2022 World Series of Poker

Event #2: $100,000 High Roller Bounty
Day: 1
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2022 World Series of Poker

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60,000 / 120,000
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2022 WSOP $100,000 High Roller Bounty Debuts Today

WSOP Bracelet
WSOP Bracelet

It hasn’t taken long for the launch of an exciting new event at the 2022 World Series of Poker, as the opening day sees the debut of Event #2: $100,000 High Roller Bounty No-Limit Hold’em.

The event is certain to bring out the elite of poker’s high-roller community to fire this event in hopes of winning their first bracelet of the summer along with a few $25,000 bounties along the way for each player they eliminate.

Cards will be in the air at 3 pm local time in the Paris Ballroom.

The three-day event will play 8-handed and players will begin the day with 600,000 in chips at blinds of 1,000/2,000 with a 2,000 big blind ante. They’ll play twelve 40-minute levels with 15-minute breaks after every three levels.

Registration will remain open until the start of Day 2. At that point, players would potentially start with 15 big blinds.

Players earning bounties on the opening day will be able to redeem them after 8 pm local time.

This year’s WSOP will have no shortage of high roller No-Limit Hold’em events through the summer, with no less than seven $25,000+ events, combining for a total of $600,000 in buy-ins, beginning with today’s debut. This is without even mentioning the $50,000 and $25,000 Pot-Limit Omaha high rollers and the $50,000 Poker Players Championship.

2022 WSOP High Roller ($25,000+) No-Limit Hold’em Event Schedule

Tue, May 31Event #2: High Roller Bounty$100,000
Thu, June 2Event #6: Heads Up Championship$25,000
Sat, June 4Event #8: High Roller 8-Handed$25,000
Mon, June 6Event #12: High Roller 8-Handed$50,000
Sun, June 19Event #42: High Roller$100,000
Thu, June 23Event #50: Super High Roller$250,000
Thu, July 14Event #83: High Roller$50,000

Winners of last year’s High Roller No-Limit Hold’em events were a who’s who of the poker world, with Michael Addamo highlighting the list with a pair of bracelet wins and over $3,000,000 in earnings for his wins.

2021 WSOP High Roller ($25,000+) No-Limit Hold ‘em Event Winners

EventWinnerCountryEntriesFirst Prize
Event #6: $25,000 8-Handed High RollerTyler CornellUSA139$833,289
Event #11: $25,000 Heads-up ChampionshipJason KoonUSA57$243,981
Event #38: $50,000 8-Handed High RollerMichael AddamoAustralia81$1,132,968
Event #82: $250,000 Super High RollerAdrian MateosSpain33$3,265,362
Event #85: $50,000 High RollerMikita BadziakouskiBelarus113$1,462,043
Event #87: $100,000 High RollerMichael AddamoAustralia64$1,958,569

The 53rd World Series of Poker is set to begin with a bang and PokerNews will be with you for all the action from this and every event from Bally’s and Paris Las Vegas.

Tags: Michael Addamo

Mateos Forces a Fold with Big Overbet

Level 2 : 2,000/3,000, 3,000 ante
Adrian Mateos
Adrian Mateos

On a board reading {3-Hearts}{a-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds} and 115,000 in the middle, Chance Kornuth checked from middle position to Adrian Mateos on the button.

Mateos proceeded to put out an overbet of 450,000, to the seeming chagrin of Kornuth. After about 30 seconds, Kornuth, with a slight sigh, tossed his hand into the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Adrian Mateos es
Adrian Mateos
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Adrian MateosChance Kornuth

Klein Claims Lichtenberger's Bounty

Level 4 : 3,000/5,000, 5,000 ante
Bill Klein
Bill Klein

Andrew Lichtenberger raised to 12,000 from middle position and Bill Klein called from the big blind.

The flop was {10-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} and Klein checked. Lichtenberger continued for 20,000 and Klein called.

On the {4-Clubs} turn, Klein checked and Lichtenberger bet 55,000. Klein check-raised to 175,000 and Lichtenberger called.

After the {6-Spades} landed on the river, Klein glanced over Lichtenberger's stack, then his own before announcing all-in.

Using a time bank card before deciding, Lichtenberger called with {4-Spades}{4-Hearts} for a turned set. Klein had flopped a higher set with {7-Hearts}{7-Clubs} to send Lichtenberger to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Bill Klein
Bill Klein
Andrew Lichtenberger us
Andrew Lichtenberger
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Andrew LichtenbergerBill Klein

Imsirovic Moves All In

Level 4 : 3,000/5,000, 5,000 ante
Ali Imsirovic
Ali Imsirovic

With approximately 30,000 in the pot on a flop of {8-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{3-Spades}, Koray Aldemir checked his big blind to Ali Imsirovic, who bet 33,000 from the cutoff.

Aldemir called to see a turn of {8-Clubs} and again checked. This time, Imsirovic bet 76,000 and again Aldemir sprinkled in calling chips.

On the {7-Clubs} river after Aldemir checked once more, Imsirovic applied maximum pressure, moving all in for 416,000.

After a bit of deliberation, Aldemir opted to fold, dropping his stack back under 1,000,000.

Meanwhile, Sergio Aido and Michael Moncek have also joined the field.

