Joshua Thibodaux raised to 1,100,000 on the button and Stephen Nussrallah, in the small blind, three-bet to 3,100,000. Bob Shao, in the big blind, four-bet shoved for 6,600,000. Nussrallah was the only caller.
[Removed:174] raised to 875,000 on the cutoff, and Nathan Russler, on the button, moved all in for about 4,000,000. Action folded back to Tamasauskas who made the call.
Nathan Russler:
Tamasauskas hit a favorable flop of . The turn and river completed the board, and Tamasauskas claimed the pot, eliminating Russler in 15th place for $75,407.
After Steven van Zadelhoff raised to 1,000,000 from early position, action folded to Ana Marquez on the button, and she three-bet shoved. With action back on van Zadelhoff, he released his cards, which gave a little bump to Marquez's stack.
On a flop of , Kazuki Ikeuchi, in the big blind, checked, and Joao Simao bet 575,000 under the gun. Ikeuchi responded by check-raising to 2,000,000. Simao went deep into the tank for a few minutes and eventually moved all in for about 10,200,000. Ikeuchi called, putting at risk 7,625,000, and the cards were tabled.
Kazuki Ikeuchi:
Joao Simao:
Ikeuchi had flopped a pair and a flush draw and Simao had ace-high. The turn and river completed the board and Ikeuchi doubled up with quads as Simao's bluff didn't get through and he was left with 2,700,000.
The very next hand, Keith Lehr raised to 85,000 on the cutoff, and Simao moved all in from the big blind for his last 2,700,000.
Joao Simao:
Keith Lehr:
The runout was and Lehr took down the pot, eliminating Simao in 16th place for a nice payday of $59,883.
Andrew Hinrichsen shoved all in from middle position and was called by Cory Albertson in the cutoff.
Andre Hinrichsen:
Cory Albertson:
Hinrichsen was safe on the flop of , but the turn and the unfortunate river gave Albertson two pair and spelled the end of the Australian's tournament.
Action folded around to Jacob Naumann in the small blind and he shoved all in. Steven van Zadelhoff made the call from his big blind.
Jacob Naumann:
Steven van Zadelhoff:
Van Zadelhoff was ahead, and the flop only improved his hand, leaving Naumann drawing thin to runner-runner kings or tens, which didn't come on the turn or river.