2021 World Series of Poker

Event #52: $1,000 Seniors Championship
Day: 2
Event Info

2021 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
500,000 / 1,000,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Kozusko Gets Outflopped, Hits the Turn

Level 16 : 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante

Paul Kozusko shoved from the button and the player in the small blind called all in for his last 60,000.

Small Blind: {q-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}
Paul Kozusko: {a-Hearts}{5-Clubs}

"Oh, I'm ahead," Kozusko said upon seeing his opponent's hand. The all-in player hit his jack on the {7-Spades}{j-Clubs}{7-Hearts} flop to take the lead, but Kozusko went back in front on the {a-Spades} turn. The river came {9-Spades} and Kozusko sent one to the payout desk.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Kozusko us
Paul Kozusko

Tags: Paul Kozusko

Norman Wins With the Same Hand

Level 16 : 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante

A player in middle position shoved for 95,000 and Jeff Norman called from the button.

Middle Position: {a-Hearts}{k-Hearts}
Jeff Norman: {a-Spades}{k-Clubs}

The two players shared the same hand, but Norman got some hope on the {j-Spades}{10-Spades}{7-Spades} flop. The {q-Spades} on the turn gave him the flush, leaving his opponent drawing dead. The table initially thought Norman had made a royal flush before seeing the {k-Clubs} in his hand.

The {j-Clubs} came on the river and Norman's opponent hit the rail.

"Revitalized. Funny how a hand like that can do that for you," Norman said.

Player Chips Progress
Jeff Norman us
Jeff Norman

Tags: Jeff Norman

Wilkins With Nines

Level 16 : 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante

A short-stacked player shoved all-in for 52,000 and Terry Wilkins called from behind covering him.

Short Stack: {a-Clubs}{6-Spades}
Terry Wilkins: {9-Clubs}{9-Hearts}

The board ran out {8-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{7-Diamonds} giving Wilkins the winner with two-pair eights and nines.

Player Chips Progress
Terry Wilkins us
Terry Wilkins

Level: 17

Blinds: 4,000/8,000

Ante: 8,000

Walton Holds With Big Slick

Level 17 : 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Action was picked up preflop with cards on their backs between Jack Walton and an at-risk player, who was all in for 30,000.

At risk player: {a-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}
Jack Walton: {a-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}

The board ran out {k-Clubs}{3-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{2-Hearts}{q-Spades} and the at-risk player was unable to find anything to help improve his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Jack Walton us
Jack Walton

Bergendahl Busts Two

Level 17 : 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Three players, including John Bergendahl in the hijack, were all in.

Button: {j-Diamonds}{j-Spades}
Early Position: {10-}{10-}
John Bergendahl: {a-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}

The board ran out {7-Spades}{3-Spades}{2-Clubs}{a-Hearts}{a-Spades}, giving Bergendahl trip aces to beat both opponents. The stacks were counted down and the button was all in for 120,000, early position had less, and Bergendahl had around 140,000, covering both players.

Player Chips Progress
John Bergendahl us
John Bergendahl

Tags: John Bergendahl

McGaffin Cracks Kings

Level 17 : 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Both Mark McGaffin and his opponent sitting to his immediate right committed 100,000 to the pot pre-flop, with McGaffin's opponent all in.

All-In Player: {k-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}
Mark McGaffin: {a-Clubs}{k-Spades}

McGaffin was well behind his opponent's pocket kings as the flop came {q-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{4-Hearts}, but he spiked the {a-Hearts} on the turn to take the lead. The river came the {5-Spades} and McGaffin eliminated his opponent.

"Ace-king survives," the dealer announced.

"Ace-king busts one," tablemate Pat Lyons corrected.

Player Chips Progress
Mark Mcgaffin us
Mark Mcgaffin

Tags: Mark McGaffin

PokerNews Podcast: Jeff Platt Wins $160K After Deep WSOP Run; Circuit Returns

Level 17 : 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
PokerNews Podcast
PokerNews Podcast

On the latest episode of the PokerNews Podcast, Jeff Platt and Chad Holloway come to you from the 2021 World Series of Poker (WSOP)!

Jeff talks about his big $160,000 score after finishing fourth in the World Series of Poker Event #43: $1,000 Double Stack NLH, Chad Norton and Alexandre Reard capture bracelets, and winner interviews with Anthony Denove and Tommy Le. The latter won the WSOP $10,000 Pot-Limit Omaha Championship for the second time!

Plus, the WSOP Circuit is returning after an 18-month hiatus. Find out all the details on the revamped WSOPC. Plus, learn which player won their way into the MSPT Hall of Fame, becoming just the eighth player to do so, and why Gershon Distenfeld is going to donate all his WSOP winnings to charity.

Click here to listen to the new PN Podcast!

Greenstein Busts One With Aces

Level 17 : 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Barry Greenstein
Barry Greenstein

Barry Greenstein and an opponent were heads-up on a flop of {7-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}{2-Spades}. Greenstein bet and his opponent shoved for around 80,000. Greenstein snap-called.

All-In Player: {8-Spades}{8-Clubs}
Barry Greenstein: {a-Diamonds}{a-Spades}

Greenstein's opponents let out a loud sigh when Greenstein called. He failed to catch any miracles as the board ran out {2-Diamonds}{3-Spades} and hit the rail, while Greenstein stacked up more than 300,000.

Player Chips Progress
Barry Greenstein us
Barry Greenstein
WSOP 3X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Barry Greenstein