2021 World Series of Poker

Event #55: $400 Colossus
Day: 1b
Event Info

2021 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
4,000,000 / 8,000,000
Players Info - Day 1b
Players Left

Level: 9

Blinds: 800/1,600

Ante: 1,600

Pecheux Catches a Bluff

Level 9 : 800/1,600, 1,600 ante

The action was picked up on a paired board showing {9-Spades}{9-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{k-Hearts}{5-Spades} with a pot containing around 25,000. A player has moved all in for a stack worth 19,000, putting Erwann Pecheux into a decision.

After the floor has been called, Pecheux decided to send a few chips in the middle for the call. His opponent revealed {10-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} and the pot was sent to Pecheux who flipped over {a-Spades}{j-Diamonds} for ace-high. "Oh you're a professional player!" said another player to Pecheux while he was grabbing the chips.

Player Chips Progress
Erwann Pecheux fr
Erwann Pecheux

Dubuque Wins One

Level 9 : 800/1,600, 1,600 ante

A player in middle position shoved all-in preflop for about 20,000 and Andrew Dubuque called from behind covering him.

Middle Position: {a-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}
Andrew Dubuque: {a-Spades}{k-Clubs}

The board ran out {j-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{10-Spades}{3-Clubs} giving him ace-high with the king kicker for the winner.

Player Chips Progress
Andrew Dubuque
Andrew Dubuque

Jones Busts One

Level 9 : 800/1,600, 1,600 ante

After a limp and a call from Daniel Jones on the button, the small blind pushed for his last 16,800. It folded back to Jones who thought about it for a minute and made the call.

Daniel Jones: {9-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}
Opponent: {k-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}

The board brought {9-Clubs}{a-Clubs}{10-Spades}{4-Hearts}{8-Clubs} to improve Jones's hand into two pairs and eliminate his opponent from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Jones us
Daniel Jones

Level: 10

Blinds: 1,000/2,000

Ante: 2,000

Raina Rivers It

Level 10 : 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
Kiran Raina
Kiran Raina

Under the gun raised to 3,400 and Kiran Raina shoved all-in on the button for 48,000 and under the gun called covering him.

Under the gun: {a-Spades}{k-Diamonds}
Kiran Raina: {a-Clubs}{q-Clubs}

The board ran out {k-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}{j-Spades}{j-Diamonds} giving Raina the broadway straight for the winner.

Player Chips Progress
Kiran Raina us
Kiran Raina

Five-Bet Jam

Level 10 : 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante

Before the color-up break, Chen Xiaochun opened the action to 3,500. It folded to the player in the cutoff who three-bet to 7,000. John Aguirre then four-bet to 31,000 from the button.

Rocco Iati was next to act in the small blind, and when it was his action he tanked for a while before five-bet shoving all-in for 36,000.

Xiaochun, the original raiser, cold-called the five-bet jam. The player in the cutoff folded. Aguirre also called the all-in bet of Iati.

There would still be side action between Xiaochun and Aguirre to come.

The flop came: {5-Spades}{7-Spades}{4-Diamonds}. Xiaochun was first to act and he bet 30,000. Aguirre then moved all-in for 99,000.

Having Aguirre covered, Xiachun then went into the tank. After several minutes the clock was called on Xiachun.

He finally made the call.

Rocco Iati: {k-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}
John Aguirre: {9-Spades}{9-Diamonds}
Chen Xiaochun: {q-Hearts}{q-Clubs}

All players had an overpair to the board with Iati's pocket kings way ahead.

The board completed with the {10-Spades} on the turn and the {2-Spades} on the river. Iati tripled up and Xiaochun scooped the side pot to eliminate Aguirre.

Player Chips Progress
Chen Xiaochun
Chen Xiaochun
Rocco Iati us
Rocco Iati