2022 World Series of Poker

Event #37: $1,500 MILLIONAIRE MAKER No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 1b
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,000,000 / 2,000,000
Players Info - Day 1b
Players Left

Gross Turns Two Pair to Knockout Opponent

Level 7 : 400/800, 800 ante

Action was picked up after Craig Gross, the big stack, had called his opponent's all in shove.

Opponent: {a-Spades}{10-Clubs}
Craig Gross: {a-Clubs}{k-Spades}

Gross was ahead, but that changed quickly when his opponent made two pair on the {5-Spades}{10-Spades}{a-Diamonds} flop. Gross was then behind, but that too changed quickly, as it was Gross who made two pair on the {k-Diamonds} turn. The {5-Diamonds} river changed nothing, and Gross was left with the better two pair. He scooped the pot while his opponent departed for the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Craig Gross us
Craig Gross

Tags: Craig Gross

Queen For The Lady

Level 7 : 400/800, 800 ante

Barbara Cardin opened from the button to 2,000. In the small blind, Kathy Liebert made it 6,700. Player in the big blind called and when it was on Cardin to act again, she moved all in for 24,000.

Liebert thought about it for a moment before folding. But in the big blind, that player was waiting for this, and he called.

Barbara Cardin: {q-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}
Opponent: {k-Spades}{k-Clubs}

The dealer slowly put a {9-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{a-Hearts}{q-Spades} board on the table, and offered a set of queens on the river for Barbara Cardin. The opponent was covered and eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Barbara Cardin us
Barbara Cardin
Kathy Liebert us
Kathy Liebert
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Barbara CardinKathy Liebert

Level: 7

Blinds: 400/800

Ante: 800

Michelle Doubles Through Lampropulos

Level 6 : 300/600, 600 ante
Tiffany Michelle
Tiffany Michelle

Tiffany Michelle opened to 1,400 from middle position and got one caller before the player in the hijack put in a three-bet of 6,000. Maria Lampropulos was sitting in the cutoff and thought for a moment before opting to call. The action folded back to Michelle, who four-bet all in for 26,400. The hijack folded, leaving the action up to Lampropulos, who used ample time before putting in her chips.

Tiffany Michelle: {k-Hearts}{q-Hearts}
Maria Lampropulos: {j-Spades}{j-Clubs}

The flop came {10-Spades}{k-Spades}{5-Spades}, putting Michelle in the lead, but not leaving Lampropulos drawing dead.

The {k-Diamonds} on the turn gave Michelle trip kings to secure the double-up while the {7-Diamonds} river completed the board.

Player Chips Progress
Tiffany Michelle us
Tiffany Michelle
Maria Lampropulos ar
Maria Lampropulos

Tags: Maria LampropulosTiffany Michelle

Polychronopolous Hits Gutshot Before The Break

Level 6 : 300/600, 600 ante
Athanasios Polychronopoulos
Athanasios Polychronopoulos

After a limp from a player in late position, Athanasios Polychronopoulos limped also from the button. Small blind folded but big blind called.

Three players to the {8-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{6-Spades} flop. Polychronopoulos called a bet from the first player who limped, and they were head's up to the turn : {j-Spades}

Polychronopoulos had to face a 6,000 bet from his opponent and he raised to 12,000 and all-in. His opponent called.

Athanasios Polychronopoulos: {q-Hearts}{10-Clubs}
Opponent : {10-Diamonds}{9-Spades}

Athanasios Polychronopoulos made a straight on the turn, while his opponent only had a pair and a straight draw.
River was another {j-Diamonds} and Polychronopoulos secured a double up.

Player Chips Progress
Athanasios Polychronopoulos us
Athanasios Polychronopoulos
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Athanasios Polychronopoulos

Bui's Aces Hold to Knockout Opponent

Level 6 : 300/600, 600 ante

The early position player opened for 1,300. After a call from middle position and the cutoff, Dean Bui reraised to 5,300 from the small blind. The early position player called before a shove came from middle position. After the cutoff got out of the way, Bui made the call before the early position player got out of the way as well. Bui and his opponent had nearly equal stacks, with Bui being the big stack by fewer than 1,000 chips.

Opponent: {j-Hearts}{j-Clubs}
Dean Bui: {a-Diamonds}{a-Spades}

With Bui already well ahead, he picked up a set on the {7-Spades}{k-Spades}{a-Hearts} board, leaving his opponent drawing nearly dead. The board finished out {4-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}, changing neither players hand. After a quick count of both player's stacks to ensure Bui did indeed cover his opponent, he raked in the pot, more than doubling his stack.

Player Chips Progress
Dean Bui us
Dean Bui

Tags: Dean Bui

Kanit Wins The Flip To Survive

Level 6 : 300/600, 600 ante
Mustafa Kanit
Mustafa Kanit

From the hijack position, Rosalie Petit raised to 1,200. Two seats away, Mustapha Kanit three-bet to 3,800. Petit four-bet to 9,000 and Kanit announced all-in for 22,000. Petit called.

Mustapha Kanit: {j-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}
Rosalie Petit: {a-Clubs}{k-Clubs}

It was a coin flip and when the board came {8-Spades}{q-Spades}{7-Hearts}{2-Hearts}{10-Hearts}, Kanit was able to double up.

Player Chips Progress
Mustapha Kanit it
Mustapha Kanit
Rosalie Petit fr
Rosalie Petit

Tags: Mustapha KanitRosalie Petit