2022 World Series of Poker

Event #40: $10,000 Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo 8 or Better Championship
Day: 3
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
0 / 0
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Kurtzman Cruising

Level 22
Eric Kurtzman
Eric Kurtzman

Eric Kurtzman: {a-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{10-Spades}/{q-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}
Ziya Rahim: {5-Clubs}{j-Clubs}{8-Spades}{2-Diamonds}/{x-}{x-}{x-}

Eric Kurtzman raised Daniel Zack's bring-in and Ziya Rahim called. Zack folded.

Kurtzman then bet fourth and fifth streets with Rahim calling each street. The players then checked sixth and seventh streets before Kurtzman declared "just a pair. Queens."

Rahim looked at his hand again then tossed his cards into the muck as Kurtzman's buried queens were indeed good to scoop another pot as he is now pulling away from the field with significantly over half the chips in play.

Player Chips Progress
Eric Kurtzman us
Eric Kurtzman
Ziya Rahim us
Ziya Rahim
Daniel Zack us
Daniel Zack
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Eric KurtzmanZiya Rahim

Funkhouser Has the Bigger Pair

Level 22
David Funkhouser
David Funkhouser

David Funkhouser: {5-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}/{q-Spades}{q-Hearts}{8-Clubs}
Daniel Zack: {x-}{x-}/{7-Clubs}{9-Spades}{10-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}/{x-}

David Funkhouser completed with his four showing, Daniel Zack made the call from the bring in.

On fourth, Funkhouser bet when he hit a five and Zack made the call.

Both players found a ten on fifth street and Zack check-called another bet from Funkhouser.

Zack paired his ten on sixth, but again decided to check-call a bet.

On seventh, both players checked.

"Just the tens," said Zack.

"Queens," announced Funkhouser, and his one pair was good enough to scoop.

Player Chips Progress
David Funkhouser us
David Funkhouser
WSOP 1X Winner
Daniel Zack us
Daniel Zack
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Daniel ZackDavid Funkhouser

Kurtzman Makes Rahim "Vomit"

Level 22
Ziya Rahim
Ziya Rahim

Eric Kurtzman: {6-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{2-Clubs}{3-Spades}/{q-Diamonds}{10-Spades}{10-Hearts}
Ziya Rahim: {2-Spades}{7-Spades}{4-Hearts}{9-Hearts}/{x-}{x-}{x-}

Ziya Rahim defended his bring-in against Eric Kurtzman who then check-called bets from Rahim on fourth and fifth streets.

The duo then checked sixth, but on seventh, Kurtzman led out and Rahim called.

"Trip tens," said Kurtzman as he rolled over his hole cards.

"Uuuggh! Vomit," replied Rahim as he saw the hand he had just lost to, and tossed his own into the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Eric Kurtzman us
Eric Kurtzman
Ziya Rahim us
Ziya Rahim
David Funkhouser us
David Funkhouser
WSOP 1X Winner
Daniel Zack us
Daniel Zack
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Eric KurtzmanZiya Rahim

Zack is Back and Making Flushes

Level 22
Daniel Zack
Daniel Zack

Daniel Zack: {10-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{j-Hearts}{6-Clubs}/{a-Clubs}{k-Clubs}{a-Diamonds}
Ziya Rahim: {x-}{x-}/{6-Spades}{2-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}/{x-}

Daniel Zack completed showing a ten and Ziya Rahim called showing his six.

Zack picked up another club on fourth, but Rahim bet his new deuce and Zack check-called.

Zack decided to bet fifth street and Rahim made the call.

Both players received a club on sixth and Zack bet again, Rahim once more called.

Zack fired the final street when seventh was dealt. After thinking for about 30 seconds, Rahim called.

"Flush," said Zack, and that scooped the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Zack us
Daniel Zack
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Ziya Rahim us
Ziya Rahim

Tags: Daniel ZackZiya Rahim

Zack Rivers a Better Two Pair

Level 22
Daniel Zack
Daniel Zack

Daniel Zack: {6-Spades}{4-Spades}{a-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{a-Clubs}{4-Clubs}{5-Clubs}
Ziya Rahim: {x-}{x-}/{3-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{k-Spades}{5-Diamonds}/{x-}

Action picked up on fourth street with Daniel Zack betting and Ziya Rahim making the call.

When Zack hit an ace on fifth, he bet again and Rahim again called with a king coming his way.

Zack bet sixth and seventh as well, Rahim called both streets.

"Aces up," sad Zack.

"You hit it on seventh? I had kings up the whole way," said Rahim.

Zack did make his two pair on seventh to scoop the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Zack us
Daniel Zack
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Ziya Rahim us
Ziya Rahim

Tags: Daniel ZackZiya Rahim

Funkhouser's Straight Scoops

Level 23
David Funkhouser
David Funkhouser

David Funkhouser: {9-Spades}{8-Hearts}/{a-Clubs}{3-Clubs}{7-Spades}{6-Hearts}/{5-Spades}
Ziya Rahim: {x-}{x-}/{10-Spades}{a-Hearts}{4-Spades}{a-Spades}/{x-}

David Funkhouser completed with an ace showing and Ziya Rahim made the call.

Rahim got his own ace on fourth and both players checked. The both checked fifth street as well.

On sixth, Rahim picked up a second ace showing and bet, Funkhouser made the call.

Rahim checked after looking at seventh, Funkhouser went for the bet, which Rahim called.

"Straight," said Funkhouser, good enough to scoop.

