2021 World Series of Poker

Event #72: $1,500 Mixed No-Limit Hold'em/Pot-Limit Omaha
Day: 2
Event Info

2021 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Dube Eliminated By Mota

Level 21 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Mark Dube
Mark Dube

No-Limit Hold'em

Mark Dube went all-in on the button for 470,000 and Rafael Mota in the big blind snap-called.

Mark Dube: {a-Clubs}{k-Hearts}
Rafael Mota: {a-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}

The board ran out {8-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{6-Hearts}{2-Spades}{q-Clubs} and Dube could not improve against the pocket aces and saw his elimination from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Rafael Mota br
Rafael Mota
Day 2 Chip Leader
Mark Dube us
Mark Dube

Tags: Rafael MotaMark Dube

Richard Dixon Eliminated 25th Place ($5,878); Andrew Donabedian Eliminated in 24th Place ($6,953)

Level 21 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Andrew Donabedian
Andrew Donabedian

Pot-Limit Omaha

With all the cards exposed, the board read {q-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{2-Spades}{5-Hearts} and Richard Dixon was all in for just around 200,000 while Andrew Donabedian was at risk for close to a million in chips.

Richard Dixon: {k-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}
Andrew Donabedian: {k-Clubs}{q-Spades}{j-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}
Mike Takayama: {a-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}

Takayama's pocket kings held to eliminate both players. Dixon being shorter stack took home 25th place and Andrew Donabedian went home in 24th place for $6,953.

Player Chips Progress
Mike Takayama ph
Mike Takayama
WSOP 1X Winner
Andrew Donabedian us
Andrew Donabedian
WSOP 1X Winner
Richard Dixon us
Richard Dixon

Tags: Andrew DonabedianMike TakayamaRichard Dixon

Ana Freitas Eliminated in 22nd Place ($6,953)

Level 22 : 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Ana Freitas
Ana Freitas

No-Limit Hold'em

On the {j-Diamonds}{j-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} turn, Rafael Mota checked to Ana Freitas and she jammed for about a pot-sized bet of 630,000. Mota took about four minutes before putting in the chips to call.

Ana Freitas: {9-Spades}{8-Spades}
Rafael Mota: {a-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}

Freitas turned the straight and was way ahead until the {a-Hearts} landed on the river, giving Mota a full house and eliminating her in 22nd place for $6,953.

Player Chips Progress
Rafael Mota br
Rafael Mota
Day 2 Chip Leader
Ana Freitas br
Ana Freitas

Tags: Ana FreitasRafael Mota

Kosei Ichinose Eliminated in 21st Place ($6,953)

Level 22 : 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Kosei Ichinose
Kosei Ichinose

Pot-Limit Omaha

Action was picked up on the flop reading {9-Spades}{3-Spades}{2-Spades} with hands on their backs and Kosei Ichinose all in for his remaining 400,000 against Rafael Mota.

Kosei Ichinose: {9-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}
Rafael Mota: {a-Spades}{6-Spades}{9-Clubs}{8-Clubs}

Ichinose had a set of nines, but it was no good against the flopped flush of Mota. The turn and river came out {k-Hearts}{6-Clubs} which did not fill up Ichinose and he was eliminated by Mota in 21st place.

Player Chips Progress
Rafael Mota br
Rafael Mota
Day 2 Chip Leader
Kosei Ichinose jp
Kosei Ichinose

Tags: Kosei IchinoseRafael Mota

Eric Kim Eliminated in 20th Place ($6,953)

Level 22 : 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Eric Kim
Eric Kim

Pot-Limit Omaha

Eric Kim raised to 50,000 from early position and action went around to Rafael Mota in the big blind, who raised him all in for his remaining 250,000, which Kim called.

Eric Kim: {a-Clubs}{k-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}
Rafael Mota: {a-Spades}{2-Spades}{k-Hearts}{9-Hearts}

The board ran out {10-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{2-Hearts}{6-Hearts} and Kim was eliminated by Mota in 20th place.

Player Chips Progress
Rafael Mota br
Rafael Mota
Day 2 Chip Leader
Eric Kim us
Eric Kim

Tags: Eric KimRafael Mota

Charles Coultas Eliminated in 19th Place ($6,953)

Level 22 : 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Charles Coultas
Charles Coultas

Pot-LImit Omaha

Nick Yunis raised in middle position to 75,000, Jordan Spurlin called on the button, and Charles Coultas defended the big blind.

