2022 World Series of Poker

Event #73: $1,500 Razz
Day: 2
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Matt Savage, Yuri Dzivielevski Chase Calvin Anderson on Day 2 of $1,500 Razz

Matt Savage
Matt Savage

The money bubble awaits the 123 surviving players today on Day 2 of Event #73: $1,500 Razz at the World Series of Poker.

Matt Savage is usually on the other side of the felt in his role as a renowned tournament director, but the Poker Hall of Fame nominee does have eight career WSOP cashes and a final table on his resume. He’ll look to add to that today as he carries a top-10 stack of 175,000 into Day 2.

He and the rest of the field are looking up at Calvin Anderson. Anderson, already with a Razz bracelet to his credit, begins the day with 336,000, 50,000 more than second-place Nicolas Milgrom (283,500). The top-five is rounded out by Vincent Griboski (223,000), Daniel Tafur (202,500), and Argentininan bracelet winner Andres Korn (196,000).

Daniel Strelitz (177,000), Yuri Dzivielevski (160,000), and 2022 bracelet winner Patrick Leonard (82,000) also begin the day with a healthy stack, while the likes of Joao Vieira (56,000), Todd Brunson (39,000), and David “ODB” Baker (27,000) have their work cut out for them if they hope to make the money.

Event #73: $1,500 Razz Top 10 Chip Counts

1Calvin AndersonUnited States336,000
2Nicolas MilgromUnited States283,500
3Vincent GriboskiUnited States223,000
4Daniel TafurSpain202,500
5Andres KornArgentina196,000
6Ismael BojangGermany192,500
7Arthur MorrisUnited States179,000
8Daniel StrelitzUnited States177,000
9Matt SavageUnited States175,000
10Loren AdamUnited States174,000

The plan when the action begins at 2 p.m. local time in the Paris Ballroom is to play 10 hour-long levels, with a 60-minute dinner break at the conclusion of Level 21, which should come around 8:30 p.m. Play will pick up on Level 16, with 4,000-8,000 limits.

The top 58 players will finish in the money, guaranteeing themselves $2,413 for a min-cash. But all eyes will be on making it to the final table and a chance at winning the WSOP gold bracelet and $115,723.

PokerNews will be on hand throughout the day as the bubble is burst and the field is whittled down toward the final table.

Tags: Andres KornCalvin AndersonDaniel StrelitzDaniel TafurJoao VieiraMatt SavageNicolas MilgromPatrick LeonardTodd BrunsonVincent GriboskiYuri Dzivielevski

Life Is Peachy For Korn

Level 16 : Limits 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante
Andres Korn
Andres Korn

Action was picked up on fifth street in a hand between Andres Korn and Stephen Burns.

Andres Korn: {x-}{x-}/{7-}{8-}{4-}{7-}/{x-}
Stephen Burns: {x-}{x-}/{10-}{a-}{3-}{10-}/{x-}

Korn bet on fifth street and Burns called.

Both players paired on sixth street with Korn keeping the betting lead and he bet once more which Burns called, leaving himself only a half a bet behind.

On seventh street Korn bet once more and Burns called to put himself all in. Korn turned over {a-}{5-}{j-} for an eight-seven which was good against the {9-}{5-}{2-} Burns turned over for nine-five and Korn's stack rose to one of the biggest in the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Andres Korn ar
Andres Korn
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Stephen Burns us
Stephen Burns

Tags: Andres KornStephen Burns

It's Sunny In Miami

Level 17 : Limits 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante
John Cernuto
John Cernuto

John "Miami John" Cernuto completed with a {7-} up and on his immediate left, Colton Blomberg raised with a {4-} which folded out all other players except Cernuto who called.

John "Miami John" Cernuto: {x-}{x-}/{7-}{7-}{5-}{10-}/{x-}{x-}
Colton Blomberg: {x-}{x-}/{4-}{j-}{j-}{2-}/{x-}

On fourth street, Blomberg bet with a jack up and Cernuto called with a pair.

On fifth street the betting lead switched and Cernuto bet while Blomberg called.

Cernuto bet once more on sixth street and Blomberg thought about it for a bit before calling.

Seventh street checked through and Cernuto turned over {a-}{4-}{k-} for a ten-seven and Blomberg shook his head as he tossed his hand into the muck. Cernuto now sits as one of the bigger stacks in the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
John Cernuto us
John Cernuto
WSOP 3X Winner
Colton Blomberg us
Colton Blomberg

Tags: John CernutoColton Blomberg

Anderson Ascending

Level 19 : Limits 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson

Action was picked up on sixth street with a massive three-way pot enveloping between three players including Calvin Anderson and Mark Gerencher.

Calvin Anderson: {x-}{x-}/{7-}{10-}{4-}{a-}/{x-}
Mark Gerencher: {x-}{x-}/{2-}{2-}{8-}{6-}/{x-}
Opponent: {x-}{x-}/{2-}{6-}{q-}{q-}/{x-}

On sixth street Anderson bet and both of his opponents called.

On seventh street, Anderson bet once more and after some deliberation from each, both opponents called. Anderson turned over {3-}{5-}{10-} for a seven-five which was good and the chip leader added more to his stack.

Player Chips Progress
Calvin Anderson us
Calvin Anderson
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
Mark Gerencher us
Mark Gerencher

Tags: Calvin AndersonMark Gerencher

Means Survives; Savage Wins Side

Level 21 : Limits 12,000/24,000, 3,000 ante
Matt Savage
Matt Savage

Action was picked up on fifth street in a pot between Matt Savage, Kristy Means, and Michael Rosenberg.

