2022 World Series of Poker

Event #40: $10,000 Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo 8 or Better Championship
Day: 3
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
0 / 0
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Daniel Negreanu Eliminated in 12th Place ($20,448)

Level 19
Daniel Negreanu
Daniel Negreanu

Daniel Negreanu: {k-Spades}{k-Hearts}/{4-Diamonds}{10-Spades}{3-Clubs}{10-Hearts}/{5-Clubs}
Brian Hastings: {3-Diamonds}{6-Spades}/{2-Hearts}{a-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{a-Diamonds}/{3-Spades}
Ziya Rahim: {x-}{x-}/{a-Spades}{k-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{7-Clubs} - folded sixth street

Daniel Negreanu completed and found two callers, Brian Hastings and Ziya Rahim.

On fourth, Hastings bet when he found an ace, both Negreanu and Hastings came along.

Fifth street gave Negreanu a three and both other players an eight. Hastings bet again and both players called once more.

Hasting found aces up on sixth and bet. Negreanu thought for about a minute before announcing all in for just under two bets. Rahim folded and Hastings made the call.

"Please just have a low," said Negreanu.

"I have aces," replied Hastings.

"You have to improve then," as Negreanu revealed his two pair.

"OK if I do a little squeeze?" asked Hastings.

"Absolutely, do your thing," Negreanu graciously replied with his tournament life at risk.

Hastings found a second pair on seventh and now it was Negreanu who needed to improve.

"OK, I need a king or a ten," said Negreanu.

Unfortunately, he didn't hit either one and was headed to the payout desk.

Player Chips Progress
Ziya Rahim us
Ziya Rahim
Brian Hastings us
Brian Hastings
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 6X Winner
Run It Once
Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu

Tags: Brian HastingsDaniel NegreanuZiya Rahim

Todd Brunson Eliminated in 11th Place ($25,010)

Level 19
Todd Brunson
Todd Brunson

Todd Brunson: {a-Spades}{6-Clubs}/{3-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{a-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}/{q-Spades}
Ziya Rahim: {8-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}/{6-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{6-Spades}/{10-Diamonds}

Todd Brunson had managed to survive multiple times with split pots and small double-ups, but his luck finally ran out against Ziya Rahim who has been building his stack throughout the day.

Brunson defended his bring-in against Rahim, then bet fourth street after Rahim checked to him. Rahim called, then called another bet on fifth street with Brunson now in the betting lead.

With less than a bet left on sixth, Brunson committed the last of his chips to a bet from Rahim who paired his door card six.

Brunson was ahead with a pair of aces and a low draw, but would have to fade a flush draw from Rahim.

Rahim hit his flush on seventh and Brunson couldn't make a low as he was dealt a queen.

The Poker Hall of Famer bowed out in 11th place to bring the field one elimination away from the unofficial final table.

Player Chips Progress
Ziya Rahim us
Ziya Rahim
Todd Brunson us
Todd Brunson
WSOP 1X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Todd BrunsonZiya Rahim

Rahim is Rolled Up

Level 19
Ziya Rahim
Ziya Rahim

Ziya Rahim: {4-Hearts}{4-Spades}/{4-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}/{3-Spades}
Eric Kurtzman: {x-}{x-}/{9-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{5-Hearts}/{x-}

Eric Kurtzman completed before Ziya Rahim put in the second bet. Kurtzman added a third bet and Rahim called.

On fourth, Rahim bet and Kurtzman called.

Kurtzman found a second six on fifth street and bet, Rahim called.

On sixth, Rahim hit an eight and bet, Kurtzman then called.

On seventh, Rahim bet again and Kurtzman made the call on the final street.

"Rolled up," announced Rahim, who showed his trip fours for the scoop.

Player Chips Progress
Ziya Rahim us
Ziya Rahim
Eric Kurtzman us
Eric Kurtzman

Tags: Eric KurtzmanZiya Rahim

PJ Cha Eliminated in 10th Place ($25,010)

Level 19
Pj Cha
Pj Cha

Shaun Deeb: {7-Clubs}{a-Hearts}{k-Clubs}{a-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{5-Spades}{k-Spades}
PJ Cha: {3-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{a-Spades}{2-Spades}{9-Spades}{j-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}

Shaun Deeb completed and action folded to PJ Cha. Cha went for the raise, committing most of his stack to the pot. Deeb three-bet and the players got all their chips in the middle.

