2021 World Series of Poker

Event #52: $1,000 Seniors Championship
Day: 3
Event Info

2021 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
500,000 / 1,000,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Kluchman Takes Another Hit, Doubles Novak

Level 25 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
David Kluchman
David Kluchman

David Kluchman raised to 125,000 pre-flop before Steven Powers three-bet to 400,000 from the button. In the small blind, Ross Novak shoved for 620,000.

Kluchman then re-shoved and Powers took his time before folding.

Ross Novak: {j-Hearts}{j-Clubs}
David Kluchman: {a-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}

Kluchman failed to hit the {2-Hearts}{q-Clubs}{3-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} board and Novak doubled up. The former chip leader is now down to around 1,300,000.

Player Chips Progress
Ross Novak us
Ross Novak
David Kluchman us
David Kluchman
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: David KluchmanSteven PowersRoss Novak

Nguyen Gaining Steam

Level 25 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Paul Nguyen has had a big day so far as his chip stack is among some of the biggest in the room. He was spotted taking out another player as he held the {a-}{k-} on {2-}{a-}{3-} flop. Cesar Claudio was the player at risk with the {9-}{3-}.

The turn was a {j-} and river a {q-} to confirm Claudio's elimination and keep Nguyen rising in chips.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Nguyen us
Paul Nguyen
Cesar Claudio pr
Cesar Claudio

Tags: Paul Nguyen

Sullivan Soars; Eliminates Novak

Level 25 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Action was picked up with Ross Novak all-in for 2,200,000 and Dwayne Sullivan snap-called.

Ross Novak: {a-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}
Dwayne Sullivan: {a-Clubs}{a-Spades}

The flop gave no help to Novak with a {q-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{q-Spades}, but the turn of {j-Diamonds} put a straight draw out there for Novak. The river {6-Diamonds} double paired the board and left Novak out of the tournament and Sullivan soared to over 5,300,000 in chips.

Player Chips Progress
Dwayne Sullivan us
Dwayne Sullivan
Ross Novak us
Ross Novak

Tags: Ross NovakDwayne Sullivan

Controversy at Table #464

Level 25 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

The tournament floor had to be called in to resolve a dispute at Table #464.

Stuart Hosen had moved all in from early position with a short-stack. Action folded around to Rhonda Shepek in the small blind, who threw in the chips to call the big blind.

The dealer announced Shepek had called the all in and Hosen exposed his {a-Spades}{q-Clubs}. Shepek argued she hadn't meant to call an all in and should be allowed to take back her bet.

The floor ruled that Shepek had to surrender the amount of the big blind but was not obligated to call Hosen's all in.

"That's not fair to him," a tablemate said.

Player Chips Progress
Rhonda Shepek ca
Rhonda Shepek
Stuart Hosen us
Stuart Hosen

Tags: Rhonda ShepakStuart Hosen

Start of Day Chip Leader Out

Level 25 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
David Kluchman
David Kluchman

David Kluchman was seen standing up at his table with no more chips in front of him as his stack was taken away by the dealer.

He appeared to be on the wrong end of a cooler as his {k-}{k-} lost to the {a-}{a-} of Jonathan Ingalls when the board ran out {9-}{5-}{7-}{q-}{10-}.

According to the table he had been the victim of a few other coolers, including pocket queens vs pocket kings among others, to lose his once big stack in the span of one level.

Player Chips Progress
Jonathan Ingalls us
Jonathan Ingalls
David Kluchman us
David Kluchman
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: David Kluchman

Sacha Cannot "Send Him Home,"

Level 25 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Timothy Kramp went all-in for 435,000 from middle position and in the big blind John Sacha slammed his chips onto the table and shouted "call!"

Timothy Kramp: {q-Clubs}{q-Hearts}
John Sacha: {a-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}

The flop ran out {7-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{3-Hearts} and Sacha pleaded with the dealer "come on dealer, send him home."

The turn came an {8-Diamonds} and Sacha kept talking "the whole table is rooting for me here, send this guy home."

The river was the {q-Spades} and Sacha slammed the table and walked away for a few seconds before he came back, muttering and shaking his head as Kramp took in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
John Sacha us
John Sacha
Timothy Kramp us
Timothy Kramp

Tags: John SachaTimothy Kramp

Clark Fails to Make McKelvey Walk the Plank

Level 25 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Scotter Clark
Scotter Clark

Scotter Clark, again wearing his Jack Sparrow costume, placed his chips in his yellow truck and slid it into the middle. Dennis McKelvey called for his last 500,000 before action folded to David Meredith.

Meredith went into the tank for several minutes before releasing his hand.

Dennis McKelvey: {a-Diamonds}{a-Spades}
Scotter Clark: {a-Hearts}{q-Hearts}

Clark picked up a flush draw by the turn on a board of {j-Spades}{4-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}, but the river bricked out with the {5-Spades} and McKelvey doubled.

Player Chips Progress
Scotter Clark us
Scotter Clark
Dennis Mckelvey us
Dennis Mckelvey

Tags: Dennis McKelveyScotter Clark