"What was your last card?" asked Rahim.

"The five," said Funkhouser.

"I bet when I was ahead but paid it off when I was behind," said Rahim.

Player Chips Progress
David Funkhouser us
David Funkhouser
WSOP 1X Winner
Ziya Rahim us
Ziya Rahim

Tags: David FunkhouserZiya Rahim

Funkhouser Takes Over Chip Lead

Level 23
David Funkhouser
David Funkhouser

David Funkhouser: {a-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}/{a-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{7-Spades}
Daniel Zack: {6-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{3-Hearts}{3-Spades}/{x-}{x-}{x-}
Eric Kurtzman: {x-}{x-}/{q-Spades}{9-Diamonds} - folded fourth street

For the first time in several hours, Eric Kurtzman has ceded the chip lead, with David Funkhouser now taking over deep stack duties.

Daniel Zack brought in and was completed by Kurtzman. Funkhouser then made it two bets to go and was called by both opponents.

On fourth street, Funkhouser bet and was only called by Zack, who called another bet on fifth street before the duo checked sixth street.

On seventh, now showing open threes, Zack checked to Funkhouser, who bet. Zack made the call to see Funkhouser show two pair, aces and sevens, while Zack couldn't beat that and had no low to show either, sending a scoop to Funkhouser, whose stack crosses 3,000,000 chips.

Player Chips Progress
David Funkhouser us
David Funkhouser
WSOP 1X Winner
Eric Kurtzman us
Eric Kurtzman
Ziya Rahim us
Ziya Rahim
Daniel Zack us
Daniel Zack
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Daniel ZackDavid FunkhouserEric Kurtzman

Rahim Survives in Biggest Pot of the Night

Level 23
Ziya Rahim
Ziya Rahim

Ziya Rahim: {8-Hearts}{5-Hearts}{a-Diamonds}{7-Spades}/{a-Spades}{10-Spades}{7-Hearts}
Eric Kurtzman: {9-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}/{k-Spades}{k-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}
David Funkhouser: {7-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{10-Clubs}/{x-}{x-}{x-}
Daniel Zack: {x-}{x-}/{5-Diamonds} - folded bring-in

Eric Kurtzman raised Daniel Zack's bring-in and was called by both Ziya Rahim and David Funkhouser. Zack folded and stayed out of the way of what was to come.

On fourth street, Funkhouser had the betting lead but checked. Kurtzman then bet and from his short stack, Rahim raised. Funkhouser paused, then made it three bets to go. With action back to Kurtzman, he made it four bets, and Rahim tossed in the rest of his chips for 345,000 total, which was called by both potential executioners.

Funkhouser then checked a bet on sixth to start a side pot, and both players then checked seventh.

Kurtzman showed kings in the hole which earned him the small side pot, but Rahim showed two pair, aces and sevens for the main pot, and Funkhouser mucked his hand.

The massive pot more than tripled up Rahim and put him back into contention.

Player Chips Progress
David Funkhouser us
David Funkhouser
WSOP 1X Winner
Daniel Zack us
Daniel Zack
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Eric Kurtzman us
Eric Kurtzman
Ziya Rahim us
Ziya Rahim

Tags: Daniel ZackDavid FunkhouserEric KurtzmanZiya Rahim

Funkhouser Scoops Big Late Pot

Level 23
David Funkhouser
David Funkhouser

Daniel Zack: {x-}{x-}/{8-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}{8-Spades}{10-Spades}/{x-} - folded seventh street
David Funkhouser: {2-Spades}{j-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}/{9-Spades}{7-Clubs}{a-Spades}
Eric Kurtzman: {a-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{j-Hearts}/{a-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{2-Clubs}

Action arrived on fourth street with Eric Kurtzman betting and both David Funkhouser and Daniel Zack making the call.

All three players checked fifth.

Zack bet sixth street and both Funkhouser and Kurtzman called to go three ways to the final street.

Zack folded to a bet on seventh, the other two players arrived at a showdown. Funkhouser made two pair against the aces of Kurtzman to scoop the pot.

Player Chips Progress
David Funkhouser us
David Funkhouser
WSOP 1X Winner
Daniel Zack us
Daniel Zack
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Eric Kurtzman us
Eric Kurtzman

Tags: Daniel ZackDavid FunkhouserEric Kurtzman

Eric Kurtzman Eliminated in 4th Place ($110,379)

Level 23
Eric Kurtzman
Eric Kurtzman

After losing a large pot to Daniel Zack that left him low, Eric Kurtzman got involved in a hand with David Funkhouser.

Eric Kurtzman: {5-Spades}{10-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{5-Clubs}{2-Spades}{3-}{x-}
David Funkhouser: {j-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{q-Spades}{4-Clubs}{4-Spades}

Funkhouser completed showing a jack and Eric Kurtzman called.

On fourth, Funkhouser bet again and Kurtzman called once more.

On fifth, Funkhouser bet, Kurtzman raised, and Funkhouser put in the third bet to put Kurtzman all in. Kurtzman called.

"You're way ahead," said Kurtzman. "Pair of fives."

Kurtzman had the fives against the jacks of Funkhouser. Funkhouser improved to two pair on his runout and Kurtzman couldn't beat it, so his night was over after three days of a great run.

Player Chips Progress
David Funkhouser us
David Funkhouser
WSOP 1X Winner
Eric Kurtzman us
Eric Kurtzman

Tags: Daniel ZackDavid FunkhouserEric Kurtzman