2019 World Series of Poker

Event #3: BIG 50 - $500 No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 2b
Event Info

2019 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
15,000,000 / 30,000,000

Hom Eliminates a Player

Level 15 : 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

A player in middle position and with only nine big blinds (75,000) moved all in and it folded around to Blaise Hom in the cutoff who made the quick call.

Blaise Hom: {a-Clubs}{q-Hearts}
Opponent: {q-Spades}{10-Diamonds}

The board ran {a-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{6-Spades}{8-Hearts}{4-Clubs} and Hom in good shape early in Day 2b.

Player Chips Progress
Blaise Hom us
Blaise Hom

Tags: Blaise Hom

Level: 15

Blinds: 4,000/8,000

Ante: 8,000

Patzner Doubles Up Early in Day 2b

Level 14 : 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante

The hand was folded around to Thomas Patzner from the cutoff position and he moved all in for his remaining 183,000 and the big blind snapped called.

Thomas Patzner: {q-Hearts}{q-Spades}
Opponent: {j-Spades}{j-Hearts}

The board was {q-Clubs}{9-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{6-Diamonds} and it was no help to his opponent and Patzner dragged in the pot to double up.

Player Chips Progress
Thomas Patzner us
Thomas Patzner

Tags: Thomas Patzner

Stenbeck Doubles Through Lee

Level 14 : 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante

Jamieson Lee raised to 13,000 from mid-position and was called by Troy Quinley on the button. Cindy Stenbeck shoved from the small blind for 45,000 and the big blind quickly folded. Lee asked for a count and when the dealer confirmed the amount, Lee flicked in a green 100,000-value chip but didn't announce anything. The dealer said it was a call but Lee said he wanted to raise. The floor was called over and he deemed it a call as it was only 1 chip that was tossed in. Lee complied by putting in the chips for the call and Quinley quickly folded to let them battle it out.

Cindy Stenbeck: {10-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}
Jamieson Lee: {8-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}

"Oh, you've got it," Lee said when he saw Stenbeck's cards.

The board ran out {5-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} for Stenbeck to hold with the higher pocket pair even though she didn't really realize it as she thought Lee had pocket nines.

"Guess this is much better than just doubling up." Stenbeck said with a smile.

Player Chips Progress
Jamieson Lee ca
Jamieson Lee
Cindy Stenbeck us
Cindy Stenbeck

Tags: Cindy StenbeckJamieson LeeTroy Quinley

Tripp puts Opponent All-in

Level 14 : 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante

Ryan Tripp from the hijack position raised 18,000 and it folded to the small blind who moved all in for his remaining 40,000. Tripp made the call.

Ryan Tripp: {9-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}
Opponent: {a-Hearts}{j-Hearts}

The board ran {5-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{k-Diamonds} and Tripp's nines hold to eliminate a player.

Player Chips Progress
Ryan Tripp us
Ryan Tripp

Tags: Ryan Tripp

Level: 14

Blinds: 3,000/6,000

Ante: 6,000

Short Delay

The restart for Day 2b has been delayed slightly as the floor staff is still working on clearing the tournament tables to be able to accommodate all the players who are returning to make it into the money.