2022 World Series of Poker

Event #37: $1,500 MILLIONAIRE MAKER No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 1b
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,000,000 / 2,000,000
Players Info - Day 1b
Players Left

Lybaert Doubles From The Start

Level 9 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Bart Lybaert was in middle position when he limped. The player on his left raised to 3,200 and when action was back on the Belgium, he shoved almost 24,000. His opponent called.

Bart Lybaert: {10-Spades}{10-Diamonds}
Opponent: {7-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}

Board came {8-Hearts}{2-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{a-Spades}{5-Clubs} and Lybaert secured a double up.

Player Chips Progress
Bart Lybaert be
Bart Lybaert

Tags: Bart Lybaert

Weinman Takes Everything From Larachiche

Level 9 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Daniel Weinman
Daniel Weinman

Hugo Larachiche raised in early position and was called by four players, including Daniel Weinman in late position.

On a {9-Diamonds}{9-Spades}{j-Spades} flop, the player in the small blind bet 3,500 and Larachiche made it to 10,000, with 6,500 behind. Weinman called and the player in the small blind folded. The last chips of Larachiche went into the line on a {5-Clubs} turn.

Hugo Larachiche: {k-Clubs}{j-Hearts}
Daniel Weinman: {10-Clubs}{9-Clubs}

River was a {q-Hearts} and Larachiche didn't improve. With trips Nine, Daniel Weinman eliminated Hugo Larachiche.

Larachiche also explained us :

"As he just sat down at the table, we went both all in, aces for me, Queens for him, and he hit the queen. Now, he finished me".

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Weinman us
Daniel Weinman
WSOP Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 2X Winner
Hugo Larachiche fr
Hugo Larachiche

Tags: Daniel WeinmanHugo Larachiche

Lentini Quacks Ace-King

Level 9 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Giuliano Lentini raised to 3,000 in early position, which the hijack called, but then the cuntoff shoved all in for 14,900. After a brief moment of deliberation, both Lentini and the cutoff made the call and the three players went to a flop, with one all in.

Both players checked the flop of {3-Hearts}{j-Hearts}{9-Spades}, and they did the same for the [jc10] turn/river.

"I can beat ace-king," Lentini announced as he tabled his {2-Clubs}{2-Hearts} for two pair. The cutoff sheepishly turned over {a-}{k-} and the all-in player groaned as he also turned over {a-Spades}{k-Spades}.

The cutoff player was eliminated and Lentini was pushed the sizable pot as his chip count grew to 196,000.

Player Chips Progress
Giuliano Lentini us
Giuliano Lentini

Tags: Giuliano Lentini

Osterman's Top Pair Puts Him Over 100,000 Mark

Level 9 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Heads-up action was picked up on the turn, with a board of {k-Diamonds}{a-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} and around 15,000 already in the pot.

The cutoff fired for 4,400. Brady Osterman raised to 13,500. After a minute or two of thought, his opponent counted out and put in the reraise to 29,400. Osterman took a moment before making the call.

The {7-Clubs} river was checked by both players. Osterman turned over {a-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds} for top pair. His opponent took a moment, double checked his cards, before finally throwing them in the muck, and giving the pot to Osterman. Other players began speculating on the cutoff's hand, with one player throwing out a guess of {k-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}, but he provided no indication of if this was correct. Nevertheless, the pot pushed Osterman to the 100,000 chip mark.

Player Chips Progress
Brady Osterman us
Brady Osterman

Tags: Brady Osterman

Mizrachi with a Big Stack

Level 9 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Robert Mizrachi
Robert Mizrachi

Robert Mizrachi was seen with a big stack in the Bally's Area, almost four times the average now.

The action was caught when he played a hand against two players and everybody checked a board {3-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{j-Spades}{j-Clubs}{j-Hearts}.

On the river, Mizrachi bet 3,000 and was instantly called by just one of the two players.

He showed the {a-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} and his opponent showed tabled the {a-Hearts}{10-Hearts}. Chop chop.

Player Chips Progress
Robert Mizrachi us
Robert Mizrachi
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: Robert Mizrachi

Keating Screams To Survive

Level 9 : 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Alex Keating in past WSOP action.
Alex Keating in past WSOP action.

A scream came from the Bally's Room, it was on Alex Keating table. And it was Alex Keating who was screaming.
Action could be caught before, but he was all in against two players.

Alex Keating: {a-Clubs}{q-Clubs}
Opponent 1: {a-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}
Opponent 2: {a-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}

Keating was lucky enough to catch some help on a {9-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{5-Hearts} board, doing a pair of queens, as he eliminated a player and was back to a good stack.

Player Chips Progress
Alex Keating us
Alex Keating
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Alex Keating

Level: 10

Blinds: 1,000/1,500

Ante: 1,500

Jaraiz Doubles Up

Level 10 : 1,000/1,500, 1,500 ante

After an initial raise to 2,400 was called by four players, action landed on Jose Jaraiz in the big blind. He reraised to 19,700. The under-the-gun player jammed. Action folded back around to Jaraiz, who would be the at-risk player should he make the call. After a minute or two of thought, he made the call, putting the rest of his stack, around 20,000, into the pot.

Jose Jaraiz: {k-Diamonds}{q-Spades}
Opponent: {8-Diamonds}{8-Spades}

Jaraiz was behind, but got the help he needed on the {6-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}{5-Clubs} flop, which gave him top pair. At this point, the small blind began venting his frustrations as he had folded {a-Clubs}{6-Clubs}. His frustrations grew as the {9-Clubs} turn hit the table, as this would have completed his nut flush, but more relevantly it gave Jaraiz's opponent a gutshot straight draw. That draw wouldn't hit though, as the {2-Spades} came on the river, locking up the pot for Jaraiz, who doubled up and took a big chunk out of his opponent's big stack, which was well over 100,000 before the hand had started.

Player Chips Progress
Jose Jaraiz es
Jose Jaraiz

Tags: Jose Jaraiz