2019 World Series of Poker

Event #21: $10,000 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw Championship
Day: 2
Event Info

2019 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
20,000 / 40,000

Welcome to Day 2 of the No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw Championship; Pedro Bromfman Leads 29 Survivors, Defending Champion Brian Rast Still Alive

Pedro Bromfman
Pedro Bromfman

Welcome back to the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino and the 2019 World Series of Poker (WSOP) for Day 2 of the Event #21: $10,000 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw Championship.

One of the most anticipated events on the WSOP schedule each year, the No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw Championship has been making regular appearances since 1973. Always one to attract the best players from around the world, the cream rises to the top in this prestigious event as the list of previous winners reads like a poker honor roll. Brian Rast, John Monnette, Paul Volpe, Jesse Martin, Nick Schulman, Mike Matusow, and Erik Seidel have all collected the win in this event, while amazingly Billy Baxter has won a version of this event five times; $10,000 buy-in in 1978 and 1982, and a $5,000 buy-in in 1975. 1987, and 1993.

Unfortunately for Schulman and Seidel, they exhausted their re-entry options and were unable to find a bag, while Matusow was eliminated late in the day but has a re-entry up his sleeve. Rast, Monnette, Volpe, Martin, and Baxter all were part of the 29 survivors that reached Day 2 here on Saturday.

Leading those 29 players is Brazilian musician and music producer Pedro Bromfman who hit the top of the leaderboard early in the day and never relented. Bromfman finished with 470,000 to be ahead of Majid Yahyaei (410,000) and current WSOP Player of the Year leader Dan Zack (312,000).

Registration for Event #21 remains open until the start of Day 2; approximately 2 p.m. (PDT), and with 84-entrants already in the field, depending on how many players enter today, the remaining players will be eyeing the money at the final two tables.

Day 2 Seating Draw and Chip Counts

RoomTableSeatPlayerCountryChip Count
Amazon4011Mike WattelUnited States89,000
Amazon4012Alex BalandinUnited States232,000
Amazon4013Paul VolpeUnited States38,500
Amazon4015John MonnetteUnited States161,500
Amazon4016Shawn SheikhanUnited States232,500
Amazon4022Jean-Robert BellandeUnited States263,000
Amazon4023Galen HallUnited States160,500
Amazon4024Billy BaxterUnited States89,500
Amazon4026Frank KasselaUnited States165,000
Amazon4027Cary KatzUnited States103,000
Amazon4031Vince MussoUnited States164,500
Amazon4033Brian RastUnited States196,000
Amazon4034Jen HarmanUnited States35,500
Amazon4036Jerry RobinsonUnited States20,000
Amazon4052Marco JohnsonUnited States61,000
Amazon4053Daniel NegreanuCanada102,000
Amazon4054Dan ShakUnited States283,500
Amazon4055Randy OhelUnited States86,000
Amazon4056Jim BechtelUnited States258,000
Amazon4061Ajay ChabraUnited States283,500
Amazon4063Julien MartiniFrance285,000
Amazon4064Majid YahyaeiUnited States410,000
Amazon4066Dan ZackUnited States312,000
Amazon4067Benny GlaserUnited Kingdom98,500
Amazon4071Darren EliasUnited States149,500
Amazon4072Pedro BromfmanUnited States470,000
Amazon4073Jesse MartinUnited States74,000
Amazon4075Prahlad FriedmanUnited States126,500
Amazon4076Daniel OspinaColombia106,000

Play resumes for Day 2 at 2 p.m. (PDT) in the Gold section of the Amazon Room with the players will be playing seven 90-minute levels with a dinner break following the fourth level of the day; approximately 8:30 p.m. (PDT).

The PokerNews Live Reporting Team will be on the floor providing exclusive live updates of every rough-nine, pat-eight, three-bet snow, and fanned wheel from Day of Event #21. So stay tuned to PokerNews.com as we continue to write the story of the Event #21 champion, along with everything you need to know from the 2019 World Series of Poker.

Tags: Pedro Bromfman

Hildebrand Eliminated by Glantz

Level 11 : 1,500/3,000, 4,500 ante
Per Hildebrand
Per Hildebrand

Per Hildebrand raised all in for 13,000 from under the gun and Matt Glantz isolated with a shove of his own from the small blind.

Glantz drew one, while Hildebrand stood pat with {q-}{j-}{9-}{4-}{2-}.

Glantz showed {9-}{8-}{6-}{3-} and peeled a {5-} to make a nine-eight and eliminate Hildebrand.