Cha hit a couple of running spades to give himself a flush draw and low draw going into sixth street. He would have to run down Deeb's two pair.

Unfortunately for Cha, the {j-Clubs} and {2-Diamonds} didn't complete either draw and Cha was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
PJ Cha us
PJ Cha

Tags: PJ ChaShaun Deeb

Tran Survives All In

Level 20
Long Tran
Long Tran

Daniel Zack: {8-}{8-}/{a-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{q-Spades}/{x-}
Long Tran: {3-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}/{4-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}/{k-Hearts}
Chad Eveslage: {5-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{j-Spades}{6-Clubs}/{a-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{2-Clubs}

Chad Eveslage completed and Daniel Zack put in the second bet. Long Tran moved all in with the third bet which Eveslage called. Back on Zack, he added the fourth bet, which Eveslage called as well.

On fourth, Eveslage bet when he hit a four and Zack called.

Fifth street gave Zack a four of his own and he bet, Eveslage called.

Action reversed again when Eveslage bet the six he hit on sixth, Zack called.

Eveslage bet the face down seventh, Zack thought for a while, and called.

"Pair of fives and a six low," announced Eveslage.

Zack showed a pair of eights for the high.

Tran was was looking for several outs with straight, flush, and pair possibilities. He hit a king on seventh to take the high and stay alive.

Player Chips Progress
Chad Eveslage us
Chad Eveslage
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Daniel Zack us
Daniel Zack
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Long Tran us
Long Tran

Tags: Chad EveslageDaniel ZackLong Tran

Zack Slowrolls Deeb

Level 20
Dan Zack
Dan Zack

Daniel Zack: {3-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}/{4-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}
Shaun Deeb: {x-}{x-}/{8-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{10-Hearts}/{x-}

Shaun Deeb completed and Daniel Zack made the call, the two went heads up into fourth.

Both players checked fourth, but Zack bet fifth street and Deeb called.

When Zack hit a brick queen on sixth, he check-called a bet from Deeb.

Zack check-called a bet from Deeb on seventh.

"Seven low," announced Zack, which prompted Deeb to turn over his hand expecting to split the pot.

Zack did have a seven low, but it also happened to be a straight he didn't tell Deeb about.

"That's 1-0," Zack trolled Deeb.

"That's a penalty," joked the tournament director.

"If that's a penalty you deserve to be banned from the World Series," laughed Zack while looking at Deeb.

Player Chips Progress
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Daniel Zack us
Daniel Zack
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Daniel ZackShaun Deeb

Long Tran Eliminated in 9th Place ($31,003)

Level 20
Long Tran
Long Tran

Long Tran: {k-Spades}{5-Clubs}/{k-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{q-Clubs}/{3-Spades}
Brian Hastings: {4-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}/{a-Spades}{2-Spades}{5-Spades}{j-Diamonds}/{6-Clubs}
Shaun Deeb: {x-}{x-}/{6-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{x-} - folded fifth street
David Funkhouser: {x-}{x-}/{2-Hearts} - folded bring-in

After Shaun Deeb limped behind David Funkhouser's bring-in, Brian Hastings completed and Long Tran made it two bets to go from his short stack. Funkhouser folded, while Deeb and Hastings called.

On fourth street, action was checked to Tran who put the last of his chips in and was called by both opponents.

Hastings then bet on fifth and Deeb folded.

"I have a wheel," said Hastings who rolled over his hole cards to show his ace to five straight.

On sixth street, Tran picked up some hope to survive making two pair, but he couldn't fill up on the river and was eliminated in 9th place, bringing the players to the official final table.

