2019 World Series of Poker

Event #73: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em MAIN EVENT - World Championship
Day: 1c
Event Info

2019 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
2,000,000 / 4,000,000

Ramos' Main Event Ends in the Gutter

Level 4 : 300/500, 500 ante
Felipe Ramos (earlier this summer)
Felipe Ramos (earlier this summer)

The by now infamous abandoned bowling alley at the Rio has claimed a second high-profile victim on Day 1c of the 2019 Main Event. After Phil Ivey struck out in the early stages, it was Brazilian star Felipe Ramos who had to part ways from the same room during the third level of the day.

"I lost two big hands during the first level of the day," Ramos told PokerNews. "Old gentleman to my left, very friendly, super nice guy, makes it 1,000, one player calls, I call {6-}{6-} from the big blind. Flop comes {k-}{10-}{6-} with two hearts. I check, he bets 3,000, other guy calls, I check-raise to 10,500, he calls, and then the other guy raises to 30,000!

I tank for five minutes and fold, other gentleman goes all in with {a-}{a-} and the third guy had {10-}{10-}," Ramos explained how he got away relatively unscathed after flopping set under set.

Ramos then picked up {k-Hearts}{5-Hearts} on the button and raised to 500. An opponent made it 1,300 from the small blind and he called to see an all-heart {j-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{3-Hearts} flop appear. Ramos' opponent bet 2,300, Ramos raised to 6,000 and his opponent instantly shoved all in.

"I tank forever but I cannot fold this hand, even when it's Day 1 of the Main. I call and he shows the dream!" Ramon excitingly said about his opponent's {q-Clubs}{q-Spades}, making him a 97% favorite to win the hand. However, the turn and river ran out {8-} and {q-} to improve his opponent to an unlikely boat and Ramos was left with 13,100 in level 1.

Short stacked, he continued for two more levels before losing his final chips with {a-}{q-} to {10-}{10-} and busted out of the Main Event early.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Felipe Ramos br
Felipe Ramos

Tags: Felipe Ramos