2018 World Series of Poker

Event #55: $1,000 Tag Team No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2018 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Team Neto Eliminated in 5th Place ($39,936)

Level 30 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Gabriel Neto
Gabriel Neto

Hand #126: The action folded to Manig Loeser in the small blind, and he moved all in. Gabriel Neto, in the big blind, called and put his tournament life at risk.

Manig Loeser: {a-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}
Gabriel Neto: {q-Hearts}{j-Hearts}

Board: {5-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{7-Clubs}

Loeser paired his three and ended up with two pair, which was enough to claim the pot and eliminate Gabriel Neto and Carlos Caputo in fifth place for $39,936.

Player Chips Progress
Manig Loeser - Joelle Parenteau - Daniel Weinand
Manig Loeser - Joelle Parenteau - Daniel Weinand
Gabriel Neto - Carlos Caputo
Gabriel Neto - Carlos Caputo

Tags: Gabriel NetoManig Loeser

Team Rocha Eliminated in 4th Place ($55,016)

Level 30 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Alex Rocha
Alex Rocha

Hand #150: Alex Rocha counted out his stack and decided to shove from the button for 1,040,000 in total. Giuseppe Pantaleo looked at his own cards and took some time to consider his options. After a while, Pantaleo also moved all in. Manig Loeser glanced at his own cards and decided to fold.

Alex Rocha: {9-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}
Giuseppe Pantaleo: {A-Spades}{9-Spades}

The board ran out {q-Clubs}{k-Clubs}{a-Clubs}{q-Hearts}{5-Diamonds} to give Pantaleo two pair, aces and queens, to eliminate Rocha and his girlfriend Megan Milburn and her mother Joanne Milburn in fourth place for $55,016.

Player Chips Progress
Giuseppe Pantaleo - Nikita Luther
Giuseppe Pantaleo - Nikita Luther
Alex Rocha - Megan Milburn - Joanne Milburn
Alex Rocha - Megan Milburn - Joanne Milburn

Tags: Alex RochaGiuseppe PantaleoJoanne MilburnManig LoeserMegan Milburn

Team Loeser Eliminated in 3rd Place ($76,797)

Level 32 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante
Manig Loeser
Manig Loeser

Hand #185: Manig Loeser decided to shove for 1,165,000 in total on the button and Kazuki Ikeuchi folded his small blind. Giuseppe Pantaleo asked for a count and then called.

Manig Loeser: {Q-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}
Giuseppe Pantaleo: {Q-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}

The board ran out {k-Hearts}{7-Spades}{j-Spades}{3-Spades}{2-Spades} to not provide any help to Loeser as him and his teammates, Joelle Parenteau and Daniel Weinand, were eliminated in 3rd place.

Player Chips Progress
Giuseppe Pantaleo - Nikita Luther
Giuseppe Pantaleo - Nikita Luther
Kazuki Ikeuchi - Hiroki Iwata - Sho Mori
Kazuki Ikeuchi - Hiroki Iwata - Sho Mori
Manig Loeser - Joelle Parenteau - Daniel Weinand
Manig Loeser - Joelle Parenteau - Daniel Weinand

Tags: Daniel WeinandGiuseppe PantaleoKazuki IkeuchiManig LoeserJoelle Parenteau

Team Pantaleo Wins; Team Ikeuchi Eliminated in 2nd Place ($108,608)

Level 33 : 80,000/160,000, 30,000 ante
Kazuki Ikeuchi
Kazuki Ikeuchi

Hand #218: Giuseppe Pantaleo shoved all in from the button and Hiroki Iwata looked at his cards. He looked at the stack he just sat down to and looked at his teammates. Iwata then made the call.

Hiroki Iwata: {A-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}
Giuseppe Pantaleo: {2-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}

The flop came {10-Spades}{A-Clubs}{4-Spades} to give Team Ikeuchi a pair of aces.

