2022 World Series of Poker

Event #5: $500 The Housewarming No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 1a
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
8,000,000 / 16,000,000
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

Chen Faces Preflop Jam

Level 7 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Pete Chen limped in early position, and the two middle position players followed suit. The button moved all-in for 33,000 and Chen asked "Is that a green chip (T-25,000)?"

The blinds quickly mucked as did Chen and the other two limpers.

Player Chips Progress
Pete Chen hk
Pete Chen

Tags: Pete Chen

Level: 7

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 1,200

Tom's Kings hold against Ace-King

Level 6 : 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Action limped to the hijack who raised to 2,200. The Phil Tom quickly raised to 5,000 from the cutoff.

Action folded back to the hijack, who after a few moments of thought, shoved all-in, with about 30,000 behind. Phil Tom snap called and showed his {k-}{k-} before his opponent revealed her {a-}{k-}.

Drawing thin already, no help came from the board, as Tom's kings held, earning him the pot worth 60,000.

Player Chips Progress
Phil Tom us
Phil Tom

Tomazek Triples After Cracking Pocket Rockets

Level 6 : 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Three players were all-in preflop on Table 473 with 192,000 in the middle. The players involved were under the gun, David Tomaszek in the cutoff, and the small blind.

Small Blind: {a-Spades}{q-Diamonds}
David Tomaszek: {k-Hearts}{k-Spades}
Under the Gun: {a-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}

A king in the window on a flop of {k-Clubs}{10-Spades}{7-Diamonds} gave Tomaszek a massive lead. The inconsequential runout of {7-Clubs}{6-Clubs} confirmed Tomaszek to win a huge cooler and left the under-the-gun player muttering to themselves.

Player Chips Progress
David Tomaszek fr
David Tomaszek

Tags: David Tomaszek

Pacheco Checking Out The Competition

Level 6 : 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Four ways to flop with 2,000 chips committed to the pot by each player preflop, the board of {a-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{q-Spades} was checked by Alfredo Pacheco and the other three players.

With the {2-Diamonds} falling on the turn, Pacheco bet 3,900 chips and got a call from his direct left in the big blind. Bracelet winner Jeremy Wien got out of the way and so did the button.

Heads-up to a river {a-Diamonds}, Pacheco and his opponent both checked and Pacheco took down the pot with {a-Clubs}{j-Spades} as his opponent mucked.

A few hands later, Pacheco was at a flop of {k-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{j-Diamonds} versus the same opponent, where he check-called a bet of approximately 4,000, creating a pot of 15,000.

The turn brought in the {q-Diamonds} and Pacheco check-raised his opponent's turn bet of 7,000 to 27,000. After taking some time to deliberate, his opponent sent his cards into the muck.

''Did you have ace-queen?", Pacheco asked his opponent as he smiled and took down a sizeable pot. This Event #5: $500 The Housewarming No-Limit Hold'em is roughly equivalent to the Event #4: $500 The Reunion No-Limit Hold'em in which he finished 22nd last year.

Player Chips Progress
Alfredo Pacheco us
Alfredo Pacheco

Tags: Alfredo Pacheco

Vistosa's Ace High Holds to Bust Opponent

Level 6 : 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

The preflop action arrived to the hijack at 2,000 to call. He moved all in for around 10,000. Action quickly folded to middle position, where Jern Vistosa made the call. A player in late position pondered his decision for a minute or two, before ultimately mucking his hand.

With no action left to be made, the players tabled their cards. Vistosa had his opponent dominated, as he showed his {a-}{q-} to the opposing {k-}{q-}. Drawing thin, the all-in player began to gather his things to prepare to leave.

Vistosa's hand held, as the board came {7-Hearts}{7-Spades}{9-Spades}{8-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}, double-pairing and giving Vistosa the pot with his ace-high kicker.

Player Chips Progress
Jern Vistosa us
Jern Vistosa

Level: 6

Blinds: 500/1,000

Ante: 1,000

Farrell Settles for Half

Level 5 : 400/800, 800 ante

Niall Farrell was spotted playing The Housewarming and was involved in a multi-way pot.

The middle position player opened to 2,000. They were called by Niall Farrell (hijack), the button and the big blind.

It was checked through to the river to show the {a-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{a-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} board. Action then checked to the button who bet 2,000. Only Farrell called and their cards were tabled.

The button turned over their {k-Clubs}{9-Hearts} for king-high to go with the two pair on the board. Farrell exposed his {k-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} for the same king-high kicker to the board. The two players split the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Niall Farrell gb
Niall Farrell
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Niall Farrell

Pun Takes Pot Without Showdown

Level 5 : 400/800, 800 ante

With 25,500 in the middle after a {j-Spades}{7-Clubs}{6-Spades}{a-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} runout, the small blind bet 8,500. The middle position called but Tsz Him Pun elected to move all-in for 43,200.

The small blind quickly folded, but the middle position agonized over his decision for some time before he eventually folded {a-Spades}{k-Diamonds} face-up. Pun mucked his cards and collected a significant pot.

Player Chips Progress
Tsz Him Pun hk
Tsz Him Pun

Tags: Tsz Him Pun