2022 World Series of Poker

Event #57: $600 Deepstack Championship No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
600,000 / 1,200,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Welcome to Day 3 of Event #57: $600 Deep Stack Championship No-Limit Hold'em

Jeremy Ausmus
Jeremy Ausmus

The penultimate day of Event #57: $600 Deep Stack Championship No-Limit Hold'em is set for a 12 p.m. local time restart at the 2022 World Series of Poker at Bally's and Paris Las Vegas. After Day 1 whittled the starting field down from 4,913 competitors down to just 560 who made it through to Day 2, that second day of action thinned the field out to just 60 competitors left vying for the elusive WSOP gold bracelet and first place pay day of $299,464. The remaining 60 players will all take home a minimum of $5,273.

American John Ypma leads the field headed into the Day 3 action with 6,660,000 chips. He is followed closely by fellow Americans John Ciccarelli (6,635,000) and Mike Vanier (6,085,000), the only three players to bag over six million chips. Four time bracelet winner Jeremy Ausmus (2,850,000) finds himself in the top third of the pack as he continues his pursuit of his second bracelet of the summer. Craig McCorkell (2,430,000), the only other bracelet winner left in the field, is closely behind Ausmus. Online player Jon Van Fleet, who has amassed over $20,000,000 in online winnings, bagged a top ten stack of 4,100,000 at the end of the night as he is in pursuit of the biggest live cash of his career and first bracelet. Richard Dixon (2,040,000) made the final table of this event last year, ultimately busting in 5th place. He hopes to match and succeed that success this year, as he shared with PokerNews, as well as his opponents after moving all in against them, he has a big side bet to make back to back final tables.

Day 2 also saw plenty of familiar faces return but fail to bag. 2021 Main Event Finalist Jack Oliver was sent to the rail before the first break of the day. Multiple bracelet winners Mark Seif, Ryan Eriquezzo, Eric Baldwin, Brett Shaffer, Tuan Le, and Chris Moorman, as well as 2015 WSOP.com player of the year Paul Dewald were all eliminated throughout the course of play on Day 2.

Play today will continue until just five players are left standing. They will begin at Level 28, with 50,000-100,000 blinds and a big blind ante of 100,000. Levels will last for one hour, with a 15-minute break scheduled for after every other level and a 60 minute dinner break after level 33, expected to be around 6:30 p.m. local time. The five remaining players at the end of the day will bag their chips and return tomorrow, June 30th, for the final table, where a champion will be crowned.

Stay up to date with the latest coverage of this event on PokerNews.

Tags: Brett ShafferChris MoormanCraig McCorkellEric BaldwinJack OliverJeremy AusmusJohn CiccarelliJohn YpmaJon Van FleetMark SeifMike VanierPaul DewaldRichard DixonRyan EriquezzoTuan Le

Kyung Lee Eliminated in 27th Place ($9,288)

Level 31 : 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Kyung Lee
Kyung Lee

Daniel Marcus moved all in on the button for 12,000,000 covering both opponents. Kyung Lee left short from the last hand called all in for his tournament life in the big blind.

Kyung Lee: {k-Hearts}{4-Hearts}
Daniel Marcus: {a-Spades}{q-Clubs}

Lee was in bad shape and eliminated when the board ran out {q-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Marcus us
Daniel Marcus
Kyung Lee us
Kyung Lee

Tags: Daniel MarcusKyung Lee

Jordan Winn Eliminated in 25th Place ($11,404)

Level 31 : 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Jordan Winn
Jordan Winn

Jordan Winn opened from the cutoff by jamming for around 2,000,000. He got one caller, Daniel Marcus in the big blind, who had Winn covered.

Jordan Winn: {a-Hearts}{7-Clubs}
Daniel Marcus: {5-Spades}{5-Clubs}

Winn was behind, but had outs. The {q-Hearts}{k-Spades}{6-Hearts} flop did not change much, but the {j-Diamonds} turn gave Winn a straight draw. He failed to connect with the {4-Clubs} river, however, and was left with just ace high, not enough to best Marcus' pocket fives.

Winn was sent to the rail in 25th place, worth a cash of $11,404, the biggest score of his career.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Marcus us
Daniel Marcus
Jordan Winn us
Jordan Winn

Tags: Daniel MarcusJordan Winn

Yota Mitsui Eliminated in 24th Place ($11,404)

Level 32 : 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Yota Mitsui
Yota Mitsui

Yota Mitsui moved all in from late position for 2,500,000. He got one caller, Nick Marchington in early position, who had him covered.