Player Chips Progress
Matt Glantz us
Matt Glantz
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
Per Hildebrand se
Per Hildebrand

Tags: Matt GlantzPer Hildebrand

Kalas Eliminated by Elias

Level 11 : 1,500/3,000, 4,500 ante
Kane Kalas
Kane Kalas

Jesse Martin raised to 8,500 from middle position, and Kane Kalas moved all in next to act in the hijack for 10,000.

Darren Elias called in the big blind, as did Martin. Elias and Kalas both drew one, and Martin stood pat.

Elias bet out 25,000 and Martin folded.

Elias tabled his {q-}{10-}{9-}{6-}{3-}, and Kalas revealed his {a-}{8-}{7-}{4-}{2-} and was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Darren Elias us
Darren Elias
Jesse Martin us
Jesse Martin
WSOP 2X Winner
Kane Kalas us
Kane Kalas
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Darren EliasJesse MartinKane Kalas

Martin Eliminated by Bromfman

Level 11 : 1,500/3,000, 4,500 ante
Jesse Martin
Jesse Martin

Pedro Bromfman raised to 9,000 from the cutoff, Jesse Martin three-bet shoved from the button for about 28,000 and Bromfman called.

Both players drew one.

Bromfman: {9-}{8-}{7-}{6-}
Martin: {9-}{8-}{4-}{3-}

Bromfman drew a {k-} to make a king, while Martin paired his {4-} to bust.

Player Chips Progress
Pedro Bromfman br
Pedro Bromfman
WSOP 1X Winner
Jesse Martin us
Jesse Martin
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Jesse MartinPedro Bromfman

Event #21 Prize Pool Announced; $253,817 to the Winner!

Level 11 : 1,500/3,000, 4,500 ante

The prize pool for Event #21 has been announced with the 91 players forming a $855,400 prize pool that will see the top 14 places paid as follows:

2nd$156,8729th - 11th$18,979
3rd$109,73812th - 14th$15,167

Glaser Eliminated by Friedman

Level 11 : 1,500/3,000, 4,500 ante
Benny Glaser
Benny Glaser

Benny Glaser raised to 8,500 from the cutoff, Prahlad Friedman three-bet to 27,000 from the button, Glaser four-bet shoved for about 70,000 and Friedman called.

Glaser stood pat, Friedman drew one, Glaser fanned {10-}{6-}{4-}{3-}{2-} and Friedman showed {8-}{5-}{4-}{2-}.

Friedman peeled a {9-} to make a nine-eight, eliminating Glaser.

Player Chips Progress
Prahlad Friedman us
Prahlad Friedman
WSOP 1X Winner
Benny Glaser gb
Benny Glaser
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: Benny GlaserPrahlad Friedman

Another Double for Glantz

Level 12 : 2,000/4,000, 6,000 ante
Matt Glantz
Matt Glantz

Arriving during the predraw raises, Matt Glantz had four-bet all in for 151,000 from the button. Julien Martini was in the tank in the cutoff, having previously three-bet to 32,000.

After a little while mulling it over, Martini called and drew one.

Glantz stood pat and fanned {8-}{6-}{5-}{4-}{2-}.

Martini was drawing dead with {9-}{7-}{5-}{3-} and mucked his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Matt Glantz us
Matt Glantz
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
Julien Martini fr
Julien Martini
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Julien MartiniMatt Glantz

Ospina Eliminated by Friedman

Level 12 : 2,000/4,000, 6,000 ante
Daniel Ospina
Daniel Ospina

Prahlad Friedman raised the button to 10,000 and Daniel Ospina moved all in from the small blind for 40,000. Jim Bechtel called in the big blind, and Friedman shoved all in. Bechtel folded, and Ospina drew two as Friedman stood pat.

Friedman: {9-}{8-}{6-}{5-}{3-}
Ospina: {7-}{6-}{3-}

Ospina drew the {k-} and {3-}, and was eliminated in 25th place from Event #21.

Player Chips Progress
Prahlad Friedman us
Prahlad Friedman
WSOP 1X Winner
Jim Bechtel us
Jim Bechtel
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 2X Winner
Daniel Ospina co
Daniel Ospina
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Daniel OspinaJim BechtelPrahlad Friedman

Wattel Eliminated by Volpe

Level 12 : 2,000/4,000, 6,000 ante
Mike Wattel
Mike Wattel

Mike Wattel raised all in for 50,000 from the cutoff and Paul Volpe called from the small blind.

Volpe stood pat, sending Wattel into the tank for a bit before he decided to stand pat as well.

Volpe tabled {9-}{8-}{6-}{4-}{2-}, Wattel showed a defeated {10-}{9-}{7-}{6-}{2-} and Wattel was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Volpe us
Paul Volpe
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Mike Wattel us
Mike Wattel
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Mike WattelPaul Volpe