sluzinski us
Jeff Sluzinski
Raise Your Edge

Tags: Jeff SluzinskiJose Castillo

Lemery Scores Early Pot

Level 1 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Action was picked up on a flop of {q-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} in a pot of roughly 5,500. Dylan Lemery bet 3,000 on the button after after the big blind checked, who then called.

Both players checked on the {q-Hearts} turn. The {5-Clubs} completed the board and again both players checked to a showdown.

The big blind rolled over {k-Spades}{j-Spades} for king-high and Lemery revealed {5-Hearts}{4-Hearts} for a missed straight draw but a rivered pair to send the early pot his way.

Player Chips Progress
Dylan Lemery us
Dylan Lemery

Tags: Dylan Lemery

Cerminara Turns Trips in Multiway Pot

Level 1 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Five players saw a flop of {a-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}{q-Spades} and the action checked to Calvin Anderson in the cutoff who put out a bet of 1,000. The button called before Frank Cerminara called in the small blind, followed by one other call.

The {k-Clubs} paired the board and the action checked to Anderson once again before he tossed in three yellows for a bet of 3,000. Only Cerminara called.

The {8-Diamonds} completed the board on the river and Cerminara quickly checked before Anderson checked back. Cerminara tabled {k-Spades}{j-Spades} for trip kings on the turn and Anderson mucked his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Frank Cerminara us
Frank Cerminara
Calvin Anderson us
Calvin Anderson
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Calvin AndersonFrank Cerminara