2018 World Series of Poker

Event #55: $1,000 Tag Team No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 2
Event Info

2018 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

242 Teams Return at Noon for Day 2 of Event #55: $1,000 Tag Team No-Limit Hold'em


Welcome back to Day 2 of Event #55: $1,000 Tag Team No-Limit Hold'em which will start at 12 noon local time.

A total of 242 teams will return to the felt with their first goal being to make the money as only 155 teams will be cashing for at least $1,502. But after that, all will definitely be aiming to make it through to Day 3 to have their shot at winning that amazing first-place prize of $175,805.

At the top of the chip counts is the Juan Ramirez - Isai Coello - Dustin Pattinson team with 193,000 in chips. Second in the chip counts is the team of Alexander Zeligman - Jonathan Roux - Daniel James with 156,800, and in third position to start the day is bracelet winner Michael Wang and his teammates Dan Zack and Ajay Chabra who together bagged 113,800 yesterday.

When players reconvene in the White section of the Pavilion room they will be playing 10 levels of 60 minutes each with no breaks except for color-ups after Levels 16 and 18. The blinds will be 500/1,000 with an ante of 100 to start play today.

The PokerNews Live Reporting team will be there from the first hands to the bubble bursting and then all of the way to night’s end when the final bag has been tagged. So make sure to keep it here to follow the live updates all day long!

Tags: Ajay ChabraAlexander ZeligmanDan ZackDaniel JamesDustin PattinsonIsai CoelloJonathan RouxJuan RamirezMichael Wang

Team Pantaleo Hits a Full House

Level 12 : 600/1,200, 200 ante
Giuseppe Pantaleo
Giuseppe Pantaleo

Team Rosenfeld raised to 2,600 from late position and Giuseppe Pantaleo of Team Pantaleo called in the big blind.

They both checked through the {a-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{3-Clubs} on the flop to the {5-Hearts} on the turn. Pantaleo bet 4,000 and Team Rosenfeld called.

The river completed the board with the {7-Clubs}, Pantaleo bet again, now for 11,300 and Team Rosenfeld called again after a while. Pantaleo tabled {7-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds} for the turned full house and Team Rosenfeld regrettably mucked his hand.

"I had a really good hand there, really good." Team Rosenfeld commented. "Nice hand."

Player Chips Progress
Giuseppe Pantaleo - Nikita Luther
Giuseppe Pantaleo - Nikita Luther
Moshe Rosenfeld - Daniel Frunkin
Moshe Rosenfeld - Daniel Frunkin

Tags: Giuseppe Pantaleo

Top Stacks Battle For Chip Lead

Level 15 : 1,200/2,400, 400 ante
Juan Ramirez,Isai Coello
Juan Ramirez,Isai Coello

With the board down {5-Hearts}{j-Clubs}{3-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}, William Reymond bet 16,500 from the hijack, and Isai Coello called. On the {3-Spades} river, Coello checked, and Raymond bet 35,000.

Coello needed a couple of minutes to think through his options, but ultimately folded and sacrificed the chip lead to Team Reymond.

Player Chips Progress
William Reymond - Ami Alibay
William Reymond - Ami Alibay
Juan Ramirez - Isai Coello - Dustin Pattinson
Juan Ramirez - Isai Coello - Dustin Pattinson
Day 1 Chip Leader

Tags: Isai CoelloWilliam Reymond

Halfa Rivers a Flush

Level 18 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante
Shalev Halfa
Shalev Halfa

Shalev Halfa of Team Halfa limped in on the button and Adi Rajkovic of Team Neurauter called in the big blind.

The flop came {8-Spades}{10-Clubs}{5-Clubs}, Rajkovic check-called the bet of Halfa of about a quarter of the pot.

The turn brought them the {k-Diamonds}, Rajkovic checked again. Halfa continued with another bet but now for 22,000. Rajkovic called.

