2022 World Series of Poker

Event #40: $10,000 Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo 8 or Better Championship
Day: 3
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2022 World Series of Poker

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Eveslage and Deeb Leading Final 15 as Day 3 of Event #40: $10,000 Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo Championship Begins at 3 p.m.

Chad Eveslage
Chad Eveslage

With two days of play in the books, Chad Eveslage is on top of the leaderboard in Event #40: $10,000 Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo 8 or Better Championship. Play is set to resume today at 3 p.m. local time.

Evelsage already has one bracelet to his name this summer here at the World Series of Poker (WSOP) at Bally's and Paris Las Vegas. He won Event #8: $25,000 High Roller No-Limit Hold'em to secure his maiden bracelet and now he has put himself in great position to make a run at a second one.

Event #40: $10,000 Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo 8 or Better Championship Full Chip Counts

RankNameChip Count
1Chad Eveslage1,131,000
2Shaun Deeb1,017,000
3Eric Kurtzman873,000
4David Funkhouser805,000
5Long Tran720,000
6Daniel Zack568,000
7Todd Brunson540,000
8Felipe Ramos530,000
9Brian Hastings483,000
10Eric Wasserson428,000
11Ziya Rahim408,000
12John Monnette271,000
13Steven Loube198,000
14Pj Cha188,000
15Daniel Negreanu162,000

Shaun Deeb is just behind Eveslage as the only other player with more than one million chips. Deeb has had good results in mixed game events this series, running deep in Omahe 8/B, 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw, and Limit Hold'em events. Now, he looks to add his first bracelet of the summer to his accolades.

Shaun Deeb
Shaun Deeb

Brian Hastings is also on the short list of bracelet winners this year. He took down the $10,000 Limit 2-7 Triple Draw Lowball Championship , and looks to make a run at a second championship win in this event. Hastings is the defending champion of this event from 2021.

Daniel Negreanu comes into Day 3 as the short stack, but with just over four big bets, he will certainly look to run up a stack in search of a seat at the final table.

Remaining bracelet hopefuls will play 90-minute levels today with 10-minute breaks after each level. The tournament is scheduled to play to a winner today, but with extended play yesterday, there were talks of a possible fourth day. Nothing has been made official, so tune in right here to PokerNews for updates as they become available.

Tags: Brian HastingsChad EveslageDaniel NegreanuDaniel ZackDavid FunkhouserEric KurtzmanEric WassersonFelipe RamosJohn MonnetteLong TranPJ ChaShaun DeebSteven LoubeTodd BrunsonZiya Rahim

Eveslage Extends Lead Early

Level 18
Chad Eveslage
Chad Eveslage

Chad Eveslage: {8-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}/{a-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{5-Spades}
Eric Kurtzman: {k-Diamonds}{q-Spades}{q-Clubs}{2-Spades}/{x-}{x-}{x-}
David Funkhouser: {x-}{x-}/{j-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{5-Hearts} - folded fifth street

Chad Eveslage raised the bring-in and was called by David Funkhouser. Eric Kurtzman then made it two bets to go and was called by both opponents.

On fourth street, Kurtzman fired out with the betting lead and was called in both spots.

He bet again on fifth pairing his queen, and was only called by Eveslage.

After Eveslage drew an ace on sixth street, both players checked, then again on seventh street.

Eveslage showed two pair, aces and eights, and Kurtzman had to muck his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Chad Eveslage us
Chad Eveslage
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Eric Kurtzman us
Eric Kurtzman
David Funkhouser us
David Funkhouser
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Chad EveslageDavid FunkhouserEric Kurtzman

Eveslage Calls Down and Scoops

Level 18
Chad Eveslage
Chad Eveslage

Eric Kurtzman: {x-}{x-}/{7-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}/{x-}
Chad Eveslage: {7-Spades}{q-Spades}{6-Hearts}{2-Hearts}/{a-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}

Chad Eveslage completed and only Eric Kurtzman came along, both players showing a seven.

On fourth, Eveslage check-called a bet from Kurtzman. Both players then checked fifth street.

On sixth street, Kurtzman bet and Eveslage called. The same action repeated on seventh, Eveslage called a bet from Kurtzman.

"I missed," said Kurtzman.

"Seven low and ace-queen high," said Eveslage.

That was good enough to scoop another early pot for the chip leader.

Player Chips Progress
Chad Eveslage us
Chad Eveslage
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Eric Kurtzman us
Eric Kurtzman

Tags: Chad EveslageEric Kurtzman

Cha Finds an Early Double

Level 18
PJ Cha
PJ Cha

Shaun Deeb: {3-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}{a-Clubs}{a-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}
PJ Cha: {8-Clubs}{6-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{5-Spades}{4-Hearts}
Daniel Zack: {x-}{x-}/{k-Hearts}{j-Hearts}{6-Diamonds} - folded fifth street

Action picked up on fourth street when PJ Cha put in a bet and both Shaun Deeb and Daniel Zack made the call.

On fifth, Deeb led when he hit an ace, Zack folded, but Cha moved all in. Deeb quickly called.

Chad had two pair against the aces of Deeb. Deeb couldn't improve so Chad locked up the full double.

