2022 World Series of Poker

Event #5: $500 The Housewarming No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 1a
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
8,000,000 / 16,000,000
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

Newly Minted Champion Kopp Back For More

Level 8 : 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante
Katie Kopp
Katie Kopp

Fresh off winning her first bracelet last night in Event #1: Casino Employee Event No-Limit Hold'em for more than $65,000, Katie Kopp is back in play.

She said she hasn't slept since her victory in the wee hours of the morning, but that hasn't stopped her from nearly doubling her starting stack in the early going.

The action folded to Kopp in the small blind and she raised to 3,000. Her opponent in the big blind called and the flop came down {5-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}{a-Clubs}. Kopp fired out 3,000 more and the big blind came along.

On the turn {a-Diamonds}, both players checked to the {9-Clubs} river. Both players checked again.

"You win," said the big blind as he turned over {4-Spades}{3-Spades}.

Kopp tabled {j-Spades}{10-} and that was enough to win the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Katie Kopp us
Katie Kopp
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Katie Kopp

Matranca's All-in Shove Takes Down the Pot

Level 8 : 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante

The flop came {6-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}{5-Spades} with 3,600 in the middle. Action was heads up between the blinds. The small blind checked to Martin Matranca in the big blind, who led out for 1,500. The small blind raised it up to 4,200, earning a call from Matranca.

The {10-Diamonds} came on the turn. The small blind led this time, putting 7,400 into the pot. Matranca began fiddling with his chips before announcing "All in", with his opponent covered. The small blind considered the decision briefly before folding, giving Matranca the pot worth around 20,000.

Player Chips Progress
Martin Matranca us
Martin Matranca

Tags: Martin Matranca

Andres Flopped Set Crushes Kings to Send Opponent to the Rail

Level 8 : 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante

WSOP bracelet winner Ryan Laplante helped fill PokerNews in on the preflop action, where Chris Andres had allegedly cold-called a three-bet from the cutoff, after an open from early position. The original raiser called creating a pot of more than 13,000 and they were three ways to a flop.

The flop was {6-Spades}{7-Spades}{j-Clubs} and after a continuation bet of 12,000 from the preflop aggressor, Andres moved all-in for about 50,000. The third player in the pot got out of the way after a minute or two of deliberating and the cutoff called all-in for less than Andres' stack.

Andres showed {6-Diamonds}{6-Clubs} for a flopped set against {k-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}.

The turn {3-Spades} and river {a-Spades} didn't change anything and Andres busted his opponent and increased his stack by almost double.

Player Chips Progress
Chris Andres us
Chris Andres
Ryan Laplante us
Ryan Laplante
WSOP 1X Winner

Phen Grows Monster Stack

Level 8 : 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante

Eric Phen in the small blind called the big blind's all in for 38,000 and there was some puzzled looks on the table as the cards were rolled over.

Big Blind: {a-Spades}{q-Clubs}
Eric Phen: {7-Spades}{3-Spades}

Phen's audacious 32 big blind call was rewarded when the board ran out {9-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{8-Diamonds} to hit a straight. Phen is now one of the biggest stacks in the room.

Player Chips Progress
Eric Phen us
Eric Phen

Tags: Eric Phen

Level: 8

Blinds: 1,000/1,500

Ante: 1,500

Chan Moves All-In, Takes Pot on the Turn

Level 7 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Action was heads up between Ji Chan in the big blind and the cutoff player. With 27,800 in the pot already, the turn came, providing a {2-Hearts}{8-Spades}{3-Spades}{q-Clubs} board. Chan, after a few moments, moved all-in for 37,800. After a few minutes of deep consideration, his opponent found the fold and laid down his hand, giving Chan the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Ji Chan
Ji Chan

Tags: Ji Chan

Jewett's River-Bet Gets The Job Done

Level 7 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Matthew Jewett opened to 2,500 from middle position. The cutoff called before Mark Bansemer three-bet to 7,500 from the button. Jewett called and the opponent in the middle got out of the way.

Action checked through to the river to show the {7-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{2-Spades}{10-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} board. Jewett bet 32,000, enough to put Bansemer all-in. He tanked for a minute before deciding on a fold, awarding Jewett the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Matthew Jewett us
Matthew Jewett
Mark Bansemer us
Mark Bansemer

Tags: Mark BansemerMatthew Jewett

Santa Cruz Fights Back Against Table Captain Elamawy

Level 7 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

With already 20,000 in the pot, the board read {4-Spades}{7-Spades}{8-Clubs}{3-Clubs}. Michael Santa Cruz continuation bet to 12,000 chips and Egypt's Elamawy then raised the price of admission, re-raising to 37,000. Santa Cruz didn't take long to move all-in for another 90,000. Elamawy took a minute before letting his hand go and nodded his head as Santa Cruz showed him the flopped set {4-Clubs}{4-Hearts}, bringing the Arizona native, Cruz, closer to the table chip lead.

Player Chips Progress
Sameh Elamawy eg
Sameh Elamawy
Michael Santa Cruz us
Michael Santa Cruz

Tags: Sameh Elamawy Michael Santa Cruz