2021 World Series of Poker

Event #52: $1,000 Seniors Championship
Day: 2
Event Info

2021 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
500,000 / 1,000,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

2021 WSOP Streaming Exclusively on PokerGO

Level 19 : 6,000/12,000, 12,000 ante

The 2021 World Series of Poker is in full swing, and PokerGO is live streaming many of the events.

PokerGO has partnered with CBS Sports Network to provide WSOP coverage with the likes of Lon McEachern, Norman Chad, and Jamie Kerstetter returning to the WSOP broadcast booth this year, along with PokerNews Podcast co-host Jeff Platt from time to time.

CBS Sports Network will televise 16 pre-produced and edited episodes of the 2021 World Series of Poker Main Event, after striking a multi-year deal earlier this year. This deal sees coverage of the WSOP Main Event return to its original broadcast partner after featuring on CBS Sports Spectacular in the mid-1970s.

All 16 episodes will be televised following the conclusion of the tournament.

PokerGO will provide live streaming duties of the World Championship event starting on Day 1A (November 4) until the end on November 17, except Day 1B (November 5).

Away from the Main Event, there will be additional coverage of more than two dozen tournaments thru November 23, 2021. They include the $50,000 Poker Players Championship and the $250,000 Super High Roller.

Here's a look at the remaining PokerGO live-stream schedule:

*Dates, times, and specific events of this schedule are subject to change.

Remember, poker fans can catch live updates from every single bracelet event from start to finish right here on PokerNews. Make sure to bookmark the 2021 World Series of Poker Hub, with all the reporting, news, interviews, and more from Las Vegas.

If you’re not currently subscribed to PokerGO, you can get a monthly subscription for $14.99, a three-month plan for $29.99, and an annual subscription for $99.99. You can also save $10 off an annual subscription by using promo code “PokerNews” at checkout. Click here to subscribe.

Level: 20

Blinds: 10,000/15,000

Ante: 15,000

Elliott Crushing Dreams

Level 20 : 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante

Doyle Elliott has already eliminated two opponents at Table #112 since players returned from dinner break.

In his last hand, Elliott had {9-Hearts}{9-Spades} while an all-in opponent had {a-Clubs}{j-Clubs}. The {4-Clubs}{q-Clubs}{3-Spades} flop gave his opponent a flush draw, but Elliott's two nines held on the {q-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} turn and river.

"Table #112, crushing dreams," a tablemate said about the spate of eliminations at this table.

Player Chips Progress
Doyle Elliott us
Doyle Elliott

Tags: Doyle Elliott

Packard Hits An Eight To Survive

Level 20 : 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante

Joel Packard shoved all-in pre-flop from under the gun for 125,000 and a player in middle position made it 300,000. Everyone folded and both players flipped over their hole cards.

Joel Packard: {a-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}
Middle Position: {a-Spades}{k-Clubs}

The board ran out {q-Spades}{8-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}{10-Spades} and Packard won with two pair eights and deuces to survive.

Player Chips Progress
Joel Packard us
Joel Packard

Kessler Loses A Flip

Level 20 : 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante
Allen Kessler
Allen Kessler

Joel Manson went all-in under the gun for 150,000 and Allen Kessler in the big blind called.

Joel Manson: {a-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}
Allen Kessler: {8-Diamonds}{8-Spades}

The board ran out {4-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{j-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{9-Hearts} and Manson made a pair of jacks to double against Kessler.

Player Chips Progress
Joel Manson us
Joel Manson
Allen Kessler us
Allen Kessler
$25K Fantasy

Clark, Soni Trade Some Chips, Several Barbs

Level 20 : 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante
Scotter Clark
Scotter Clark

Parmod Soni had raised pre-flop before Scotter Clark, dressed as Jack Sparrow, moved all in for around 400,000, placing his chips on his trademark yellow truck.

"I think we're flipping. I'm a senior, I don't flip well. I get cramps," Soni said.

"Will this help," Clark said while placing a toy gun on the table.

"That's only the second gun I've seen on a poker table this year. The first one was real," a tablemate said.

Soni eventually folded, claiming to have pocket nine's. "I had deuce-three," Clark said while claiming the pot.

"You had a big ace," Soni countered.

"If I had deuce-three, I wouldn't be sitting at this table," Clark said.

Player Chips Progress
Parmod Soni us
Parmod Soni
Scotter Clark us
Scotter Clark

Tags: Parmod SoniScotter Clark

Dumont Halts Sunde's Rise

Level 20 : 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante

Eric Sunde has picked up several big hands recently and just got another.

Dan Dumont moved all in for 195,000 with {k-Clubs}{j-Clubs} on a flop of {8-Clubs}{3-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} and Sunde called with {q-Clubs}{q-Spades}.

"Are you cheating," a tablemate jokingly asked Sunde upon turning over his hand.

Dumont had a flush draw and failed to hit the {a-Spades} turn, but he hit the {k-Hearts} on the river to make a pair of kings.

"I forgot the king was an out," Dumont said as he doubled up.

Player Chips Progress
Eric Sunde us
Eric Sunde
Dan Dumont us
Dan Dumont

Tags: Dan DumontEric Sunde

Durfee's Cowboys

Level 20 : 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante

Action picked up on the turn with a board reading {8-Hearts}{3-Spades}{10-Spades}{6-Hearts}, one player at risk and a side between Scott Durfee and another player. Durfee went all in for 280,000 and the third player thought for a bit before folding his hand.

Opponent: {q-Diamonds}{10-Spades}
Scott Durfee: {k-Diamonds}{k-Spades}

The river came a {k-Hearts} and Durfee made a set on top of already having the best hand. The opponent tapped the table and Durfee took down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Scott Durfee us
Scott Durfee

Campbell With A Pair

Level 20 : 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante

A short-stacked player shoved all-in for about 230,000 and Keith Campbell called from behind, covering him. Upon turning his hand over the short stack announced "I got two live cards" and a tablemate responded, "It's suited too".

Short Stack: {7-Spades}{2-Spades}
Keith Campbell: {a-Hearts}{9-Clubs}

The board ran out {a-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{2-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds} giving Campbell a pair of aces for the winner.

Player Chips Progress
Keith Campbell us
Keith Campbell

Garland Picks Up Kings

Level 20 : 10,000/15,000, 15,000 ante

An opponent in the hijack raised and Bruno Lopes called from the button before Christopher Garland moved all in from the small blind for around 320,000. The hijack called, while Lopes folded.

Christopher Garland: {k-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}
Hijack: {q-Diamonds}{q-Spades}

The board ran out {6-Spades}{3-Hearts}{5-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{j-Clubs}, leaving Garland's kings in front and his opponent with just a few thousand chips after the stacks were counted down.

Player Chips Progress
Bruno Lopes fr
Bruno Lopes
Christopher Garland us
Christopher Garland

Tags: Christopher GarlandBruno Lopes