2018 World Series of Poker

Event #65: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em MAIN EVENT - World Championship
Day: 2ab
Event Info

2018 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
2,000,000 / 4,000,000

John Hesp Eliminated from Main Event

Level 8 : 500/1,000, 100 ante
John Hesp
John Hesp

Earlier, John Hesp lost out with pocket aces against the jacks of an opponent when a jack flopped giving his opponent a set. That lost the Brit 35,000 and a short while ago Hesp opened and Jim Schweitzer three-bet to 7,000.

Hesp called and the flop came ace-high and Hesp bet. Schweitzer raised and Hesp moved all in. Schweitzer called and showed {a-}{a-} for a flopped set, with Hesp turning over {a-Spades}{k-Spades} for top pair top kicker. There was no miracle runout and last year's final tablist and fan favourite was eliminated.

PokerNews caught up with Hesp as he patiently posed with several of his fans for selfies on the rail.

"[The reception] has been incredible," said Hesp. "Everything has just been so lovely and fun. I'm just so so grateful that these people are enjoying my style of play, and everything else in that regard.

"The game of poker should be fun; those couple of hands earlier weren't fun, but it happens. I'm a realist and I accept that to get to the final table, it's going to be happening the opposite way to other people. And it did to me today.

"Right now I need to go and chill out for five minutes. I've got some buddies who will be wanting to know what happened.

"Hopefully I'll be here for another year, if I live long enough(!) The adrenaline doesn't last long, but it's great to be here!!"

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of James Schweitzer us
James Schweitzer
Profile photo of John Hesp gb
John Hesp

Tags: John HespJim Schweitzer