"DEUCE! DEUCE ON THE RIVER!" Team Pantaleo's rail shouted.

The turn brought them the {k-Clubs} which didn't form any danger to Team Ikeuchi.

The river completed the board with the {2-Spades} and the rail exploded. Pantaleo jumped up from his chair and ran to Nikita Luther and the rail and hugged them all while they all cheered loudly and jumped around. The Japanese rail applauded the great result of Team Ikeuchi and the win for the other team. Team Ikeuchi and Team Pantaleo all shook hands and hugged once Pantaleo and Luther calmed down a bit after the celebrations.

A full recap of today's action is to follow.

Player Chips Progress
Giuseppe Pantaleo - Nikita Luther
Giuseppe Pantaleo - Nikita Luther
Kazuki Ikeuchi - Hiroki Iwata - Sho Mori
Kazuki Ikeuchi - Hiroki Iwata - Sho Mori

Tags: Giuseppe PantaleoHiroki IwataNikita Luther

Giuseppe Pantaleo and Nikita Luther Win Event #55: $1,000 Tag Team No-Limit Hold’em for $175,805!

Level 33 : 80,000/160,000, 30,000 ante
Nikita Luther - Giuseppe Pantaleo
Nikita Luther - Giuseppe Pantaleo

After three days and 219 hands on the official final table, Event #55: $1,000 Tag Team No-Limit Hold’em has come to an end. Giuseppe Pantaleo and Nikita Luther have been crowned as the winners, taking two coveted WSOP bracelets and the first-place prize of $175,805 to share between them!

The 2018 edition of this event broke all records as 1,032 teams entered on Day 1 to have a shot of following in former champions Aditya Sushant & Nipun Java’s footsteps.

These are Pantaleo’s and Luther’s first bracelets and the biggest career cash ever for Luther. For Pantaleo, this is his third-biggest cash ever and his second biggest here at the WSOP after finishing in 6th place in last year’s Little One for One Drop.

The winner of that event, Adrian Moreno, actually came over to rail Team Pantaleo for the win. Other notable players on the final table included Kazuki Ikeuchi, Manig Loeser, Alex Rocha, Adam Lamphere, Cord Garcia, and Loni Harwood.

Speaking on how their partnership came about Luther said: "I just randomly hit him up on Twitter, I said we should be the teams, we met once last year, and we didn't know each other well but, now we know each other well."

Pantaleo added, "It was playing the WSOP 3k last year we met, and I liked how she was playing."

But their winning formula almost didn't happen said, Luther. "He almost wasn't going to play the tag team as he had plans to play other tournaments."

The tag team structure is a unique proposition, but it seemed to suit both Pantaleo and Luther.

"She [Luther] was multi-tabling the 3k here, which she got 17th in, and she would run back and forth in breaks," said Pantaleo, before continuing: "She mostly wanted me to play, but it worked well when we tagged in and out. We switched more on Day 3 to give yourselves little breaks, and mostly when we felt the momentum went away a bit. But it was with us a lot of the time."

The pair used the momentum to good effect, especially when considering strategy, which can be a tough proposition when playing as a team.

"I usually have my basic strategy and foundation," said Pantaleo. "But if there was a closer pot, you don't want to spew and feel guilty to your teammate. And also, the other teams will not want to bluff as much, only a few people were going for it on the rivers. It makes a difference; people bluffed less.”

Final Table Results

1Giuseppe Pantaleo - Nikita Luther$175,805
2Kazuki Ikeuchi - Hiroki Iwata - Sho Mori$108,608
3Manig Loeser - Joelle Parenteau - Daniel Weinand$76,797
4Alex Rocha - Megan Milburn - Joanne Milburn$55,016
5Gabriel Neto - Carlos Caputo$39,936
6Adam Lamphere - Ao Chen - Yijie Zhang$29,380
7Salah Levy - Frank Mariani - Cord Garcia$21,910
8Bon Koo - Bienvenido Caballero$16,565
9Loni Harwood - Haixa Zhang - Kelly Minkin$12,700

The Day's Action

The day started with 28 teams returning at noon to play down to a winner, all guaranteed a payday of at least $4,175. The first team sent to the rail was Team Hardcastle, consisting of Jack Hardcastle, Ryan Laplante, Patrick Truong, and Kevin Gerhart. Hardcastle ran pocket tens into the pocket queens of Team Gagnon (Samuel Gagnon - Sammy Lafleur) who would later fall in 21st place ($5,064) themselves.