Player Chips Progress
Koray Aldemir de
Koray Aldemir
WSOP Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Ali Imsirovic ba
Ali Imsirovic
Michael Moncek us
Michael Moncek
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Sergio Aido
Sergio Aido

Tags: Ali ImsirovicKoray Aldemir

Rheem Puts Deeb to the Test

Level 7 : 5,000/10,000, 10,000 ante
Chino Reem
Chino Reem

Chino Rheem has been steadily growing his stack into the chip lead and he quickly extended it after the break in a hand with Shaun Deeb.

Action was discovered on the river with a 600,000+ chip pot built with the board reading {8-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{a-Diamonds}. Rheem moved all in from the big blind for Deeb's final 325,000 chips and his $25,000 bounty.

In middle position, Deeb pondered his decision for over two minutes before annoyedly tossing his cards to the muck and awarding another sizable pot to Rheem.

Player Chips Progress
Chino Rheem us
Chino Rheem
$25K Fantasy
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Chino RheemShaun Deeb

Negreanu Shoves, Gets Called

Level 8 : 5,000/15,000, 15,000 ante
Daniel Negreanu
Daniel Negreanu

Brian Rast opened to 35,000 from the cutoff and action folded to Daniel Negreanu in the big blind, who promptly shoved for 400,000. Rast did not appear to be happy at the development but did end up making the call.

Daniel Negreanu: {a-Spades}{q-Hearts}
Brian Rast: {q-Spades}{j-Spades}

Negreanu was at risk but had Rast dominated and the Canadian could be heard to say "Rast is bounty hunting me." The board ran out {3-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}{8-Clubs} and Negreanu made a pair of queens with the better kicker to leave Rast with crumbs.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu
Brian Rast us
Brian Rast
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 6X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Brian RastDaniel Negreanu

Ivey Battles Foxen

Level 10 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Phil Ivey
Phil Ivey

Action was heads up with {8-Spades}{6-Hearts}{8-Clubs} on the board when Alex Foxen bet 35,000 from the cutoff. Phil Ivey check-raised to 115,000 from the big blind and Foxen called to see {7-Clubs} on the turn.

Ivey bet 200,000 and Foxen gave it some thought and mucked his hand to give up the pot.

Ivey has been steadily growing his stack and is now among the biggest stacks in the room.

Player Chips Progress
Phil Ivey us
Phil Ivey
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 11X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Alex Foxen us
Alex Foxen
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Chip Leader Coaching

Tags: Alex FoxenPhil Ivey

Rheem Eliminates Deeb

Level 10 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Chino Rheem
Chino Rheem

Chino Rheem raised to 40,000 on the button and Shaun Deeb moved all in from the big blind.

Rheem said, "I feel like gambling" and dropped in a call.

Shaun Deeb: {a-Spades}{9-Clubs}
Chino Rheem: {k-Spades}{q-Clubs}

The dealer brought Rheem closer to another bounty as he spread a flop of {k-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}, pairing Rheem's king. The turn {5-Diamonds} and river {7-Spades} couldn't save Deeb and he was sent to the rail after passing his bounty card to Rheem.

Player Chips Progress
Chino Rheem us
Chino Rheem
$25K Fantasy
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Chino RheemShaun Deeb

Sammartino Wins Pot from Rheem, or Does He?

Level 11 : 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Dario Sammartino
Dario Sammartino

Action was picked up on a four-way flop of {3-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} with 225,000 in the middle.

Chino Rheem checked in the small blind, Dario Sammartino checked his big blind, and Daniel Negreanu bet 75,000 from early position.

After that, Ali Imsirovic called in late position and Rheem and Sammartino also called.

On the {4-Hearts} turn, after Rheem checked, Sammartino took the betting lead, putting forward 160,000. Negreanu and Imsirovic folded, but Rheem called.

The river brought the {9-Hearts} and after Rheem checked, Sammartino bet 365,000.

Rheem went into the tank grabbing a time bank card to his right and flicking it in before eventually making a call just before a minute had expired.

Sammartino showed {6-Diamonds}{4-Clubs} for winning trip fours. Rheem mucked his cards, but then realized it wasn't actually his time bank he had tossed in, it was his neighbor to his right, Dan Shak's. In fact, Rheem had no time banks left.

The floor was called over to determine whether Rheem's river call stood, because his action came after the 30 seconds allowed without actually having a time bank of his own.

The floor ruled that the mistake was just that, but the action had to stand and Rheem's chips would go to Sammartino.

Rheem understood the ruling and graciously accepted the decision.

Player Chips Progress
Dario Sammartino it
Dario Sammartino
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Ali Imsirovic ba
Ali Imsirovic
Chino Rheem us
Chino Rheem
$25K Fantasy
Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu

Tags: Ali ImsirovicChino RheemDaniel NegreanuDario Sammartino

Negreanu Chews Up Chewy

Level 12 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Daniel Negreanu
Daniel Negreanu

After Andrew "LuckyChewy" Lichtenberger moved all in from the button for 570,000, Daniel Negreanu moved in over the top for about 100,000 more. Jake Schindler folded his big blind and Negreanu was in line for a bounty.

Andrew Lichtenberger: {q-Hearts}{j-Spades}
Daniel Negreanu: {a-Spades}{k-Hearts}

The dealer spread a board of {a-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}, finishing off Lichtenberger's second and final entry of the day.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu
Jake Schindler us
Jake Schindler
WSOP 1X Winner
Andrew Lichtenberger us
Andrew Lichtenberger
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Andrew LichtenbergerDaniel NegreanuJake Schindler