2022 World Series of Poker

Event #54: $500 Salute to Warriors
Day: 3
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,000,000 / 1,500,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Vlogger Vaughan in the Hunt for Salute to Warriors Bracelet; Day 3 Starts at Noon

Matthew Vaughan
Matthew Vaughan

Matthew Vaughan, a popular YouTube poker vlogger, could have a new piece of hardware to show off at his next meetup game if all goes to plan Tuesday.

He enters the final 21 of Event #54: $500 Salute to Warriors No-Limit Hold'em in ninth place with an above-average chip stack of 7,750,000. While he does have nearly $300,000 in career live tournament earnings, he could potentially score his largest-ever WSOP cash Tuesday, with $161,256 and a prestigious WSOP bracelet up top.

He’ll be trying to chase down James Todd, who enters the day with the chip lead, an even 20,000,000. Rigoberto Rodriguez is the closest player to him on the leaderboard, in second place with 14,950,000, while just three others come back with eight-figure stacks.

Event #54: $500 Salute to Warriors Top 10 Chip Counts

PlacePlayerCountryChipsBig Blinds
1James ToddUnited States20,000,00050
2Rigoberto RodriguezUnited States14,950,00037
3Todd SaffronUnited States11,900,00030
4Nicholas Sena-HopkinsUnited States10,305,00026
5Zyad QasemUnited States10,000,00025
6Patrick PilkoUnited States9,900,00025
7Brett ColtmanUnited States9,300,00023
8Elias NetoBrazil9,200,00023
9Matthew VaughanUnited States7,750,00019
10Richard StrainisUnited States6,650,00017

The massive event, which saw 3,209 entries pay their $500 for a shot at WSOP glory and to help support the USO and other Veterans organizations, has smashed its entry record, as 1,723 entries took part in 2019 with Susan Faber winning $121,161, and 1,738 entered in 2021 with Eric Zhang taking home $102,465 for his victory.

The event had originally been scheduled for just the final five players to be returning Tuesday for Day 3, but with such a huge field it will be 21 players coming back to the Bally’s Event Center at 12:00 noon local time for Level 33 and onward until a champion is crowned.

Stay close to PokerNews for all the action from this and every event from the 53rd World Series of Poker from its new home at Bally’s and Paris Las Vegas.

Tags: Eric ZhangJames ToddMatthew VaughanRigoberto RodriguezSusan Faber

Allan Dancer Eliminated in 21st Place ($6,839)

Level 33 : 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante
Allan Dancer
Allan Dancer

Allan Dancer got it in for around 4,500,000 and Brett Coltman was the one to put him at risk.

Allan Dancer: {8-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}
Brett Coltman: {a-Spades}{a-Hearts}

The board ran out with no help for Dancer and the aces held to eliminate him in 21st place for $6,839.

Player Chips Progress
Brett Coltman us
Brett Coltman
Jaka Coaching
Allan Dancer us
Allan Dancer

Tags: Allan DancerBrett Coltman

Marco Petrusch Eliminated in 20th Place ($6,839)

Level 33 : 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante
Marco Petrusch
Marco Petrusch

Marco Petrusch got his last 5,000,000 into the middle and James Todd was the one to go for the knockout.

Marco Petrusch: {k-}{7-}
James Todd: {k-}{9-}

The board ran out {9-}{4-}{6-}{3-}{4-} and Todd held on with a pair of nines to eliminate Petrusch in 20th place for $6,839.

Player Chips Progress
James Todd us
James Todd
WSOP 1X Winner
Marco Petrusch at
Marco Petrusch

Tags: James ToddMarco Petrusch

Scott Shafman Eliminated in 19th Place ($6,839)

Level 33 : 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante
Scott Shafman
Scott Shafman

Scott Shafman got it all in from early position and Patrick Pilko was the one to look him up.

Scott Shafman: {k-Clubs}{8-Clubs}
Patrick Pilko: {a-Clubs}{j-Spades}

The board ran out {7-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{2-Spades}{a-Hearts} and Pilko improved to aces-up to eliminate Shafman from the tournament in 19th place for $6,839.

Player Chips Progress
Patrick Pilko at
Patrick Pilko
Scott Shafman us
Scott Shafman

Tags: Patrick PilkoScott Shafman

Matthew Vaughan Eliminated in 18th Place ($6,839)

Level 33 : 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante
Matthew Vaughan
Matthew Vaughan

While the other tables were already waiting on the redraw to two tables, the first and only hand played on the outer table took the better part of ten minutes and ultimately resulted in the bustout of Matthew Vaughan.