The {k-Clubs} on the river completed the board with the flush draw and Rajkovic checked for the last time. Halfa counted out some chips and bet 59,000. Rajkovic looked at the board and Halfa and threw in a chip for the call. Halfa turned around {j-Clubs}{7-Clubs} for the rivered flush and Rajkovic defeatedly counted out chips to pay for the call.

Player Chips Progress
Shalev Halfa - Oshri Lahmani
Shalev Halfa - Oshri Lahmani
Hannes Neurauter - Adi Rajkovic
Hannes Neurauter - Adi Rajkovic

Tags: Adi RajkovicShalev Halfa

Team Lees Doubles

Level 18 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante
Shalev Halfa
Shalev Halfa

The action was opened by Shalev Halfa on the button only to see Team Lees move all in for around 90,000 from the small blind. Haifa made the call and saw his hand was dominated.

Shalev Halfa: {a-Spades}{9-Hearts}
Team Lees: {a-Diamonds}{k-Spades}

Board: {6-Hearts}{5-Hearts}{5-Spades}{j-Hearts}{5-Clubs}

Team Lee's hand held to secure a vital double-up as players get closer to the penultimate level of the day.

Player Chips Progress
Shalev Halfa - Oshri Lahmani
Shalev Halfa - Oshri Lahmani
Johan Lees - Jesse Mason
Johan Lees - Jesse Mason

Tags: Shalev Halfa

Wang Eliminated by Hardcastle

Level 18 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante
Michael Wang
Michael Wang

Jack Hardcastle of Team Hardcastle raised from the button, putting both the small blind and Michael Wang of Team Wang all-in. Only Wang called for the 26 big blinds he had in front of him.

Michael Wang: {A-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}
Jack Hardcastle: {2-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}

The board ran out {9-Clubs}{3-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{5-Hearts}{j-Clubs}, no help for Wang as him and his team have been sent to the payout desk to collect their share of the prize pool.

Player Chips Progress
Jack Hardcastle - Ryan Laplante - Patrick Truong - Kevin Gerhart
Jack Hardcastle - Ryan Laplante - Patrick Truong - Kevin Gerhart
Michael Wang - Dan Zack - Ajay Chabra
Michael Wang - Dan Zack - Ajay Chabra

Tags: Jack HardcastleMichael Wang

Alibay Wins Big Against Ramirez

Level 19 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Ami Alibay
Ami Alibay

The board was down {j-Clubs}{k-Hearts}{q-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{k-Clubs} on Table #110 when Ami Alibay raised Juan Ramirez's river bet. Ramirez bet 27,000 from early position, and Alibay's raise was to 107,000. Ramirez thought for a minute before he made the call. Alibay tabled {k-Spades}{q-Spades} for a full house to swoop the pot after Ramirez showed the {k-Diamonds} and mucked.

Player Chips Progress
William Reymond - Ami Alibay
William Reymond - Ami Alibay
Juan Ramirez - Isai Coello - Dustin Pattinson
Juan Ramirez - Isai Coello - Dustin Pattinson
Day 1 Chip Leader

Tags: Ami AlibayJuan Ramirez

Team Levy Downs Team Efland

Level 19 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Steven Wolansky
Steven Wolansky

Steven Wolansky of Team Efland was all in for 210,000 from the small blind and was called by Team Levy, who had opened the action with a raise from early position.

Team Efland: {8-Hearts}{8-Spades}
Team Levy: {k-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}

Board: {k-Hearts}{3-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}

Wolansky was crushed preflop, and the flop did not help his chances of survival when Team Levy hit top set, and by the six-of-diamonds turn, he was drawing dead as Team Levy moved up to 490,000.

Player Chips Progress
Salah Levy - Frank Mariani - Cord Garcia
Salah Levy - Frank Mariani - Cord Garcia
Zachary Efland -Steven Wolansky
Zachary Efland -Steven Wolansky

Tags: Steven Wolansky

Peters Eliminates Vanstrom

Level 19 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
David Peters
David Peters

Jason Vanstrom shoved all in for 72,000 from the button and David Peters was sitting in the small blind and also shoved. Juan Ramirez in the big blind quickly folded.