Player Chips Progress
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
PJ Cha us
PJ Cha

Tags: Daniel ZackPJ ChaShaun Deeb

Negreanu Gets the Low to Chip Up

Level 18
Daniel Negreanu
Daniel Negreanu

Daniel Negreanu: {5-Clubs}{a-Diamonds}{10-Spades}{k-Clubs}/{2-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{3-Spades}
Brian Hastings: {a-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{q-Spades}{q-Clubs}/{a-Clubs}{7-Spades}{8-Hearts}
Steven Loube: {x-}{x-}/{5-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{j-Hearts}

Brian Hastings completed and found two callers, Steven Loube and Daniel Negreanu, both showing fives against Hastings' ace.

On fourth, Negreanu hit an ace of his own and put in the bet. Both Loube and Hastings called.

On fifth, Negreanu decided to check when action checked to him and all players saw a free card.

Sixth street saw Hastings pair his queen and bet, both Loube and Negreanu called again, with Negreanu holding less than one big bet behind.

On seventh, Hastings bet again and Loube quickly called. Negreanu thought for a bit but decided to call it off.

"I'm going for the low," said Negreanu who made the sixty-five perfect.

Hastings had aces up for the high, Loube said he made a pair of jacks and was left watching his chips get chopped up.

Player Chips Progress
Brian Hastings us
Brian Hastings
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 6X Winner
Run It Once
Steven Loube us
Steven Loube
WSOP 1X Winner
Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu

Tags: Brian HastingsDaniel NegreanuSteven Loube

Felipe Ramos Eliminated in 15th Place ($17,892)

Level 18
Felipe Ramos
Felipe Ramos

Felipe Ramos: {a-Diamonds}{j-Spades}{k-Hearts}{2-Clubs}/{9-Spades}{7-Spades}{4-Diamonds}
Brian Hastings: {8-Clubs}{q-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}/{8-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{3-Clubs}

In a limped pot, Felipe Ramos began betting on fourth street with an ace on board and was called by Brian Hastings. Ramos continued betting until all his chips were in on sixth street.

Hastings only had a pair on eights, but they were in the lead against Ramos' overcards and low draw.

The Brazilian star drew a nine on the end though, making no pair, no low to send him to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Brian Hastings us
Brian Hastings
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 6X Winner
Run It Once
Felipe Ramos br
Felipe Ramos

Tags: Brian HastingsFelipe Ramos

John Monnette Eliminated in 14th Place ($17,892)

Level 18
John Monnette
John Monnette

John Monnette: {2-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}/{10-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{q-Spades}
Ziya Rahim: {a-Spades}{5-Spades}{6-Clubs}/{k-Spades}{3-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}

On the following hand after Felipe Ramos' elimination, John Monnette was the next player out the door after getting his short stack in on third street against Ziya Rahim.

Both players started with strong lows, with Rahim's ace high ahead for high, then improving to a pair of sixes on sixth street.

Monnette couldn't make any high or low with a runout full of unpaired face cards and he was sent out of the room in 14th place, while Rahim soars to the million chip mark

Player Chips Progress
Ziya Rahim us
Ziya Rahim
John Monnette us
John Monnette
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: John MonnetteZiya Rahim

Negreanu Doubles, Leaves Wasserson Low

Level 18
Daniel Negreanu
Daniel Negreanu

Daniel Negreanu: {3-Clubs}{j-Hearts}/{3-Spades}{j-Clubs}{k-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}/{5-Spades}
Eric Wasserson: {a-Spades}{8-Spades}/{7-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{2-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}/{7-Diamonds}

Action picked up on fifth street with Daniel Negreanu making a bet and Eric Wasserson making the call.

On sixth, Negreanu went all in.

"Well I really [expletive] this hand up," said Wasserson. He did put in the call.

Negreanu had two pair, which had the high locked up. Wasserson was looking for a low, but paired his seven on seventh and Negreanu scooped the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu
Eric Wasserson us
Eric Wasserson
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Daniel NegreanuEric Wasserson

Deeb Rebuilds With Surprising Flush

Level 19
Shaun Deeb
Shaun Deeb

Shaun Deeb: {6-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{j-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}/{k-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{5-Clubs}
Long Tran: {2-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{4-Clubs}{a-Spades}/{x-}{x-}{x-}

Picking action up on seventh street with approximately 140,000 in bets in front of each player, Shaun Deeb bet and was called by Long Tran

Deeb showed three clubs in the hole for a king-high flush despite Tran showing three clubs on his board.

The win is a needed boost to Deeb's stack which shrunk significantly in the first level of the day.

Player Chips Progress
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Long Tran us
Long Tran

Tags: Long TranShaun Deeb

Eric Wasserson Eliminated in 13th Place ($20,448)

Level 19
Eric Wasserson
Eric Wasserson

Eric Wasserson: {2-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{5-Spades}{6-Spades}{k-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{q-Clubs}
Ziya Rahim: {a-Spades}{2-Hearts}{3-Spades}{4-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{5-Clubs}{k-Hearts}

Eric Wasserson and Zia Rahim traded raises on third street until the short-stacked Wasserson was all in.

Cards were exposed and players were off to a runoff. On sixth, Rahim announced some bad news to Wasserson.

"I've got a wheel," said Rahim.

"Really?" Wasserson was in rough shape. He couldn't find a low or better straight and was eliminated as Rahim chipped up to a top stack.

Player Chips Progress
Ziya Rahim us
Ziya Rahim
Eric Wasserson us
Eric Wasserson
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Eric WassersonZiya Rahim