It was Rigoberto Rodriguez who opened with a raise to 950,000 in the cutoff, Matthew Vaughan called on the button, and Zyad Qasem called from the big blind. The flop was {10-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{8-Spades} and Qasem and Rodriguez checked to Vaughan, who bet 950,000. Qasem check-raised to 2,500,000, Rodriguez folded, and Vaughan called after some thought.

On the {8-Hearts} turn, Qasem shoved all in, putting Vaughan to the test for his final 4 million in chips. Vaughan spent minutes in the tank before the clock was called on him. The seconds were ticking away as Vaughan was mulling over his decision.

With one second left on the clock, he decided to call it all off but instantly received the bad news.

Matthew Vaughan: {a-Clubs}{10-Clubs}
Zyad Qasem: {q-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}

Vaughan did have some outs but the {2-Diamonds} river wasn't one of them, ending his deep run early on Day 3.

Player Chips Progress
Zyad Qasem us
Zyad Qasem
Rigoberto Rodriguez us
Rigoberto Rodriguez
Matthew Vaughan us
Matthew Vaughan

Tags: Matthew VaughanQasem ZaydRigoberto Rodriguez

Caleb McGinn Eliminated in 17th Place ($8,424)

Level 33 : 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante
Caleb McGinn
Caleb McGinn

After an open from James Todd in early position to 950,000, Caleb McGinn moved all in from the small blind for around 3,000,000 chips and was called by Todd.

Caleb McGinn: {j-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}
James Todd: {k-Hearts}{9-Hearts}

The {k-Spades}{5-Clubs}{8-Spades}{10-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} board gave Todd two pair and knocked McGinn out in 17th, good for $8,424.

Player Chips Progress
James Todd us
James Todd
WSOP 1X Winner
Caleb Mcginn us
Caleb Mcginn

Tags: Caleb McGinnJames Todd

Manuel Bravo Martins Eliminated in 16th Place ($8,424)

Level 33 : 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante
Manuel Bravo Martins
Manuel Bravo Martins

Manuel Bravo Martins open-shoved for around 4,800,000 and Zyad Qasem called him two seats over.

Manuel Bravo Martins: {q-Clubs}{q-Hearts}
Zyad Qasem: {a-Clubs}{q-Spades}

The ace flopped in the window during the {a-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}{4-Clubs} rundown to send Martins packing in 16th place.

Player Chips Progress
Zyad Qasem us
Zyad Qasem
Manuel Bravo Martins pt
Manuel Bravo Martins

Tags: Manuel Bravo MartinsZyad Qasem

Andrew Grombacher Eliminated in 15th Place ($8,424)

Level 34 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Andy Grombacher
Andy Grombacher

After an open from Todd Saffron under the gun to 1,300,000, Zyad Qasem three bet to 4,000,000 from the hijack. It folded to Andrew Grombacher in the small blind who moved all in for his last 4,200,000 chips. Saffron folded and Qasem called.

Andrew Grombacher: {7-Hearts}{7-Clubs}
Zyad Qasem: {a-Spades}{k-Hearts}

Grombacher flopped a set of sevens on the {j-Hearts}{7-Spades}{10-Diamonds} flop but the {q-Hearts} turn gave Qasem the straight and the {6-Spades} river didn't improve Grombacher, sending him out in 15th, good for $8,424.

Player Chips Progress
Zyad Qasem us
Zyad Qasem
Andrew Grombacher us
Andrew Grombacher

Tags: Andrew GrombacherTodd SaffronZyad Qasem

Christopher Bowen Eliminated in 14th Place ($8,424)

Level 34 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Christopher Bowen
Christopher Bowen

Christopher Bowen shoved for around 4,000,000 from middle position and Patrick Pilko was the one to put him at risk.

Christopher Bowen: {k-Spades}{4-Spades}
Patrick Pilko: {a-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}

The board ran out {8-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{a-Spades}{9-Diamonds} and the aces held for Bowen to eliminate Pilko in 14th place for $8,424.

Player Chips Progress
Patrick Pilko at
Patrick Pilko
Christopher Bowen us
Christopher Bowen

Tags: Christopher BowenPatrick Pilko

Richard Strainis Eliminated in 13th Place ($10,451)

Level 34 : 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Richard Strainis
Richard Strainis

After Richard Strainis moved all in from the hijack for 2,200,000, it folded to James Todd in the big blind who made the call after some thought.

Richard Strainis: {k-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}
James Todd: {10-Spades}{2-Diamonds}

Unfortunately for Strainis, the {a-Spades}{2-Spades}{7-Clubs}{j-Clubs}{5-Hearts} runout meant Todd hit the three outter and Strainis was sent packing in 13th. Strainis was all class as he took his exit, good for $10,451.

Player Chips Progress
James Todd us
James Todd
WSOP 1X Winner
Richard Strainis us
Richard Strainis

Tags: James ToddRichard Strainis