Jason Vanstrom: {A-Hearts}{k-Hearts}
David Peters: {A-Clubs}{10-Hearts}

The board ran out {k-Spades}{2-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}{5-Clubs} to give Peters a straight on the turn to take Vanstrom out of the running for today.

Player Chips Progress
David Peters - Sasidhar Bobba
David Peters - Sasidhar Bobba
Jason Vanstrom - Aaron Frei
Jason Vanstrom - Aaron Frei

Tags: David PetersJason VanstromJuan Ramirez

Team Koo Leads Going Into $1,000 Tag Team Final Day

Level 20 : 4,000/8,000, 1,000 ante
Bon Koo
Bon Koo

Day 2 of Event #55: $1,000 Tag Team No-Limit Hold'em saw 242 teams come back to battle, but just 28 remain with Bon Koo - Bienvenido Caballero taking the chip lead into the final day.

Koo and Caballero bagged up an impressive 828,000 to take the lead over William Reymond - Ami Alibay (706,000), and Adam Lamphere - Ao Chen - Yijie Zhang (705,000).

Manig Loeser - Joelle Parenteau - Daniel Weinand (615,000), Johan Lees - Jesse Mason (602,000) and Salah 'Papa' Levy - Francis Mariani - Cord Garcia (585,000) will also come into Day 3 with considerable stacks.

Loni Harwood, along with her teammates Haixa Zhang and Kelly Minkin bagged up 480,000, and Ryan Laplante will also be back tomorrow with Jack Hardcastle, Patrick Truong, and Kevin Gerhart after their four-man team span up a stack worth 245,000.

The duo of Timothy Link and Timothy Lanzone will have the most work to do when play resumes at noon, June 28, as the shortest stack on 105,000.

Action of the day

Only 155 teams were guaranteed to make the money spots today, and it took just over two hours for the money bubble to burst. Tobias Hariefeld - Christian Rudolph and Gerald Dunn - Juan Rodriguez were both eliminated during hand-for-hand play, and due to the fact they were on different tables, they split the $1,502 155th place payout.

Players such as Shaun Deeb and David Peters sat down to help their teams during the middle part of the day. Deeb and Daniel Weinman took 108th place, but Peters and his partner Sasidhar Bobba faired better before they exited in 35th place.

The team of Dara O'Kearney - Alan Widmann - Daiva Byrne and Benny Glaser took 121st place, and Ashley Sleeth - Jesse Sylvia and Dylan Hortin exited in 118th place. Chris Moorman and Jeremy Menard fell in 108th place as Fraser MacIntyre - Barny Boatman - James Akenhead and Yiannis Liperis took 62nd place.

Andrew Barber
Andrew Barber playing for REG Charity

Andrew Barber - Sam Razavi - Dan Smith and Erik Seidel came together to create a team that guaranteed all their winnings to the REG Charity, and it was a job well done after they cashed out for $2,252 in 72nd place.

The duo of Jason Wheeler and Ludovic Geilich had progressed from a 64,500 start-of-day stack to over 200,000 quickly but as the closing levels took place, they could not continue their momentum and ultimately departed the event in 44th place for $3,495.

Juan Ramirez - Isai Coello - Dustin Pattinson came into the day as the chip leaders and built their stack consistently throughout most of the day, but they fell in the final level and took 32nd place for $1,391 per player.

The remaining 28 teams will return at noon on Friday, June 29 to fight it out for the $175,805 first-place and the coveted gold bracelet.

Join PokerNews as the action continues and the 2018 Tag Team champions are crowned.

Tags: Alan WidmannAndrew BarberAo ChenAshley SleethBarny BoatmanBenny GlaserChris MoormanDaiva ByrneDan SmithDaniel WeinmanDara O'KearneyDavid PetersDustin PattinsonDylan HortinErik SeidelFraser MacIntyreIsai CoelloJack HardcastleJames AkenheadJason WheelerJeremy MenardJesse SylviaJuan RamirezKelly MinkinLudovic GeilichSam RazaviShaun DeebWilliam ReymondYiannis Liperis