2022 World Series of Poker

Event #7: $1,500 Omaha Hi-Lo 8 or Better
Day: 3
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
300,000 / 600,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Matt Glantz Eliminated in 5th place ($59,166)

Level 33 : 200,000/400,000, 0 ante
Matt Glantz
Matt Glantz

Matt Glantz bet pre-flop, then was raised by Matt Vengrin, which was called by Paul Zapulla, only to be reraiseed all in by Glantz, which the other players called.

The flop of {q-Hearts}{k-Spades}{9-Diamonds} was checked through as well as the turn {2-Hearts} and {a-Hearts} river.

Vengrin announced two pair as he tabled his {a-}{9-}{7-}{2-}, Zappalla mucked and Glantz showed {a-}{10-}{6-}{4-} for only one pair.

Glantz was eliminated in 5th place for $59,166.

Player Chips Progress
Matt Glantz us
Matt Glantz
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky

Tags: Matt GlantzMatt VengrinPaul Zapulla

Murilo Figueredo Eliminated in 4th Place ($80,671)

Level 33 : 200,000/400,000, 0 ante
Murilo Figueredo
Murilo Figueredo

Murilo Figueredo was all in with {a-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{3-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} against Paul Zappulla with {6-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}

The board ran out {q-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{q-Clubs} with Zappulla hitting a full house to beat Figueredo's trip fours.

Figueredo was eliminated in fourth place with a payout of $80,671

Player Chips Progress
Paul Zappulla us
Paul Zappulla
Murilo Figueredo br
Murilo Figueredo
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Murilo FigueredoPaul Zappulla

Zappulla Makes Big Call on River

Level 33 : 200,000/400,000, 0 ante

The board on the river was {9-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{q-Diamonds} and Paul Zappulla was faced with a big bet from Matt Vengrin.

"flush draw?" he said, thinking aloud. No response from Vengrin.

Zappalla then gathered the size of the bet, which was half of his remaining chips, and set them into the pot.

"Two pair," he announced, as he showed {a-Diamonds}{8-}{5-}{3-}. Vengrin mucked what appeared to be pocket kings.

Player Chips Progress
Matt Vengrin us
Matt Vengrin
Paul Zappulla us
Paul Zappulla

Tags: Paul ZappullaMatt Vengrin

Vengrin Scoops Last Hand Before Break

Level 33 : 200,000/400,000, 0 ante
Matt Vengrin
Matt Vengrin

With a board of {3-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{3-Spades}, heads-up action between Matt Vengrin and Paul Zappulla there was around 2,000,000 in the pot.

The turn came {6-Diamonds} to which Vengrin bet and received a call.

A {9-Clubs} showed up on the river and cards Vengrin showed {a-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{4-Hearts} for both the high and the low to which Zappulla tossed his cards into the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Amnon Filippi us
Amnon Filippi
Day 3 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Matt Vengrin us
Matt Vengrin
Paul Zappulla us
Paul Zappulla

Tags: Matt VengrinPaul Zappulla

Extra Hour of Play

Level 33 : 200,000/400,000, 0 ante

Coming to the end of the last scheduled level, the remaining players were given the option of bagging and resuming play tomorrow or playing an additional hour. The players decided on the latter.

Paul Zappulla Eliminated in 3rd Place ($111,501)

Level 33 : 200,000/400,000, 0 ante
Paul Zappulla
Paul Zappulla

Paul Zappulla was all in preflop with {a-}{q-}{9-}{9-} versus Amnon Filippi with {k-Spades}{4-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}

The board runout of {2-Clubs}{3-Hearts}{7-Spades}{3-Clubs}{5-Hearts} gave Amnon the victory with trip threes and eliminated Zappulla.

As he tapped the table and stood up, both remaining players commended him on his strong play throughout the tournament.

He headed toward the payout desk in third place for $111,501.

Player Chips Progress
Amnon Filippi us
Amnon Filippi
Day 3 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Paul Zappulla us
Paul Zappulla

Tags: Amnon FilippiPaul Zappulla

Filippi Wins Late Night Pot

Level 33 : 200,000/400,000, 0 ante
Amnon Filippi
Amnon Filippi

With a flop of {9-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{k-Spades} and about 2,000,000 in the pot. Amnon Filippi bet and was called by Matt Vengrin on the button.

The turn showed an {a-Hearts} and another bet was thrown out and called.

A {7-Hearts} came on the river and cards were shown. Filippi showed {k-Clubs}{k-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{9-Hearts} and Vengrin threw his cards into the much

Player Chips Progress
Amnon Filippi us
Amnon Filippi
Day 3 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Matt Vengrin us
Matt Vengrin

Tags: Amnon FilippiMatt Vengrin

Vengrin Spikes Pure One Outer on River to Stay Alive

Level 33 : 200,000/400,000, 0 ante
Matt Vengrin
Matt Vengrin

Amnon Filippi raised to 800,000 from the button and Matt Vengrin defended to see a flop of {10-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}{10-Spades}.

Vengrin checked, Filippi bet, and the former check-raised to 800,000. Filippi called and the dealer burned and turned the {9-Spades}.

Vengrin bet 800,000, Filippi popped it to 1.6 million, and Vengrin thought long and hard before calling, which left him just 750,000 behind.

When the {10-Hearts} completed the board on the river, Vengrin bet all in and Filippi called.

"I have quads," Vengrin said and tabled the {10-Clubs}{5-Spades}{6-Hearts}{8-Clubs}. That caused Filippi to shoot out of his chair.

"You have jacks?" Chino Rheem asked from the rail.

"Of course I have jacks," a stunned Filippi said before showing the {j-Spades}{j-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} for a flopped full house.

It was a brutal river card that gave Vengrin new life.

Player Chips Progress
Amnon Filippi us
Amnon Filippi
Day 3 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Matt Vengrin us
Matt Vengrin

Tags: Amnon FilippiMatt Vengrin

Final Table to be Continued Tomorrow

Level 33 : 200,000/400,000, 0 ante
WSOP Bracelet
WSOP Bracelet

Amnon Filippi and Matt Vengrin will resume their heads-up battle tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. We will see then who takes home the first place finish and the WSOP bracelt.

The recap of Day 3 will be posted shortly so stay tuned and check it out.

Player Chips Progress
Amnon Filippi us
Amnon Filippi
Day 3 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Matt Vengrin us
Matt Vengrin

Tags: Amnon FilippiMatt Vengrin