2022 World Series of Poker

Event #4: $1,500 Dealer's Choice 6-Handed
Day: 1
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
0 / 0
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Brunner Takes with River Bet

Level 2

Pot-Limit Omaha

Action was three ways with a small pot brewing and {3-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{a-Clubs} on the board, and all three players checked to see {3-Hearts} on the turn.

The two players in the blinds checked to Brian Brunner on the button and Brunner tossed out 600. A player in the small blind called and the big blind got out of the way.

The river was {5-Spades} and the small blind checked once again. Brunner continued for 800 and the small blind tossed his hand in the muck to give up the early pot.

Player Chips Progress
Brian Brunner us
Brian Brunner

Tags: Brian Brunner

Friedman, Turner Share Table Talk and the Pot

Level 2


Adam Friedman, champion of the $10,000 version of this event three years in a row, re-raised Jon Turner after Turner had opened before the draw. Turner called.

"I've got a freeroll," Friedman said as both players drew two. Friedman bet again and Turner called.

The action repeated on the second draw, with both players taking one and Turner calling a bet. They each drew one on the final draw.

"I'm going to have to raise you, Mr. Turner," Friedman said as he put in another bet. Turner called after some hesitation.

"All right, chop it up," Friedman said before he turned over {6-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} for a Badugi. Turner showed {8-Hearts}{5-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{k-Hearts} for an eight-low and they chopped the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Jon Turner us
Jon Turner
Adam Friedman us
Adam Friedman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: Adam FriedmanJon Turner

Shack-Harris Forces Out Gerhart

Level 2
Brandon Shack-Harris
Brandon Shack-Harris

Pot-Limit Omaha

Kevin Gerhart raised to 600 from the cutoff and received a call from Brandon Shack-Harris on the button. Both players saw a flop of {j-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}.

Gerhart checked over to Shack-Harris, who put out a bet of 800. Gerhart called, then checked when the {6-Spades} came on the turn.

Shack-Harris kept firing, betting 2,500 this time. "I had the other two flush draws," Gerhart said as he sent his cards into the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Brandon Shack-Harris us
Brandon Shack-Harris
WSOP 2X Winner
Kevin Gerhart us
Kevin Gerhart
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Brandon Shack-HarrisKevin Gerhart

One Player Comes and Goes Quickly

Level 2

A player took his seat at Damon Rein's table and played two hands before Rein sent him to the rail in a round of No-Limit Hold'em.

According to Rein, the flop came {q-Hearts}{5-Spades}{4-Spades} and he bet 1,000. His opponent raised to 4,000 and Rein called. Rein faced another 10,000 bet on the turn and raised all in. His opponent called for his remaining chips.

Rein had {a-}{q-} for top pair and was up against {q-}{j-}. The river improved neither player and Rein scored an early knockout.

Player Chips Progress
Damon Rein us
Damon Rein

Tags: Damon Rein

Level: 3

Limit Flop/Draw: 200-400, 400-800 Limits
Stud Games: 100-400, 400-800 Limits, 100 Ante
No-Limit & Pot-Limit: 100-200, 200/300 Ante

Prociak Draws Well

Level 3

2-7 Triple Draw

WSOP bracelet winner David Prociak called a bet preflop and both players drew two. Prociak opened the action this time with a bet and was called.

Prociak bet again after he and his opponent drew one and was called through to the final draw. Prociak flicked in another yellow 1,000 chip and was called again.

Prociak turned over a 10-8 low, which his opponent could not beat, as he dragged in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
David Prociak us
David Prociak
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: David Prociak

Matusow Joins the Field; Wins with Turn Bet

Level 3
Mike Matusow
Mike Matusow

No-Limit Hold'em

A player in the under-the-gun position raised to 600 and a player on the button called. Mike Matusow came along from the small blind and the big blind got out of the way.

The flop was {3-Spades}{7-Hearts}{j-Clubs} and Matusow checked. The under-the-gun player checked behind and the button bet 1,000. Matusow raised to 3,000 and his opponent under the gun folded before the button came along.

The turn was {6-Clubs} and Matusow bet 8,000. The button tossed the losing hand in the muck and Matusow flashed {a-}{j-} before he dragged the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Mike Matusow us
Mike Matusow
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Mike Matusow

Battles Has Kessler Talking to Himself

Level 3


Allen Kessler, Roger Battles, and a third opponent went to the first draw. Kessler took two, Battles one, and the other player two. Facing a bet from the player on the button, Battles called from the small blind and Kessler came along from early position.

Kessler took two again, while both his opponents took one. Battles led out with a bet and was called. He stood pat on the third draw and Kessler drew one.

Battles bet again, and a visibly frustrated Kessler shot back in his chair. "Oh my God, how many times am I going to get this hand," Kessler said before calling with some hesitation. The other player folded.

"Eight with a Badugi," Battles said, turning over {8-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{2-Spades}. Kessler could only slide his cards into the muck as he took a hit to his stack.

Player Chips Progress
Roger Battles us
Roger Battles
Allen Kessler us
Allen Kessler
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Allen KesslerRoger Battles