Kristy Means: {x-}{x-}/{6-}{5-}{2-}{a-}/{x-}
Michael Rosenberg: {x-}{x-}/{7-}{q-}{a-}{7-}/{x-}
Matt Savage: {x-}{x-}/{5-}{2-}{10-}{10-}/{x-}

With Means already all in and Savage and Rosenberg fighting for a side, Savage bet on fifth street and sixth street, receiving a call from Rosenberg both times.

On seventh the action checked through with Savage turning over a {4-}{7-}{q-} for a ten-seven which was good for the side against Rosenberg's quickly flashed queen-seven. Means won the main after turning over {3-}{8-}{9-} for a six-five and she remained in the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Matt Savage us
Matt Savage
Michael Rosenberg us
Michael Rosenberg
Kristy Means us
Kristy Means

Tags: Kristy MeansMatt SavageMichael Rosenberg

Strelitz Takes From Savage

Level 21 : Limits 12,000/24,000, 3,000 ante
Daniel Strelitz
Daniel Strelitz

Daniel Strelitz completed with a {2-} up and Matt Savage raised with a {3-} which Michael Rosenberg call with a {7-} and Strelitz called as well.

Daniel Strelitz: {x-}{x-}/{2-}{4-}{4-}{a-}/{x-}
Matt Savage: {x-}{x-}/{3-}{5-}{k-}{a-}/{x-}
Michael Rosenberg: {x-}{x-}/{7-}{10-} (Folded on fourth)

Strelitz checked to Savage on fourth who bet and only folded out Rosenberg.

The betting lead switched to Savage on fifth and he bet while Strelitz continued calling.

On sixth Savage bet once more and Strelitz called again.

Savage checked by knocking his fist on the table very loudly on seventh while Strelitz bet, eliciting a quick fold.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Strelitz us
Daniel Strelitz
WSOP 2X Winner
Matt Savage us
Matt Savage
Michael Rosenberg us
Michael Rosenberg

Tags: Daniel StrelitzMatt SavageMichael Rosenberg

SO SICK! Kings vs. Kings Cooler Busts Sam Abernathy from the WSOP Main Event

Level 21 : Limits 12,000/24,000, 3,000 ante
Samantha Abernathy
Samantha Abernathy

Level 11 of the 2022 World Series of Poker Main Event was unkind to 888poker ambassador Sam Abernathy, who lost a brutal bad beat to exit poker's world championship event.

During the first level of Day 3, with around 110,000 in chips and the blinds at 1,000/2,500, Abernathy picked up {k-Hearts}{k-Spades} and was poised to earn a valuable double-up, perhaps putting her in position to make a run at the money, and then potentially deeper as the tournament progressed. But her opponent, Mike Gao, also had {k-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}, so a chop pot seemed inevitable.

Read the full story at pokernews.com!

Tags: Samantha Abernathy

Jiacong Zhang Eliminated In 23rd Place ($3,805)

Level 23 : Limits 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
Jiacong Zhang
Jiacong Zhang

Action was recapped by the table as multiple bustouts occured at once.

Jiacong Zhang was involved in a confrontation Paul DeGiulio.

Zhang started out with {a-}{4-}{10-}, but he ended up making a jack, while Paul DeGiulio ran him down and made a seven-six. Zhang was eliminated from the tournament 23rd in the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Paul DeGiulio bm
Paul DeGiulio
Jiacong Zhang us
Jiacong Zhang

Tags: Jiacong ZhangPaul DeGiulio

Matt Savage Eliminated In 22nd Place ($3,850), Kristy Means Eliminated In 21st Place ($3,850)

Level 23 : Limits 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
Matt Savage
Matt Savage

Action was picked up on sixth street with Colton Blomberg having put both Kristy Means and Matt Savage at risk.

Matt Savage: {4-}{8-}/{2-}{10-}{j-}{q-}/{7-}
Kristy Means: {8-}{5-}/{2-}{5-}{7-}{7-}/{2-}
Colton Blomberg: {a-}{4-}/{6-}{8-}{j-}{q-}/{2-}

Blomberg on seventh street improved to an eight-six which was good enough to leave both of his with worse hands and they both left the tournament area.

Player Chips Progress
Colton Blomberg us
Colton Blomberg
Matt Savage us
Matt Savage
Kristy Means us
Kristy Means

Tags: Colton BlombergKristy MeansMatt Savage

Rebecca Kerl Eliminated in 20th Place ($3,850); George Shahrezay Eliminated in 19th Place ($3,850)

Level 23 : Limits 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
Rebecca Kerl
Rebecca Kerl

George Shahrezay: {x-}{x-}/{2-}{a-}{10-}{10-}/{x-}
Daniel Strelitz: {x-}{x-}/{a-}{k-}{7-}{3-}/{x-}

Daniel Strelitz bet on fifth and sixth streets, with George Shahrezay calling on fifth before committing the rest of his chips on sixth.

Strelitz turned over {5-}{4-}{9-} for 7-5-4-3-A and Shahrezay mucked before making his exit in 19th place.

At the same time, Rebecca Kerl was all in for around 80,000 as Calvin Anderson was showing {k-}{10-}{3-}{8-}{7-}{2-}{5-}. Her cards were already in the muck as she was eliminated in 20th place.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Strelitz us
Daniel Strelitz
WSOP 2X Winner
Calvin Anderson us
Calvin Anderson
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
George Shahrezay us
George Shahrezay
Rebecca Kerl us
Rebecca Kerl

Tags: Calvin AndersonDaniel StrelitzGeorge ShahrezayRebecca Kerl