Player Chips Progress
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Brian Hastings us
Brian Hastings
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 6X Winner
Run It Once
David Funkhouser us
David Funkhouser
WSOP 1X Winner
Long Tran us
Long Tran

Tags: Brian HastingsDavid FunkhouserLong TranShaun Deeb

Kurtzman Climbing

Level 20
Eric Kurtzman
Eric Kurtzman

Eric Kurtzman: {10-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{5-Spades}/{5-Hearts}{7-Spades}{k-Hearts}
Ziya Rahim: {x-}{x-}/{2-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{8-Spades}{9-Hearts}/{x-}
Daniel Zack: {x-}{x-}/{q-Clubs}{k-Diamonds} - folded fourth street

Daniel Zack completed showing a queen. Eric Kurtzman two-bet to his left, and both Ziya Rahim and Zack made the call.

Kurtzman paired his ten on fourth and bet, Rahim called and Zack let his cards go.

Both players decided to check fifth street.

On sixth and seventh streets, Kurtzman bet and Rahim called both times.

"Two pair, tens and fives," said Kurtzman. That was good enough to scoop the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Ziya Rahim us
Ziya Rahim
Eric Kurtzman us
Eric Kurtzman
Daniel Zack us
Daniel Zack
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Daniel ZackEric KurtzmanZiya Rahim

Steven Loube Eliminated in 8th Place ($38,947)

Level 20
Steven Loube
Steven Loube

Steven Loube: {8-Clubs}{k-Clubs}{3-Spades}{5-Diamonds}/{9-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{5-Hearts}
Ziya Rahim: {k-Hearts}{j-Spades}{q-Spades}{k-Spades}/{k-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{2-Clubs}
David Funkhouser: {a-Spades}{7-Clubs}{2-Hearts}{a-Diamonds}/{8-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{4-Spades}
Chad Eveslage: {4-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{6-Clubs}/{x-}{x-}{x-}

Chad Eveslage's bring-in was completed by David Funkhouser, then made two bets by a short-stacked Steven Loube. Ziya Rahim cold-called, and Eveslage and Funkhouser called as well.

On fourth street, Funkhouser bet, Loube committed the last of his chips and the other two called as well.

On fifth, pairing fours, Eveslage bet and was called by both opponents, then on sixth, pairing his ace, Funkhouser bet and was called by both opponents to build a massive pot.

The players all checked seventh street and the winners were unveiled. Rahim had trip kings to take the high and pip Funkhouser's aces. He however had a low to take half the pot, while Eveslage mucked as did Loube who could only make a pair of fives.

Player Chips Progress
Ziya Rahim us
Ziya Rahim
David Funkhouser us
David Funkhouser
WSOP 1X Winner
Chad Eveslage us
Chad Eveslage
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Steven Loube us
Steven Loube
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Chad EveslageDavid FunkhouserSteven LoubeZiya Rahim

Zack Makes the Best Value Bet in the History of Poker

Level 21
Daniel Zack
Daniel Zack

Daniel Zack: {5-Hearts}{k-Hearts}{j-Clubs}{3-Clubs}/{8-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}
Shaun Deeb: {x-}{x-}/{3-Diamonds}{k-Spades}{2-Clubs}{8-Spades}/{x-}

Daniel Zack completed with his five showing and Shaun Deeb made the call.

Both players hit a king on fourth and Zack bet again, Deeb called.

Deeb found a deuce on fifth and bet, Zack check-called.

Deeb found an eight on sixth and bet, Zack check-called again.

On seventh, Zack led with a bet. Deeb thought for a bit and called.

"Fives," Zack said confidently.

Deeb looked at the boards, then looked at his hand again. "He gets it all," Deeb said, perplexed.

Chad Eveslage saw the look of confusion on Deeb's face. "He's like Mike in Rounders when KGB stacks him."

"I don't think I've ever watched a worse hand played," Deeb finally chirped. "What did you think was going to happen on the river?"

Evelsage chimed in, "I've never done anything that bad. I'd never bet fives there. You guys are like, Chad's so bad, Chad's so bad, I'd never do that."

"Did you misread your hand? Only thing that makes sense," said Deeb.

However they got there, Zack took down the pot with his monster.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Zack us
Daniel Zack
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Chad EveslageDaniel ZackShaun Deeb