The dealer spread a flop of {10-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{6-Clubs} and Coultas checked to Yunis, who continued for 150,000. Spurlin got out of the way quickly and Coultas called.

The {4-Spades} hit the turn and both players checked to see the {2-Diamonds} on the river. Coultas checked once more before Yunis bet the whole pot of 560,000.

Coultas thought about it for two minutes before deciding to call off his remaining 555,000. Yunis tabled {k-Clubs}{k-Spades}{4-Hearts}{2-Clubs} for the king-high flush and Coultas tapped the table and tabled {k-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{4-Clubs} for a smaller flush.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Yunis cl
Nick Yunis
Jordan Spurlin us
Jordan Spurlin
Charles Coultas us
Charles Coultas

Tags: Charles CoultasJordan SpurlinNick Yunis

Jason James Eliminated in 18th Place ($6,953)

Level 22 : 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Jason James
Jason James

No-Limit Hold'em

Motoyoshi Okamura raised to 75,000 preflop and action went around to Jason James in the big blind. He went all in for 725,000 and Okamura snap-called.

Jason James: {7-Clubs}{7-Hearts}
Motoyoshi Okamura: {q-Clubs}{q-Hearts}

The flop came out {q-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} which had James dead to running quads. The {2-Diamonds} on the turn provided no help and the river {9-Spades} was a mere formality as he was eliminated in 18th place.

Player Chips Progress
Motoyoshi Okamura jp
Motoyoshi Okamura
Jason James ca
Jason James

Tags: Jason JamesMotoyoshi Okamura

David Melius Eliminated in 17th Place ($6,953)

Level 22 : 10,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
David Melius
David Melius

Pot-Limit Omaha

Elia Ahmadian raised to 60,000 in early position and Tim Grau called on the button before David Melius defended in the big blind.

The dealer fanned a flop of {9-Spades}{9-Hearts}{6-Clubs} and the action checked to Grau before he put in a continuation bet of 60,000. Melius raised, forcing Ahmadian out of the hand quickly before Grau reraised and Melius was at risk for about 500,000.

David Melius: {k-Diamonds}{10-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}
Tim Grau: {a-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{6-Spades}{5-Spades}

Melius had flopped trip nines but was behind the flopped full house of Grau. He couldn't improve to a bigger full house however, as the board ran out {4-Clubs} on the turn and {7-Spades} on the river.

Player Chips Progress
Tim Grau at
Tim Grau
David Melius us
David Melius

Tags: David MeliusElia AhmadianTim Grau

Christian Harder Eliminated in 16th Place ($8,368)

Level 23 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Christian Harder
Christian Harder

No-Limit Hold'em

Leonid Yanovski raised in middle position and Christian Harder three-bet all-in for 120,000. The action folded back around to Yanovski and he quickly called.

Christian Harder: {a-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}
Leonid Yanovski: {q-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}

Harder was looking for an ace as the flop came {q-Spades}{10-Spades}{8-Spades}, to improve Yanovski to a set of queens and the {2-Hearts} on the turn meant Harder was eliminated from the tournament as the {10-Hearts} completed the board.

Player Chips Progress
Leonid Yanovski il
Leonid Yanovski
Christian Harder us
Christian Harder
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Christian HarderLeonid Yanovski

Quang Ngo Eliminated in 15th Place ($8,368)

Level 23 : 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Quang Ngo
Quang Ngo

Pot-Limit Omaha

Quang Ngo raised the whole pot for 105,000 in early position and the action folded around to Mark Johnson as he put in his entire stack of about 260,000. Ngo had 180,000 total and instantly called.

Quang Ngo: {10-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}
Mark Johnson: {k-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}

The flop came {j-Spades}{9-Spades}{2-Hearts}, giving Ngo a wrap while Johnson flopped a pair of nines. The {9-Hearts} hit the turn for Johnson to improve to trips and the river was the {3-Clubs}, filling Johnson up. Ngo was eliminated in 15th place for $8,368.

Player Chips Progress
Mark Johnson us
Mark Johnson
Quang Ngo us
Quang Ngo

Tags: Mark JohnsonQuang Ngo