2021 World Series of Poker

Event #43: $1,000 Double Stack
Day: 1a
Event Info

2021 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
600,000 / 1,200,000
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

Vaughan Takes Advantage of Position

Level 4 : 300/500, 500 ante
KC Vaughan
KC Vaughan

The action was picked up when a player in early position raised to 1,200 and both KC Vaughan behind and the big blind made the call.

The flop was {a-Spades}{7-Hearts}{5-Spades}, the big blind checked the early position player continued with a bet of 1,400 and Vaughan shoved for his remaining stack of over 5,500.

Vaughan used his position to let his opponent bet before he shoved both players behind mucked and he stacked the chips.

Player Chips Progress
KC Vaughan us
KC Vaughan

Tags: kc vaughan

Platt Gone Before Break

Level 4 : 300/500, 500 ante
Jeff Platt
Jeff Platt

Action was picked up preflop with Jeff Platt's stack of 13,000 at risk and another player debating a call after putting 3,300 out there prior. The other player called and the cards were tabled.

Jeff Platt: {a-Clubs}{k-Clubs}
Opponent: {a-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}

The flop was safe enough for Platt with an {a-Hearts}{2-Spades}{7-Hearts} but the turn {q-Spades} left Platt drawing to three outs. Unfortunately the river {j-Hearts} was not one of those outs and Platt was eliminated from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Jeff Platt us
Jeff Platt
Day 2 Chip Leader

Level: 5

Blinds: 300/600

Ante: 600

Serock Enters

Level 5 : 300/600, 600 ante

Joe Serock had just sat down when an under the gun player raised to 1,700. Serock looked at his hand then raised to 4,900 to which it folded to Matt Affleck in the big blind who also folded.

Action went back to the initial raiser who also folded and Serock took in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Matt Affleck us
Matt Affleck
Joe Serock us
Joe Serock
WSOP 1X Winner

Volen Takes One Down

Level 5 : 300/600, 600 ante

A player went all in under the gun for 3,300 and from middle position Adam Volen called. Action folded around to Maria Konnikova in the small blind who folded, and the big blind folded as well.

Under the gun: {q-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}
Adam Volen: {a-Spades}{10-Clubs}

The board ran out {k-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{8-Spades}{4-Diamonds} and Volen got the knockout and the other player left the tournament area.

Player Chips Progress
Maria Konnikova us
Maria Konnikova
Adam Volen us
Adam Volen

Terrio Eliminates Arnwine, Doubles Through Killetto; Newey Gone

Level 5 : 300/600, 600 ante
Justin Arnwine
Justin Arnwine

Justin Arnwine raised to 2,000 under the gun and the player from the next position called him. From cutoff, Lily Kiletto re-raised to 5,500. From the big blind Sean Terrio called and then Arnwine cranked up his Hello Kitty windup to signify he was all-in for 21,000. Kiletto asked for a count and then went all-in herself for about 53,000. Terrio snap-called and all three cards were on their backs.

Justin Arnwine: {a-Diamonds}{q-Spades}
Sean Terrio: {k-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}
Lily Kiletto: {a-Clubs}{10-Spades}

The board ran out {6-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{j-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{7-Diamonds} and Terrio's kings held for the more than double he got in the pot. Justin Arnwine was eliminated from the tournament.

At another table, Paul Newey was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Sean Terrio us
Sean Terrio
Lily Kiletto us
Lily Kiletto
Justin Arnwine us
Justin Arnwine
Paul Newey gb
Paul Newey

Tags: Justin ArnwineLily KilettoPaul NeweySean Terrio