2022 World Series of Poker

Event #42: $100,000 High Roller No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 2
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
200,000 / 400,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Jensen Takes a Streak of Pots

Level 20 : 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante

Gregory Jensen raised under the gun with {q-Clubs}{j-Clubs} to 400,000. Phil Ivey defended his big blind with the {9-Spades}{7-Diamonds}.

The flop came {9-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{a-Diamonds}. Jensen bet 400,000 and Ivey called. The turn and river were checked down as it came {j-Hearts} and the {k-Diamonds}. To give Jensen the pot with the pair.

A couple of hands later, Jensen raised to 500,000 from the small blind with the {10-Hearts}{5-Hearts}. Aleksejs Ponakovs defended the big blind with the {k-Clubs}{j-Clubs}.

The flop came {2-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{5-Spades}. Jensen led for 500,000 and Ponakovs got out of the way.

The next hand, Phil Ivey raised from under the gun with the {a-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} to 450,000, Jensen called on the button with the {a-Spades}{10-Spades}.

The flop came {2-Spades}{2-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}, Ivey bet 400,000, Jensen called. The turn was the {4-Hearts}. It went check-check. The {q-Clubs} came on the river. Both checked again and Jensen won his third hand out of four.

Player Chips Progress
Aleksejs Ponakovs lv
Aleksejs Ponakovs
WSOP 2X Winner
Phil Ivey us
Phil Ivey
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 11X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Gregory Jensen us
Gregory Jensen
WSOP 1X Winner
Ben Heath gb
Ben Heath
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Aleksejs Ponakovs

Ponakovs Over Heath in the Blinds

Level 20 : 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante

Aleksejs Ponakovs limped in from the small blind with {q-Clubs}{6-Clubs} and Ben Heath checked his option with {10-Hearts}{9-Hearts}. The flop came {a-Spades}{a-Hearts}{q-Diamonds} and both players checked to the {8-Hearts} on the turn.

Ponakovs led out with a bet of 275,000 with the best hand but Heath wasn't going anywhere with a straight and flush draw. The {10-Clubs} completed the board and Ponakovs fired out another bet of 825,000. Heath paid him off after making a pair on the river and Ponakovs collected the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Aleksejs Ponakovs lv
Aleksejs Ponakovs
WSOP 2X Winner
Ben Heath gb
Ben Heath
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben HeathAleksejs Ponakovs

Level: 20

Blinds: 100,000/200,000

Ante: 200,000

Breaking News: Phil Ivey Closing in on Elusive 11th WSOP Bracelet Tonight

Level 19 : 75,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Phil Ivey
Phil Ivey

Only one poker player in history — Phil Hellmuth — has reached the 11 World Series of Poker (WSOP) bracelet plateau. On Monday, Phil Ivey could join one of poker's most exclusive clubs.

The for-now 10-time World Series of Poker bracelet winner is currently sitting on a large stack with five players remaining in Event #42: $100,000 High Roller No-Limit Hold'em, which slated to play down to a winner tonight.

As it stands, Hellmuth is the record holder with 16 bracelets, followed by Ivey, Johnny Chan, and Doyle Brunson tied at 10.

The $100k was originally scheduled to wrap up with the final table on Tuesday, airing on PokerGO, but PokerGO called an audible and decided to livestream the final table tonight. At the time of publishing, the remaining players were on a dinner break and will come back at 7 p.m. to play it down to a winner, who will receive $1,897,363. Coverage on PokerGO will resume at 8 p.m., along with PokerNews' live reporting updates.

With the blinds at 60,000/120,000, Ivey currently sits at 9,075,000, approximately 75 big blinds, good for second in chips. Aleksejs Ponakovs, an online poker crusher, is the chip leader at 14,450,000 and has been dominating play during Monday's Day 2 session.

$100k Final Table Chip Counts

PlacePlayerChip Stack
1Aleksejs Ponakovs14,450,000
2Phil Ivey9,075,000
3Ben Heath5,825,000
4Michael Moncek4,540,000
5Gregory Jensen4,200,000

Learn More About Ivey's Run and Follow Live Updates Here!

Dinner Break

Level 19 : 75,000/150,000, 150,000 ante

The remaining five players have gone on a 60-minute dinner break with the action resuming on the feature table at 7 p.m. local time. The PokerNews updates will restart at 8 p.m. in accordance with the PokerGO live stream.

Player Chips Progress
Aleksejs Ponakovs lv
Aleksejs Ponakovs
WSOP 2X Winner
Phil Ivey us
Phil Ivey
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 11X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Ben Heath gb
Ben Heath
WSOP 1X Winner
Gregory Jensen us
Gregory Jensen
WSOP 1X Winner
Michael Moncek us
Michael Moncek
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner

Ivey Hits an Ace from Space

Level 19 : 75,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Phil Ivey
Phil Ivey

Ben Heath opened to 350,000 in the cutoff and Phil Ivey jammed all in for 4,300,000 in the small blind. Gregory Jensen woke up with a monster in the big blind and re-shoved all in, getting Heath to quickly fold.

Phil Ivey: {a-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}
Gregory Jensen: {k-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}

Jensen held a commanding lead with his pocket kings and the flop of {10-Spades}{3-Hearts}{3-Clubs} left it that way. However, the {a-Hearts} on the turn soared Ivey to the lead and the rail let many gasps. The {6-Clubs} completed the board and Ivey earned himself a double up in the last hand before the dinner break.

Player Chips Progress
Phil Ivey us
Phil Ivey
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 11X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Gregory Jensen us
Gregory Jensen
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Phil IveyGregory JensenBen Heath

Talal Shakerchi Eliminated in 6th Place ($321,437)

Level 19 : 75,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Talal Shakerchi
Talal Shakerchi

Phil Ivey opened to 325,000 from under the gun and Talal Shakerchi shipped all in for 2,350,000 in the cutoff. Aleksejs Ponakovs just called on the button and the rest of the table folded.

Talal Shakerchi: {a-Clubs}{a-Diamonds}
Aleksejs Ponakovs: {k-Spades}{k-Clubs}

Shakerchi was in a great position to double up but the flop of {k-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} gave Ponakovs a set of kings. The {k-Diamonds} on the turn gave Ponakovs quads and Shakerchi was drawing dead to the {4-Clubs} on the river.

Player Chips Progress
Aleksejs Ponakovs lv
Aleksejs Ponakovs
WSOP 2X Winner
Talal Shakerchi gb
Talal Shakerchi

Tags: Talal ShakerchiPhil IveyAleksejs Ponakovs

Mikita Badziakouski Eliminated in 7th Place ($255,001)

Level 19 : 75,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Mikita Badziakouski
Mikita Badziakouski

Ben Heath raised from the small blind and Mikita Badziakouski defended the big blind.

The flop came {3-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}. Heath led for 275,000, Badziakouski raised to 575,000. Heath three-bet jammed all in to force Badziakouski to commit the rest which he did.

Badziakouski had the lead with the {q-Spades}{8-Diamonds} top pair. While Heath was pulling for diamonds, holding the {k-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}.

The turn was a blank {5-Hearts} but the river turned out to be the end of the line for Badziakouski as the {2-Diamonds} came off to eliminate him.

Player Chips Progress
Ben Heath gb
Ben Heath
WSOP 1X Winner
Mikita Badziakouski by
Mikita Badziakouski
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben HeathMikita Badziakouski