2022 World Series of Poker

Event #31: $10,000 Limit 2-7 Lowball Triple Draw Championship
Day: 1
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
0 / 0
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Bleznick Exits Quickly, But Not Quietly

Level 9
Jared Bleznick
Jared Bleznick

After registering during this level, Jared Bleznick was playing one big pot after another. Bleznick lost much of his stack after drawing five and betting dark, which did not end well.

Two hands later, Bleznick was all in with a single card on his third draw. Bleznick made a number four, but it wasn't enough to beat his opponent's number two bringing a quick end to his night.

Player Chips Progress
Jared Bleznick us
Jared Bleznick

Tags: Jared Bleznick

Schulman Can Win a Pot

Level 9

Nick Schulman opened from middle position and William O'Neil three-bet from the cutoff. Action folded back around to Schulman who moved all in. O'Neil called to put Schulman at risk.

Schulman drew one on the initial draw to O'Neil's two. Both players then patted down the rest of the way and Schulman turned over {7-}{6-}{4-}{3-}{2-}. O'Neil, who has himself amassed a large stack, shook his head in disbelief saying, "I just got used to Nick not winning any pots".

Player Chips Progress
Billy O'Neil us
Billy O'Neil
Nick Schulman us
Nick Schulman
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: Nick SchulmanWilliam O'Neil

Bohlman Saved by the Deuce

Level 9

After the final draw, Jared Bleznick was involved in a pot with Scott Bohlman, who was all in. Bleznick confidently turned over {8-}{6-}{4-}{3-}{2-} and declared that his opponent was drawing dead. Bohlman, however, revealed {7-}{5-}{4-}{3-} and was technically drawing live to a two.

"I wanna enjoy it; people are watching", Bohlman said as he slowly peeled the last card. "It's a heart," he continued, which was good for him, seeing as Bleznick's deuce was not a heart. The table erupted once Bohlman finally flipped over the {2-Hearts} to secure a double-up.

Elsewhere, Phill Hellmuth and Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier were seen taking their seats.

Player Chips Progress
Jared Bleznick us
Jared Bleznick
Phil Hellmuth us
Phil Hellmuth
WSOP Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 17X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier fr
Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier
Scott Bohlman us
Scott Bohlman
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Bertrand "ElkY" GrospellierJared BleznickPhill HellmuthScott Bohlman

Seiver On Fumes, Eliminated Shortly After

Level 9
Scott Seiver
Scott Seiver

David "ODB" Baker opened from under the gun and Scott Seiver called from one seat over. The remaining players got out of the way to send the two heads-up to the initial draw.

On the first draw, both Baker and Seiver drew two cards. Baker then checked to Seiver, who decided to bet. Baker made the call.

The second draw saw Baker take two cards to Seiver's one. Baker checked again and Seiver fired off another bet. This time Baker opted to raise and Seiver flatted.

Baker stood pat on the final draw while Seiver took another card. Action then checked through and Baker showed down {10-}{8-}{7-}{4-}{2-} for a winner. Seiver, meanwhile, was left with just 15,000 or 2.5 big bets.

Shortly after the completion of the hand Seiver was seen exiting the tournament area.

Player Chips Progress
David "ODB" Baker us
David "ODB" Baker
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 7X Winner

Tags: Scott SeiverDavid "ODB" Baker

Level: 9

Blinds: 2,000/3,000
Limits: 3,000/6,000

Tran Almost Doubles Up

Level 8
JC Tran
JC Tran

JC Tran opened in the cutoff and action folded to Benny Glaser in the big blind. As Glaser was eyeing Tran's short stack, Tran told Glaser he had 14,000 behind before saying, "C'mon baby, double me up". Glaser, perhaps not wanting to grant Tran his wish just yet, called.

On the first draw Glaser took one card to Tran's two. He then checked to Tran, who threw out a bet. Glaser made the call to send the two to the second draw.

Both players drew one on the second draw and action checked through to the final draw where again they each took just one card. At this point Glaser checked and Tran fired off a bet, leaving himself 1,500 behind. Glaser did not take too long before making the call and was shown {8-}{7-}{4-}{3-}{2-}, a hand he could not beat. Though Tran did not in fact receive a full double-up, he will undoubtedly be satisfied chipping up prior to the final break of the day. Glaser, meanwhile, has struggled to get much momentum going throughout Day 1.

Player Chips Progress
Benny Glaser gb
Benny Glaser
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
JC Tran us
JC Tran
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Benny GlaserJC Tran

Join the PokerNews Discord Server Today!

Level 8
PokerNews Discord
PokerNews Discord

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Vengrin Doubles Through Ramos

Level 8

Matt Vengrin committed his final 9,500 chips after the second draw in a heads-up pot against Felipe Ramos. Ramos quickly called before patting, leaving Vengrin with a difficult decision for his tournament life.

"I think you need to break" Ramos told Vengrin, who eventually did break to draw one card.

Matt Vengrin: {6-}{5-}{4-}{3-}{x-}
Felipe Ramos: {8-}{7-}{5-}{3-}{2-}

Vengrin turned over the {8-} to make a better hand, doubling his stack through Ramos.

Player Chips Progress
Felipe Ramos br
Felipe Ramos
Matt Vengrin us
Matt Vengrin

Tags: Felipe RamosMatt Vengrin