After the redraw for the final three table, the eliminations started coming in quick with a slew of teams departing to bring play to the last two tables in short order. With the elimination of Team Wilson (Andrew Wilson - Benjamin Phillips - Eric Penner) at the hands of Team Koo (Bon Koo - Bienvenido Caballero), only 18 teams remained.

Another redraw took place for the last two tables, it then took a mere five minutes before the first team got sent home. Team Clarke (Andre Clarke - Michael Corson) ran their ace-jack into the ace-king of Team Pantaleo.

It took a scant 30 minutes to whittle the remaining teams down to the final ten, with both Team Pantaleo and Team Ikeuchi dominating a great deal of the action. It was the latter who would set up the unofficial ten-handed final table after Team Reymond (William Reymond - Ami Alibay) walked into the aces of Ikeuchi to exit in eleventh place and the remaining ten teams moved into the Brasilia Room.

Team Moore (Thomas Moore - Norman Straughn) would become the official final table bubble when their ace-nine couldn’t win against the ace-queen of Ikeuchi.

After 58 hands of nine-handed play, Loni Harwood would be eliminated in ninth place when her queen-jack couldn’t win against the jack-eight of Gabriel Neto. Harwood and fellow teammates Haixia Zhang and Kelly Minkin headed to the payout desk to collect $12,700 to divide between them.

Only seven hands later, Bienvenido Caballero ran pocket kings into the aces of Hiroki Iwata and Team Koo was eliminated.

An hour later, Cord Garcia of Team Levy ran pocket nines into Alex Rocha's ace-king, with the ace coming on the flop.

The hand right after that, Ikeuchi took care of Adam Lamphere and teammates with ace-eight against Lamphere’s queen-ten. Both hit a pair on the flop, but Ikeuchi's was bigger.

Team Neto’s Gabriel Neto ran queen-jack into the ace-trey of Manig Loeser to finish in fifth place.

The final curtain fell for Team Rocha (Alex Rocha - Megan Milburn - Joanne Milburn), when Rocha's nine-eight shove was called by Pantaleo who held ace-nine. Loeser departed 35 hands later, failing to win with queen-eight against the queen-ten of Pantaleo.

After that elimination, Pantaleo would start the heads-up battle with a lead of close to twelve big blinds. It took 60 hands of heads-up play before Pantaleo managed to deal the final blow to Iwata, moving all in preflop with pocket deuces and getting a call from Team Iwata's ace-nine. While Team Ikeuchi flopped a pair of aces a deuce on the river saw the Team Pantaleo rail explode in celebration as Team Pantaleo won bracelets for their home countries of Germany and India.

Speaking on the final table, Pantaleo said: "It was rough nine-handed, no one wanted to bust, but I'm happy we made it."

"What a fight they put up!" added Luther.

Giuseppe Pantaleo - Nikita Luther
Giuseppe Pantaleo - Nikita Luther

This concludes the PokerNews live reporting coverage for the Tag Team Event this year. Stay tuned as the coverage of the other events will continue until the final cards have been dealt at the end of the summer!

Tags: Adam LamphereAditya SushantAlex RochaAo ChenBienvenido CaballeroCord GarciaFrank MarianiGabriel NetoGiuseppe PantaleoHaixia ZhangHiroki IwataJack HardcastleKazuki IkeuchiKevin GerhartLoni HarwoodManig LoeserNikita LutherRyan Laplante