2022 World Series of Poker

Event #37: $1,500 MILLIONAIRE MAKER No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 1a
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,000,000 / 2,000,000
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

Level: 8

Blinds: 500/1,000

Ante: 1,000

Gramatikov Flops Quads to Knockout Opponent

Level 7 : 400/800, 800 ante

Emil Gramatikov opened from early position for 1,800. The big blind put in a raise to 7,500. Gramatikov called, and the pair went heads-up to the flop.

On the {q-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} flop, the big blind continued for 4,000. Gramatikov put in the call.

The {6-Spades} came on the turn, and the big blind sized up and fired another barrel, this time for 12,000. After a moment or two of thought, Gramatikov put in the call.

The {k-Diamonds} river was checked by the big blind, before Gramatikov moved all in. His opponent had the effective stack of around 20,000. The big blind was in visible distress as he took several minutes to make up his mind. Eventually, he made the call and put all of his chips in the middle.

Gramatikov turned over {q-Hearts}{q-Spades} for quads, as his opponent showed {a-Hearts}{k-Clubs}. The opponent was clearly frustrated, but wished the table good luck as he departed and Gramatikov scooped the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Emil Gramatikov bg
Emil Gramatikov

Tags: Emil Gramatikov

Campbell Ousted by Duong

Level 7 : 400/800, 800 ante
Calais Campbell
Calais Campbell

Calais Campbell got all of his money in preflop against Quoc Duong and another player.

Unknown Player: {8-}{8-}
Calais Campbell: {a-}{q-}
Quoc Duong:{a-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}

Duong had both of his opponents covered but was well behind. That all changed on the {7-Diamonds}{k-Spades}{5-Diamonds} flop, which improved Duong to the nut flush draw. Nothing changed on the {5-Clubs} turn but Duong nailed the {9-Clubs} river to score the double knockout, sending future NFL hall of famer Campbell home short of the money.

Player Chips Progress
Quoc Duong
Quoc Duong
Calais Campbell us
Calais Campbell

Tags: Calais CampbellQuoc Duong

Kasic Eliminates Two

Level 7 : 400/800, 800 ante

A player in the lojack raised to 1,000 and Davidi Kitai called in the cutoff. Sajo Kasic three-bet to 2,400 and both the lojack and Kitai called.

The flop came {k-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} and action checked to Kasic who bet 10,000. The lojack announced all in, Kitai went all in and Kasic went all in.

Lojack: {a-Hearts}{2-Hearts}
Davidi Kitai: {k-Spades}{9-Diamonds}
Sajo Kasic: {q-Hearts}{j-Hearts}

The turn was a {10-} which gave Kasic a straight and the river was a brick {x-} which resulted in Kasic eliminating both players.

Player Chips Progress
Sajo Kasic us
Sajo Kasic
Davidi Kitai be
Davidi Kitai
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Davidi KitaiSejo Kasic

Gerhart Gets a Fold

Level 7 : 400/800, 800 ante
Kevin Gerhart
Kevin Gerhart

Kevin Gerhart, fresh off a deep run in Event #22: $10,000 Seven Card Stud Championship, opened to 1,800 from the cutoff and received a sole call from the button.

Both players checked through the {8-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{4-Hearts} flop and {k-Hearts} turn. Gerhart was not prepared to check it all the way down, however, leading out for 4,000 on the board pairing {7-Diamonds} river. That bet was all the coaxing his opponent needed to muck his holding and send the pot Gerhart's way.

Player Chips Progress
Kevin Gerhart us
Kevin Gerhart
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Kevin Gerhart

Mesina Doubles Up with Small Pocket Pair

Level 7 : 400/800, 800 ante

Action was picked up after the hijack put in a raise to 5,200. Action folded to Armando Mesina from under the gun, who jammed for 32,100. The hijack, with Mesina covered, made the snap call.

Armando Mesina: {4-Hearts}{4-Spades}
Opponent: {k-Clubs}{q-Hearts}

Mesina was able to dodge his opponent's overcards, as the board ran out {j-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{6-Hearts}. Mesina's pocket fours had held, giving him the pot and doubling his chip stack.

Player Chips Progress
Armando Mesina us
Armando Mesina

Tags: Armando Mesina

Level: 7

Blinds: 400/800

Ante: 800