Yota Mitsui: {q-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}
Nick Marchington: {a-Spades}{k-Hearts}

In a classic race, Marchington pulled ahead on the {5-Hearts}{3-Spades}{a-Hearts} flop, leaving Mitsui drawing thin. The {6-Spades}{j-Clubs} runout was a brick, and Mitsui could not improve from his pocket queens. Marchington scooped the pot, eliminating Mitsui in 24th place for a cash of $11,404.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Marchington gb
Nick Marchington
Yota Mitsui jp
Yota Mitsui

Tags: Nick MarchingtonYota Mitsui

Sandro Gridelli Eliminated in 23rd Place ($11,404)

Level 32 : 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Sandro Gridelli
Sandro Gridelli

Sandro Gridelli moved all in with a stack of 2,625,000. He got one caller, Daniel Marcus.

Sandro Gridelli: {a-Hearts}{j-Spades}
Daniel Marcus: {8-Spades}{8-Diamonds}

It was a classic race, but unfortunately for Gridelli, the ten high runout of {7-Spades}{5-Hearts}{6-Spades}{2-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} was of absolutely no help to him. He was left with just ace high against Marcus' pocket eights, and was eliminated in 23rd place for a cash of $11,404, the largest cash of his career.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Marcus us
Daniel Marcus
Sandro Gridelli cn
Sandro Gridelli

Tags: Daniel MarcusSandro Gridelli

Mike Vanier Eliminated in 22nd Place ($11,404)

Level 32 : 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Mike Vanier
Mike Vanier

Details of this hand were provided to PokerNews after the fact courtesy of Nick Marchington.

Marchington opened from early position with a min raise to 500,000. Mike Vanier jammed for about 2,800,000 from the button, and Marchington called with Vanier covered.

Mike Vanier: {a-Clubs}{j-Clubs}
Nick Marchington: {q-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}

The {k-Hearts}{q-Hearts}{4-Hearts} flop gave Vanier a straight draw, but gave Marchington a set. The {7-Hearts} turn and {2-Spades} river changed nothing, and Marchington's set was more than enough to beat Vanier's ace high, sending Vanier out of the tournament in 22nd place, for a pay day of $11,404.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Marchington gb
Nick Marchington
Mike Vanier us
Mike Vanier

Tags: Mike VanierNick Marchington

Wim Ben Verhaegen Eliminated in 20th Place ($11,404)

Level 32 : 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Wim Ben Verhaegen
Wim Ben Verhaegen

Action was picked up after Wim Ben Verhaegen had moved all in and gotten a call from Daniel Marcus, who had him covered.

Wim Ben Verhaegen: {3-Diamonds}{3-Spades}
Daniel Marcus: {k-Diamonds}{k-Spades}

Verhaegen was in rough position, and the {j-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{q-Spades}{a-Spades}{8-} runout did nothing to change that. Marcus' cowboys were still best, and Verhaegen was knocked out of the tournament in 20th place for a cash of $11,404.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Marcus us
Daniel Marcus
Wim Ben Verhaegen be
Wim Ben Verhaegen

Tags: Daniel MarcusWim Ben Verhaegen

Derrick Stoebe Eliminated in 19th Place ($11,404)

Level 32 : 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Derrick Stoebe
Derrick Stoebe

Derrick Stoebe moved all in from the cutoff for around 3,000,000. Jon Van Fleet made the call from the hijack with Stoebe well covered.

Derrick Stoebe: {j-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}
Jon Van Fleet: {q-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}

Stoebe would need some help to stay alive, but none came as the {k-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{5-Clubs} runout was a brick for both players. Van Fleet's queens were still best, and he scooped the pot. Stoebe was knocked out in 19th place for a cash of $11,404.

Player Chips Progress
Jon Van Fleet us
Jon Van Fleet
Derrick Stoebe us
Derrick Stoebe

Tags: Derrick StoebeJon Van Fleet

Ronald Hunt Eliminated in 18th Place ($11,404)

Level 33 : 150,000/300,000, 300,000 ante
Ronald Hunt
Ronald Hunt

Tsuf Saltsberg raised to 600,000 from the cutoff. Ronald Hunt moved all in on the button for 1,000,000 and Sarah Wasch moved all in for 2,800,000. Saltsberg asked for a hunt before making the call.

Ronald Hunt: {a-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}
Sarah Wasch: {a-Spades}{j-Diamonds}
Tsuf Saltsberg: {j-Clubs}{j-Spades}

Saltsberg was in great shape to eliminate two opponents. The board ran out {k-Hearts}{q-Hearts}{j-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{q-Clubs} as Saltsberg eliminated both his opponents with a full house.

Player Chips Progress
Tsuf Saltsberg il
Tsuf Saltsberg
Ronald Hunt us
Ronald Hunt
Sarah Wasch us
Sarah Wasch
Jaka Coaching

Tags: Ronald HuntSarah WaschTsuf Saltsberg